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Helena54 is offline  
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26-02-2013, 07:17 AM

Morning - Dogsey Daily Thread - Tuesday

Morning all Dogsey Peops

A very dull, dreary one down south, had some rain, lost the wind, but very dismal out there. That Spring has gotta be somewhere around that corner hasn't it, the birdies and crocus's are telling me so.

Dave went off at 6 am to do his 3 day stint and will be seriously flat hunting if he gets time so I hope he finds one now that he's got the money set up. Even though we had so much on this week-end, Friday being a complete nightmare for us both, lots of people coming round, deliveries, the van to do, it was a great week-end for US, we got on like a house on fire, we talked and laughed the whole way through it all, so some good came of it Blimey, he's even cleared up his little desk he has in the lounge here, and normally, it's just left with all his bits of paper and print outs sprawled about. Hmmmm, better go check he hasn't packed his clothes as well hadn't I!!!!

I have 2 missions this week, one is to find a plasterer for the lounge fireplace which is Dave's next big project, and the 2nd one is.......hmmmmmm It'll come

Got a booking last night, the phone rang at gone 9pm and I obviously thought it was one of those phone calls (cos who else rings you after 9pm!!! ) so I answered it rather curtly then had to change me tune cos it was a nice lady wanting to book the van, which means I am now fully booked until mid-July where I have a couple of weeks, which is good. Best year yet actually, and Dave is still considering buying a 2nd one to put next to mine once he sells his car which is currently on auction on e-bay.

I didn't tell you, but Dave said when he went up to the van yesterday, the little robin flew straight INSIDE with him when he went in it Just sat there on the kitchen worktop Now that little robin I believe is my dear old mum's messenger. He appears every single year when I first go up there, sits on the fence and watches me the whole time. I don't see him again until I close it down. Claire on here who went up there when she had just lost her sister, told me that it was there for her most of the time, everytime she needed comfort, it appeared! It's quite spooky, because the last time she went up there, she was quite disappointed that she only saw it on her arrival, but when she sat in the car to go, she turned around, and there he was, sitting on the gate post staring at her, so she too, knew what it was saying. Daft I know, but it really is quite uncanny how when I need a little bit of help and I ask mum when I'm out on my walk, guaranteed a little robin will drop down on the path in front of me, or fly along the bushes with me for a while, it's very strange, but it works for me

Sorry, been rambling now Hope you're all ok today with no traumas and hope the doglets are full of the joys, so enjoy your day
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26-02-2013, 07:35 AM
Morning H and all

That is uncanny, with us it was an Owl in the daytime, my mum loved owls!

Glad that things are looking up for you, I hope Dave see's a flat he likes soon.

Apart from the usual dogs to sort I have a humungous pile of ironing and a stack of clothed that need labelling for my cousin. I keep putting it off but I will soon be adding to the pile!

Have a good day all.
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26-02-2013, 07:41 AM
Good morning Helena /

Been AWOL for a few days only cought up with the happenings of everyone
Glad the bookings are going so well for you ,and you had such an enjoyable weekend with Dave (they go in far to quickly when there like that )
Loved the story of the little robin your guardian angel
Disasters all round last week
Tue new window in NOT OLD OUT ,NEW ONE WRONG SIZE some idiot measured it wrong another 48hrs wait on replacement
Tue 2 MOT failures 1oh fixable mine going to scrapyard in the sky
Neibours heating oil tank bust 300/400 litre oil flooded our garden (it would have to be ours ) garden ruined and stinks
Can't let dogs out in case the silly so n soes do something daft
84yrold m in law taken in to hospital
So has been a crazy week
Hope everyone is well Dods bright eyed and bushy tailed
All ill or poorly get better soon
Nice morning here off to have a good walk and scream soon
Have a great day what ever your up to
Keep well stay safe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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26-02-2013, 07:43 AM
Morning Helena wet and dreary here too much like my mood.
I love the story about the Robin and think you are right with your feelings about him.
Really pleased to hear you and Dave had a good weekend all the stress must of lifted for him.
If Gorden gets some answers today that all is well and money will be in our account by the first as it should my mood will lift considerably if it isn't going to be in because of someones c**k up once again and that isn't Gorden I may well lose the plot today.
So watch this space.
Was thinking of visiting mum today but in my current low mood not sure it would be a good idea.

