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19-04-2010, 06:08 AM

Allergic Dog Owners Help; Medication? Tips?


We have just acquired a new Toller puppy to join our Greyhound.

My partner is fine with the Greyhound but appears allergic to the Puppy. Her eye's water and she sneezes frequently, especially first thing in the morning.

What is the best medication to deal with this?
Are there any other allergic dog owners out there that can provide any tips?

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Boxacrazy is offline  
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19-04-2010, 07:10 AM
Petal cleanse shamppo for the toller as it could be the dander/dead skin shedding that your partner is allergic to.

It may be someting like different skin/coat type as the Toller will have longer/thicker hair than the greyhound.

Any antihistamine will be ok for human - but it's better to go for the non-drowsy ones if you have to work/drive.

Is your partner sure it's the dog thou as it could be related to hay fever or even this volcano eruption....which has been going a few weeks.
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19-04-2010, 07:18 AM
Yeah, I'm allergic to long haried dogs, so I got the most hyperallergenic dog I could. Saluki-x greyhound. Fur like fine silky hair and I don't have a problem.

I'd also recommend washing your dog often for a while to see if this helps. If it does, you can reduce the frequency of washing until you reach a happy compromise so you're not doing it too often.

I have a South African friend who has awful hayfever. Back home she could get an anti-histamine injection at the start of hayfever season and it would last her right throuhg. In UK she had to go private but you can get it. Might be worth reseraching if over the counter oral anti-hists are no good.
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19-04-2010, 07:51 AM
Are you absolutely sure it`s the puppy and not just the fact that Spring has suddenly sprung - my son has been sneezing badly for the last week and we have no new animals.
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19-04-2010, 08:48 AM
i would try the petal cleanse - you can treat the furniture as well as the dog.

My son and myself are both allergic to dogs but its much more the saliva so if we get licked we come up in hives, and I have lived with our dog for 7 years and he for 3 1/2, However initially I did have streaming eyes, snotty etc when we first got our dog, I have found my immunity has totally built up over the first year and I didnt have to take antihistimines after a few months.
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19-04-2010, 11:28 AM
my mum was allergic to my last dog, and we got wipes to rub over him. they worked great for her.
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19-04-2010, 12:05 PM
My mum and I are allergic to our dogs but mainly the youngest as we were not so bad before he came. You can buy non drowsy antihistamines - we find "Loratidine" [available from any chemist] to be the best - if you do buy it dont use anything like Piriton with it. You can however use a decongestant with Loratidine like Galsud - ask your local chemist they are good with advice.

Also invest in a Miele Cat and Dog hoover - they are brilliant. Brilliant for the house and car. I had a Dyson before and its not a patch on the Miele.
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19-04-2010, 01:50 PM
Not sure if this is any help to you as you haven't said how long you've had the pup, but I have the exact symptoms you described with all dogs Exactly like hayfever, although I tend to get a rash wherever the saliva touches. I have to build up a tolerance and then I'm fine.

We got Bentley on 21st Dec and i would say by 7th jan (my birthday) I was fine and now have no problems at all. Same thing with our friends dogs, I am now fine with them after multiple meetings.
I was petting a colleagues Jack Russells last week (first time I'd met them) and I came out in a rash and my eyes started itching, even though I own a JRT!!

I simply need to build up a resistance so maybe, fingers crossed, it's the same for your OH
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19-04-2010, 02:01 PM
Can't offer any advice I'm afraid but I did read this article on Terrier World, will be interesting to see if this treatment becomes widely available.

The real hair of the dog: Boy cured of pet allergy after taking medicine made from animal hair

A schoolboy has beaten a deadly allergy to play with puppies - thanks to a 'hair of the dog' cure.

Danny Pearce, 11, is the first in Britain to be cured from his severe allergic reaction to dogs by a new drug made from their animal hair.
A tiny drop of the hair of the dog drug three times a week has helped him build up immunity - and allow him to go walkies with a four-legged friend for the first time.

Danny Pearce, 11, who has overcome a severe allergy to dogs, pictured with a new friend, an English Pointer called Bailey.

Danny was just three when he was clinically diagnosed as having a severe allergic reaction after blacking out whenever he was around dogs.

Danny said: 'I've always loved dogs but I just couldn't touch them. But the treatment has changed all of that - it feels brilliant.

'I'm now allowed to touch dogs and I stroked about 10 dogs over the weekend. I just kept going round to friends' houses stroking their dogs. It is my wish come true.'

Danny Pearce took the drug Staloral, made from dog hair, to help him overcome his allergy

His parents told yesterday how they longed for a pet dog for their family - but realised it could kill Danny.

His dad Jonathan said: 'We decided to have a pup, a Staff cross, and named it Toffee even before we had it.

'A day before our holidays we decided to give Toffee a brief visit to our home and Danny's nose came into contact with his cheek.

'As I took the dog back Danny collapsed and by the time I came back he was on the settee unconscious.

'His eyes were swollen, closed like a boxer after doing 15 rounds.'
Danny lay unconscious for around 30 minutes and only came round in the ambulance on his way to hospital.

The heartbroken family could not give Toffee a home because of the danger to Danny.

Social worker Jonathan and mum Sue, a hospital ward manager, had tests done on Danny's skin - showing his allergies to dogs, horses, cats, grass, and trees.

Jonathan, 40, said: 'He would even get swollen eyes just sitting on the same chair a dog owner had recently sat on.

'Things we took for granted like a walk in the park were impossible as at that time contact with dogs could have proved fatal for Danny.

'The school asked parents not to walk their dogs to school and we were careful where we allowed Danny to go.

Danny, of Tredegar, South Wales, was referred to London-based paediatric consultant Adam Fox.

His family say Danny became the first in the UK to be offered an experimental and unlicensed drug made from dog hair as part of treatment.

Doctors told the family they hoped the drug, which is sprayed under the tongue, would gradually desensitise Danny to his allergy.

But they were warned that the risks meant an intensive care bed would be put on stand-by, in case anything went wrong.

Jonathan said: 'It was a big risk but it was either Danny staying as he was or trying it.

'It was all about quality of life for Danny, and at that time he had no quality of life.'

Despite reacting badly to his first dose, he was soon able to tolerate an intensive course every half an hour over four days.

In a big test held in a controlled hospital experiment, which was filmed in front of TV cameras for a BBC Horizon programme to be shown later this year, Danny was given a taste of playing with a dog.

Danny became violently sick - but doctors realised his reaction was simply due to the stress of the situation. But tests then showed he could now stroke dogs - and two years since the start of the course, he has lived his dream of taking his neighbour's dog Bailey out for walkies.

Father-of-three Jonathan said 'It's made a big difference. This has meant Danny having a life.

'He can go out in the park and play rugby without us worrying.'
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19-04-2010, 04:33 PM
My boyfriend's not allergic to dogs paricularly but he does get very bad hayfever and gets allergic to dust. He went to the Dr and was prescibed oral anti-histamines, a nasal spray and eye drops and it clears up his symptoms completely.
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