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18-02-2008, 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by KianaKrazy View Post
mishflynn well how enjoyable to go on walks with dogs you can't control, see here i take my dog with me everywhere including the hospital to as she is in a Pet therapy program and an out of control dog wouldn't pass the test, and colliemad toys??sorry i dont get it maybe your trying to be funny whatever this is going nowhere but maybe we can make one more page to make it an even 50

They are enjoyable & he is under control!Thank you so much for your concern! so kind, But not from your way of thinking! thank god!!!!! He works Champiuonship Obedience & is representing Wales at Crufts this year in obedience! there are more ways to control a dog than to stick it on a lead!!!! He thinks his lead is his toy! thats what ive taught him to do.

So no he cant walk calmley on a lead, he can do advanced HW though with no commands at all paces.

Also a large part of our walks are off the lead,so he can enjoy himself & be a dog, with his 100% recall & instant down, Soooooo badley behaved im soooo embarresed to take him out.

My god he jumps about & barks & pulls me because he is excited! perhaps i should punish him...tssst...zap...strangle.... for being so expressive & happy!!!! Poor boy!!!! im sure you do pity him too hes so stressed!!!
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18-02-2008, 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by pod View Post
That's an interesting theory Patch. You seem to be saying that only those opposed to CM's methods have experience and real understanding of dogs, like yourself.

Could I ask that you try to open your mind to accept that there are many different theories and practices within dog behaviour. You may not approve of all of them but that doesn't make the rest of us uneducated.
I`m trying to say that those of us who have worked with severe cases equivalent to those Milan has on his programs, [ those termed as `red zoners` ], have the hands on experience in that level of rehab to see what is so wrong with what Milan does. It shows through the eyes and demeanours of the dogs, its easily recognisable to those who have seen it in dogs of bad mental state causing them to behave in extreme ways, that treating those dogs the CM way is nor appropriate nor gives the dogs the long term rehab that is really needed, not the `quick fix` foolishness.

He also ignores the possibilities of medical or dietry issues being involved, and uses his methods on some dogs which I`m sure don`t need a trainer, they just need treatment from a vet.

Of how many aggressive dogs which he hisses and nips at or rolls and pins has he said ` lets get a full blood work-up to check thyroid levels` , or ` could this dog have a food allergy which is causing te dog problems, or lets make sure this dog does`nt have a physical problem causing pain which the dog is defensively protective of because its been ignored or noticed by the owner ?
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18-02-2008, 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
Patch: if I take on a rescue dog, I will train it in the way that I wish to, NOT how someone tells me I must.
Er - have you ever read the adoption form of a good rescue

I have already rejected buying a puppy from a particular breeder because I had to sign a contract to say that I would castrate him when old enough. I do not believe in castration except for a medical reason, such as monorchidism, and I do not like people telling me what to do with my own animal !
You must therefore reject rescues as neutering is high priority.

If we do rescue, it will be a "difficult" dog in some way or other that probably is not going to be very adoptable by the average owner, so I would take even more umbrage at being told what training method I could or could not use !
You won`t need to get a list of good rescues then, so you may as well just take pot luck at a pound.

A bit like some husky breeders who kept telling me that I couldn't or shouldn't let Hal off the lead, or any husky for that matter. What rubbish ! Huskies are harder to train to recall than most, for sure, but you can train them to not only come back when, say, they have chased off after a rabbit, but to actually not chase off in the first place. It is hard, very hard, but you can do it. I know because Hal's son does not chase muntjac, rabbits, pheasants, or at worst if he does make the break, you can stop him quite easily.
How many have you owned ? I though Hal was a Husky cross. Or am I thinking of a different dog as Hal sired a litter :smt017
Sorry, I digress, the point being having one dog of one breed or crossbreed does not an expert make.

Regarding rescues not telling you how to train a dog adopted from them : Yes they can tell you that if you sign the adoption, rescues retain final ownership of the dogs, adopters are guardians.

If I were to ever put a choker or e-collar or prong on my adopted dogs, [ which would never happen, this is for example only ], they would be reclaimed before you could say `chink the chain` or `press that zapper remote` and their rescue orgs would have every right to take them off me for it as its part of the adoption agreements that such things must never be used on them.

Still, as I said, as you won`t agree to ethical breeders neuter endorsements, or to adhere to how not to treat a vulnerable rescue dog, [ as you specified an `otherwise unhomeable` ], there are always the pounds you can go to, the sort which don`t home check or do temperament assessments or do anything else so long as you hand over a few quid and leave with a dog in tow.
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18-02-2008, 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by KianaKrazy View Post
hey Patch its pretty obivious that you have a problem with any other person's point of view and that its your way or the highway.
Not at all :smt001 I`m more than happy to see people using a variety of methods. Just not the ones based on incorrect theories, ignorance, and cruelty.

