Location: South Wales, UK
Joined: Mar 2005
Posts: 18,574
Basic rules - in case they get past the directory:
Sites posted must meet these requirements:
* Your site should have a link back to Dogsey.com or better still have our banner displayed somewhere
(see below for banner code)
* Your site must not contain anything illegal, or anything that animal lovers may find deeply upsetting.
In addition to those requirements there are some things which may mean we cannot allow your site in this section.
- Links to other forums. If your site contains a forum, or a a link to another dog forum, it can't be submitted for this section.
- Links to sites that cultivate a memberbase. If your site, or any links on it to sites requiring or inviting registration are also not allowed.
We have these rules to prevent competitors abusing our goodwill of this section for their own advertising purposes.
Please also note, as this is a forum, if you post a link to your website in this section you are basically inviting comment about it... don't be offended if anyone posts a critique! Like wise, anyone replying or commenting about someone elses site should consider the OPs feelings too. If you haven't got anything nice to say, perhaps you would be better off PM'ing the person instead rather than posting in their thread.
Please check back as these rules may get updated!
Have fun!