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10-01-2024, 07:23 AM

Wednesday 10th January 2024

Morning all. Well it is still a tad chilly and dark out. Hope you all had a good evening. I am beginning to wish I had divorced because I think I am going to have a battle on my hands with others in his famly. Hey ho never mind I will whether the storm when it happens. I am made of sterner stuff. Have a good day everyone.
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10-01-2024, 08:31 AM
Morning brenda and all to follow.
Not as cold today.
I had a message earlier this morning Brewster leaves Saturday, his breeder has found him a home and local to her so that is reassuring. Elaine will keep me updated of his progress.
I am not sure whether Elaine and Andy are coming to pick him up or Elaine or his new family.
I am feeling very down today, but when Gorden got up I realise why it has to be done.
Just spent a small fortune yesterday and today making sure he goes with all his vitamins and minerals he has for his joints so he starts off with them on the right footing after that I have no say anymore in his upbringing.
I feel so sad and relieved also that the battles will be over but I will and I know Gorden will miss him terribly too.

How lovely is this.

I emailed the Grove referral asking if they could forward the pelvic x-ray that was done for Brewster when he went for his limp CT scans.

They emailed very quickly so I replied thanking them and said I would be passing them onto the breeder as we unfortunately have had to make the decision to rehome.

I have had a lovely reply form Richard Whitelock the orthopedic surgeon who dealt with us telling me how sorry he is and that it is very unusual for even young dogs to react to the surgery and confinement in such a negative way.

If I wanted to ring and talk to him he would be very happy for me to do that.

What a lovely man.

brenda I hope the battle isn't going to be as difficult as you are thinking. At the end of the day you were not divorced and although not together still legally his wife.
Maybe they are bolstering at you in the hopes you back easily stick to your guns and hopefully they will not want the expense of contesting and back off.

I hope everyone has a good day.
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Sue L
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10-01-2024, 09:53 AM
Good morning Brenda and Lynn

Hope the battle does not come to much as we have said you are still his wife legally as not divorced. Let them send money on trying to prove otherwise

Lynn it is good that he going soon after your decision. I know it is hard but you and Gorden have done your best and given him everything that he needed when he needed it. Just a pity about his behaviour with Gorden.

Lovely morning here but -3 when I went on the school run brrr. Teazle walked and stew in slow cooker before I left. Nothing else planned except to keep warm.

Take care everyone
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10-01-2024, 10:46 AM
Thankyou both for those uplifting words. I will keep battling when it comes to it. Lynn you must not beat yourself up about any of this. Deep breaths as my mum would have said. The sun is shining. Yeah!! and Margaret should be over all things being equal etc. I am off for a swim Barry. No not really. bg!!
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10-01-2024, 11:49 AM
The stew will be welcome on such a cold day Sue.

Thank you Sue and brenda trying not to beat myself up but it's hard trying to work out where we went wrong.
I know we haven't gone wrong It's the circumstances we were thrown into and neither of us blame Brewster for any of this.
If things had been how they should have been he would now be a naughty adolescent learning his manners and we would all be in a much happier place.
I hope he finds that in his new home.
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10-01-2024, 12:15 PM
Good afternoon all

Still freezing out there, but not nearly as cold as it has been the last couple of days so it was our usual run today.

I'm so sorry you are going through this Lynn. The mix of emotions you are both going through right now must be so very stressful. Hopefully, Brewster will settle into his new home quickly and that they are experienced owners who can give the right mix of love and discipline. He's had a rubbish start to life and has taken advantage of all the love and attention given to him. Not his fault, not your fault, just the way it is. Hopefully the new start for him will break the chain
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10-01-2024, 02:56 PM
Chris was thinking of you this morning as you are up in Licolnshire. I was listening to farming today yet again on radio 4 and they were on about english strawberries being grown now in Lincolnshire. Yum.
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10-01-2024, 03:48 PM
There's a wonderful strawberry place just down the road from us Brenda. Pick your own or buy from the portacabin. Boy, but they are lovely. So sweet you don't need to put anything on them.
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10-01-2024, 04:04 PM
Good afternoon all

Brenda Your mindset should be "bring it on" but welcome to the brick wall you will run into.

Lynn Better sooner rather than later as you say as soon as Gorden got up you recalled why keep that in your mind in the coming weeks. You Gorden and Brewster all deserve all best. He will be fine an experienced owner (although I cannot see they could find a better or more knowledgable or experienced than you two) but this time the events have overridden the paper information. Sure these people are right for him as your breeder seems a very thorough person I am sure without the back history in Brewster brain all will be good.
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10-01-2024, 04:07 PM
Sue thought you were not on the school run as your lad was between jobs or have I lost some time there. LOL

Chris Hope you are having a good day and Gary 's social worker is moving closer. When does the new camra get installed?

Griff Bet its as cold at ours as here, bitter stay warm and no more hanging out of windows to move cameras.

Have a good afternoon all off to watch a bit of Judge Judy
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