And you obvisiouly have never seen wolf packs in real life or studied them or you would know that they act in the same way there is no yelling invovled no beatings just dominance by the leader and that is to keep the rest of the pack in line so they all survive, and the hold on the neck is to represent a dog pinning another down not to draw blood just to hold until the other is in a calm assertive state.
Wolves do not pin - unless its with intent to kill. Watch another wolf program so you can see a subordinate offers submission, an alpha does`nt need to take it
Also, nipping with fingers by humans is not something which fool a dog into thinking that human is an alpha wolf, dogs are just not that thick
Never heard a wolf or a dog hiss either - not from the front end anyway :smt005

Caeser does not use that unless nessecery ,but wait it would be better to let the dog be aggressive and maybe kill a child because its so psychlogicaly damaging to the dog to do what they would naturally do anyways.....come on!
Please find anywhere that I have said its ok to let a dog be aggressive !
I think you`ll find I believe in rehab and training and working with the dogs, not just standing back and letting them get on with causing injury or death, be it to a child, a dog, a rabbit, or anything else.

and if it didn't work why then is he making so much money and is so popular?
Its called the world of TV, its about glitz and fakery. `Illegal immigrant gets the American Dream`, that`s what its about really.

National Geographic has some great wolf DVDs that can educate you on the way packs work because like i said my home is a pack because remember dogs not humans....
No, dogs are not humans, and dogs know humans are not dogs, and nor are domesticated dogs wild wolves in disguise waiting to reap havoc on all living things in a bid for world domination

Oh and you have some of those type dogs.... what aggressive
One of mine would have been described a double red zoner, never mind `just` aggressive, he was out and out violence on legs when he first arrived. Two of my others are also ex-biters.

or are you telling me you would trust them with strangers and children
Like my ex biter who is now as safe with children as any `normal` dog and who all my agility handlers regularly train with because he loves to play and interact with people, a dog who can go from meeting a complete stranger to more than happily doing an agility course with them 30 seconds later ?

and you have recused them and now they have no more behavior problems?
Organisations rescued them except one ex-biter whom I adopted privately.
One will never fully trust humans he does`nt know, [ until he is introduced to them ], and he has every right to be wary, [ how many sickeningly and horrifically abused deaf and partially sighted aggressive dogs has CM worked with - try hissing and prodding at a deaf dog and see how far that gets anyone ].
My other ex-biters ?
Given that they go to companion shows and agility shows and other places where there are hundreds if not thousands of people around them which my dogs don`t feel the need to bite I`d say they do pretty well, yep
[ Use of the term ex-biters being the big hint there ]

Anyways im sure your going to quote things and have a rebutle and thats great because everyone is entitled to an opinion...Right????
Yes everyone is entitled to an opinion - myself included
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18-02-2008, 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by KianaKrazy View Post
almost forgot I have owned Collies and Boarder collies so i know all about them
That`s Border - sorry, it just bugs me when people don`t correctly spell the names of the breeds they have owned, [ sorry to be pedantic, its just one of those fingernails down a blackboard things to me ]

[ edited to add I tend to respond to posts as I get to them, not by reading several pages ahead to see if they have been covered, sorry to have gone over the point again when it had already been responded to as I saw when reading further on the thread, doh ! ]
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18-02-2008, 08:25 PM
So all you people who thing CM is bad, show me proof of dogs that he has "ruined, scared or terrified" and that these dogs have been permanently scarred by him?

Its just your opinion, you dont like him, period! I cant stand the messing with dogs these days, I think its because of the way dogs are treated they are completely alien to the animals that could roam in packs all day, latch key dogs, that NEVER attacked children, adults or other animals! Oh doesnt CM have a pack of dogs like that!
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18-02-2008, 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by Borderdawn View Post
So all you people who thing CM is bad, show me proof of dogs that he has "ruined, scared or terrified" and that these dogs have been permanently scarred by him?
Just watch his programs Dawn, terrified eyes and postures are in abundance
As for how badly scarred they are as a result, he does`nt do follow-ups some time later so the ones fixed with a `temporary quick-fix plaster` tend not to be seen again when the `plaster` falls off, however any of us who have dealt with such dogs have seen it time and time again with our own eyes with dogs which have not had proper re-hab handling offered to them.
Watch his programs with the sound turned down, really concentrate on what the dogs are conveying.

Its just your opinion, you dont like him, period!
Its many peoples opinions, including people with far more knowledge in their discarded fingernails than CM will ever have.

I cant stand the messing with dogs these days,
Dawn, you keep saying that but without actually explaining what you consider to be `messing about`. You gave an example of someone misusing a clicker because of a `behavioursist` who did`nt seem to understand the application so after months of clicking the result was something problematic. That`s not what properly done clicker training is about, it does`nt take months to shape a behaviour with a clicker at all, minutes more like

The clicker is simply to remove the inconsistant tones humans use, so the dog has a marker for doing something right which they can recognise easily and is always done the same way every time. A clicker in other words replaces the human `good dog` praise and all the different ways its gets said, thats all.
Do you never tell your dogs they have done good ?
If you do and you do it vocally then really you are `pfaffing` more than a clicker user