Have a good Tuesday all and I hope the weather is better elsewhere in the country. The only good thing is it is likely to be a tad warmer for walking.
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26-02-2013, 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by Norma808 View Post
Good morning Helena /

Been AWOL for a few days only cought up with the happenings of everyone
Glad the bookings are going so well for you ,and you had such an enjoyable weekend with Dave (they go in far to quickly when there like that )
Loved the story of the little robin your guardian angel
Disasters all round last week
Tue new window in NOT OLD OUT ,NEW ONE WRONG SIZE some idiot measured it wrong another 48hrs wait on replacement
Tue 2 MOT failures 1oh fixable mine going to scrapyard in the sky
Neibours heating oil tank bust 300/400 litre oil flooded our garden (it would have to be ours ) garden ruined and stinks
Can't let dogs out in case the silly so n soes do something daft
84yrold m in law taken in to hospital
So has been a crazy week
Hope everyone is well Dods bright eyed and bushy tailed
All ill or poorly get better soon
Nice morning here off to have a good walk and scream soon
Have a great day what ever your up to
Keep well stay safe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Good grief Norma and I thought my day was bad.
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26-02-2013, 08:15 AM
Morning Helena, Norma, Moet, Lynn and all who follow ..... or sneak in while I'm typing this,

Helena - Have you always believed in the 'robin appearing being a loved one who's passed-over'? ...... I read about it fairly recently and since then a robin will appear at the most apt moments.

Moet - good luck getting all your ironing done, I too have masses but with a house-guest it will have to wait and just grow for a while.

Lynn - I hope you hear today. It must be driving you and Gorden mad!

Norma - welcome back - OMG what a week you've had . The oil in your garden is surely going to have ruined it for years? I assume their insurance company will have to dig down far enough to remove every bit of it and then replace all the top soil/lawn etc. Dogs shouldn't walk anywhere near it as it can be absorbed into their paws make them very sick

Our house guest is off to London later morning so will have a while to hoover, dust but more importantly decide what on earth I'm going to cook for the dinner party this evening. I'm usually really well organised but not this time

Drizzly and dull here but apparently it should clear up and be dry later.

I'll drop in later to see how you all are.
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26-02-2013, 08:46 AM
Morning all. I've got lost again - Helena - what's this about your OH looking at a flat?

It's GREAT to read that your holiday lettings are going so well this year. Well done.

Norma808! Dunno what to say! Geez you are NOT having a good time are you? Especially in relation to the oil flooding your garden - nightmare.

[skipping over jennyg and moetmum talking about housework arghh!]

Lynn - fingers crossed the money goes in. I'm a contractor - don't work regular hours or days but DO insist on being put on the payroll for my main 'employer' even though my money differs every month and would get really upset with them if it wasn't in my bank on the 1st or 2nd. Sounds like his job is stressful enough without the added stress of not knowing if you'll get paid in timely fashion.

I'd booked for someone to come trim my barnet this morning at 10. I usually go to the Toni & Guy Academy where they are excellent and cheap too but they are students and they do take hours - sometimes all morning and I've just got too much stuff going on at the mo for that. Anyway she phoned me to cancel at 9.45! Grrrrrr.. Said she can do tomorrow instead - I was so cheesed off that I didn't agree but said I will let her know. I hate being messed about and had purposely taken Bella out later than usual so we'd be back just before she turned up.

Got so fed up with my boss online yesterday that I've told him I am taking the rest of the week off to prepare for moving. It was that or tell him to shove his work where the sun don't shine.

I've got a double bed frame leaning up against the wall in the hall outside my door waiting for someone to help me dismantle mine and swap it over - I'm taking my ortho bed with me.

Owner of my new apartment (in UK) phoned last night and said the huge pool table should now be gone (but I don't think it has) and will now arrange for the excess beds in there to be removed AFTER I move in.

Oh well I will just use the spare bedroom to put everything in until then. Not the pool table - that requires a cherry picker crane to lift it out via the verandah.

Feel a bit like going back to bed and waking up on Friday ready for the move.
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madmare is offline  
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26-02-2013, 08:48 AM
Morning H and all,

Today I feel so rough I think I will just curl up and die quietly.
Take care all.
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26-02-2013, 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning H and all,

Today I feel so rough I think I will just curl up and die quietly.
Take care all.

So sorry to hear that. Hope you perk up later.
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Chris is offline  
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26-02-2013, 08:59 AM
Good morning all.

Those laughing, happy times always seem to come just when needed, don't they, Helena? That day barricaded in your living room, choking to death, seems to have done the two of you the power of good. When we were doing this place up and living in a caravan for 6 and a half weeks, we got like that too. After all, there are times when, if not hysterical with laughter, the other type of hysterics could kick in .

Lynn I do hope that money answer comes today and is what you want to hear. Better still, I hope it turns up in the bank early for you.

Norma, you really are due a change of luck too. All that oil !!! As Jenny said, get the insurance brought into play. It will be years before the ground recovers unless drastic action is taken and it really isn't safe for the dogs to go on any affected areas.

Good luck with housework, dinner parties and ironing (what's that when it's at home?)

Same old for us. Got a load of stuff to go up into the loft when we get back and took a set of drawers to the tip yesterday so we should have quite a tidy house with a little more room by the end of the day

Have a good 'un all xx
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