I think its because of the way dogs are treated they are completely alien to the animals that could roam in packs all day, latch key dogs, that NEVER attacked children, adults or other animals! Oh doesnt CM have a pack of dogs like that!
Dawn, the fact that they don`t get to roam in packs is because society says so for all sorts of sensible reasons, so treating dogs like they are wild pack roamers when they live in homes, mostly in solo dog homes at that, is just not realistic. Dogs need to learn boundaries like not eating people who visit and not peeing on the carpet, not how to meet up with fifty other dogs for a free roaming walkabout around town.
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18-02-2008, 10:01 PM
Hey boarderdawn don't even bother with this forum you will get NOWHERE but called a crazy person by some hardheaded individuals, some people seem to think Caesar never does follow ups and that he is STILL an Illegal immigrant and likes to watch his show with the volume down....just look at thier faces and the eyes...comeon are you serious?....really know nothing about him or his techniques or read his book. OR they would know he does always do follow ups, rent the dvd season2 and he goes back to the families from season 1. By the way I am a proud American living the American Dream to the treki,i am not sure why you are bringing Americas immigration issues to a dog forum? Whatever you do Borderdawn don't write back this is the neverending post of whos right and whos wrong run run run far away oh god i now need a tylenol
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18-02-2008, 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by Patch View Post
Just watch his programs Dawn, terrified eyes and postures are in abundance
As for how badly scarred they are as a result, he does`nt do follow-ups some time later so the ones fixed with a `temporary quick-fix plaster` tend not to be seen again when the `plaster` falls off, however any of us who have dealt with such dogs have seen it time and time again with our own eyes with dogs which have not had proper re-hab handling offered to them.
Watch his programs with the sound turned down, really concentrate on what the dogs are conveying.
NO "behaviourist" does follow ups Patch on TV, I cant think of any?

Its many peoples opinions, including people with far more knowledge in their discarded fingernails than CM will ever have.
Yes, but equally as many support him, doesnt make them wrong, nor you right!

Dawn, you keep saying that but without actually explaining what you consider to be `messing about`. You gave an example of someone misusing a clicker because of a `behavioursist` who did`nt seem to understand the application so after months of clicking the result was something problematic. That`s not what properly done clicker training is about, it does`nt take months to shape a behaviour with a clicker at all, minutes more like

The clicker is simply to remove the inconsistant tones humans use, so the dog has a marker for doing something right which they can recognise easily and is always done the same way every time. A clicker in other words replaces the human `good dog` praise and all the different ways its gets said, thats all.
Do you never tell your dogs they have done good ?
If you do and you do it vocally then really you are `pfaffing` more than a clicker user
Or in VS case, allowing a Am Bulldog to accept visitors in "his" house without him attacking them, and her answer was keep it on a lead or muzzle it, yep, great canine understanding there! Even though the dog DID have HypoT AND wFaffing to me Patch, is messing about for weeks on end trying to achieve one thing, i.e getting a dog off the sofa without it trying to rip off your arm! as treated, she never accomplished a thing!

Dawn, the fact that they don`t get to roam in packs is because society says so for all sorts of sensible reasons, so treating dogs like they are wild pack roamers when they live in homes, mostly in solo dog homes at that, is just not realistic. Dogs need to learn boundaries like not eating people who visit and not peeing on the carpet, not how to meet up with fifty other dogs for a free roaming walkabout around town.
I agree its society but do you really think if we all let out dogs out as we once did, they would behave as they used to? Not a chance Patch, they are so far removed in a lot of cases from what dogs used to be its ridiculous and its people that have done it, IMO by treating them as "babies" thats faffing!!

Whatever you say CM, DOES have a large group of dogs consisting of Pit Bulls (ex fighters some) GSD's, malinois, crossbreed, Chihuahua's and every other concievable breed, all living together without issue. Now you cannot take that away from him, NONE of those dogs are in any way scared of him nor appear in anyway unhappy. I say again, Id like to see some of these so called "experts" do the same!

Just today we were invited to a talk by a respected well known "behaviourist" to see how her methods worked wonders on dogs, and yes, all the dogs she will "treat" will be of her choosing, hahahahaha!!!! How great is that!
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18-02-2008, 10:12 PM
A note on the use of a clicker.
We haven't really been inclined to use a clicker before, but with young Cosmo thought we'd give it a go. Now, having used it with him, I would say i don't use it for everything, but when I am teaching a new command, it is amazing. I thought I would play around with teaching him to retrive a set of keys the other day (he's 15 weeks) within 5 minutes he had it... When I first put them on the floor and he went to them and I clicked and rewarded, he looked at me....second time he looked at me with an 'ohhhhhhhhh I get what you want me to do' (at this point all I wanted was for him to go to them...) next time he went to them he pawed them and he flew on from there. He is still learning this, don't get me wrong, BUT within 5 minutes he was fetching a set of keys to my hand. Not bad for a 15 week old pup that had never picked up anything metal before.
I am a convert to the use of a clicker as it can mark a specific behaviour at a specific moment and much as I hate to be one of these people that says 'until you've tried it and seen it you can't know' in this case, it's true, I was a bit anti clicker to be honest, didn't see the point...BUT it's brill. As I say, wouldn't use it for everything but..

Okaty sorry to digress, just wnated to throw that in about clickers.... ; )

You can all carry on now!
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