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19-02-2013, 07:11 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Tuesday).

Morning everyone put the smilie in not feeling much like smiling though today and this is just the run up to the big 8 weeks of Gorden being away.
Why did these two trips have to work out that he would literally be home a day if that then off again. Kazakhstan didn't sound too bad second time around when it was the original plan if going back that they would be there 4 weeks then home 4 weeks.
Everyone keeps moving the goal posts.
I know if he gets the N.Lincs job he will be working away Monday to Friday but he will be in this country a couple of hours and miles away not 8,000 to 10,000 miles away and too many hours away. Will be home for weekends and holidays. Plus I will be working towards moving and back to the normality our lives use to be .
Money should be going in the bank soon from the other work he has done that might help if I can get out to meet friends for coffee.
Oh well in the famous words of Gloria Gaynor I will survive.
Just I think.
Another thing why does Dillon never sleep in anymore it was gone midnight when I went to bed last night after running Gorden to the tube he did another wee and pooh and was still up at 6 this morning has done some barking in and outside and then had a lie-down in the garden and is now in and on the sofa with me.
Very cold out but feels and looks like it may be another nice day. I have heard it is meant to turn colder tomorrow no mention of anymore snow thank goodness and no thank you we don't want anymore.
Gill is popping in to see mum today to see how she is although I am sure if they were worried about her at the home they would ring us and call an ambulance so it is probably just a cold and exhaustion from her viewing other homes when up with Michael last week. Thing is I don't want Gill catching anything.

Pat what a shame about your bed not fitting onto your new apartment.
Sal I do hope now OH has had his plaster sorted he will be in a much better mood.
We can still send frying pans and rolling pins if you need them.

I do hope any poorly doglets or humans feel better today.
(((Hugs))) to any not feeling well.

Just had text from Gorden to say they were boarding so now off to check the flights he will be off the radar for 10+ hours he stops at Frankfurt for another flight then when he lands in Nigeria he has to get an internal flight to the hotel complex. He is going to be exhausted thank goodness he has this evening to rest before delivering the course tomorrow and Thursday then back on a flight home for Friday. Then off again Saturday.

Enjoy your day all and stay safe.
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19-02-2013, 07:22 AM
Morning Lynn morning all that follow

sorry there seems to be such a lot of change in your household Lynn hope you settle soon as does Dillon xx

Here its same old same old, kids on holiday sleepovers and housework.

Cold one this morning here.

Take care folks have a great day
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19-02-2013, 07:29 AM
Morning Lynn, Steph and everyone

Oh blimey Lynn, you've worn me out with Gorden's schedule there, I hope he survives it all, along with you, the stress he has gone through prior to him even getting off the ground was enough to zap anyone! Once he's in Kazak he'll be able to settle more I'm sure and so will you, and the time will fly by, just like it did before. Keep yourself busy, it helps to pass the time, maybe do what I'm doing today and get the paintbrushes out ready for the long awaited sale and you can put it up when he gets back hey? I don't envy you Lynn, because like you say, at least when Dave goes, he's only a couple of hours away and I know it's only for 3 days at a time, but 8 weeks, I might not want him back lol! Come on, it'll all be fine eventually, it's just the getting through it that's the bad bit.xxxx

Well, up early as Dave went off early, zena barked at something, don't know what, most unusual for her unless there IS somebody around (or maybe a cat!). I shall be going out in a min for our walk, it's a very hard frost out there so at least we'll stay clean. When I get back I shall be stuck into painting this hallway ready for Friday's new floor, so won't be around much today on here. Then again, I do get bored with painting!!!

Enjoy your day, looks like another glorious sunny one.
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19-02-2013, 07:51 AM
Good morning Lynn, YoungStevie, Helena and fellow members,

Lynn, what an ordeal these trips have turned in to for you and Gorden. ((hugs)). Dillon may just have got into a 'routine' by waking up early

YS - morning

Helena - Enjoy your walk and do be careful of your back while your painting - I think I have already recognised that you are an 'all-or-nothing' person, so no doubt will paint for hours! That cat of your neighbours I'm sure is on borrowed time but all though I love cats they aren't the brightest of pets.

I'm off now to drop my car in for its service and MOT. I'll call in later after I've walked the boys as well.
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19-02-2013, 08:20 AM
Morning Lynn and all,

Firstly (((hugs))) Lynn. I am sure the time will pass quite quickly, I think all the tooing and froing and uncertaintly of everything before hand makes it all 100 times worse. It is hard though and although I am used to being on my own, just not having Charly and Ash about this week there is those moments when you want to hear somebody as the conversation with Lily is a bit one sided. .

Lovely and sunny out there but my goodness it is cold.
Not much on here today, except work this afternoon. I think I will continue my jobsearch for a more local job thats not going to take quarter of my wages on fares to get there.

Take care all and have a good day whatever your plans.
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19-02-2013, 08:26 AM

Lynn, concentrate on the hopes that the N Lincs job will come up and try not to fret too much about Gorden having to do an almost non-stop world tour to get there. Unfortunately you need the money that these overseas trips bring in so maybe thing of that as a way to keep your heads above water for the moment?

I hope your Mum is OK, ditto Gill. (((hugs)))

Fell into bed "early" last night, ie before midnight - Madam got me up twice in the night but then graciously let me get another couple of hours zonk after I fell out of bed on the way to get her 7am pill, gave it to her [I think I crawled from bedroom to kitchen to back to bedroom on elbows and tummy?].

Neighbour then appeared as soon as I finally surfaced and let Pereg out while I went for a quick scrub and wash - little box of pills in her hand wanting to know what they were as "I am frightened to take them" - I mean heck, has she never heard of asking her doctor [not the one on the Moshav - a different Health Fund but do not ask me why]. Famotidine. "Are they safe?" Umm yes dear, they are safe.

Sun is shining so as soon as I have had sufficient strong coffee to wake me, I'll be off for a tootle around wiv de dawg.

Have a good day everyone.
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19-02-2013, 08:32 AM
Morning all, its foggy and frosty here...Lynn I am sure Gordon will cope with the travel, Dillon may be adjusting to the lighter mornings , do you think

H, enjoy your walk.......and your painting

Have good one folks, and stay safe x
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Lucky Star
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19-02-2013, 08:47 AM
Morning everyone

Aw Lynn, I do feel for you. I would hate it if Steve had to work away all the time. Big hugs, I hope he gets the UK job.

I had a terrible night and am soooo tired. Loki had another fit at 12.45 am, so that's four he's had. He's okay in himself, a bit wobbly and very hungry and whiny so we'd best walk him asap. It's a beautiful, crisp morning so I shall enjoy that.

Have a super day.
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Chris is offline  
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19-02-2013, 09:01 AM
Good morning all.

Gloriously sunny at the moment, by, my word, what a hard frost. Looks like I'll be putting back on the extra jumper I've shed for the past couple of days.

Oh Lynn, your post sounded so woeful . Try setting yourself some tasks for while Gorden is away. You've been threatening to get the house ready for sale so that would be a good 'un to get stuck into. If funds aren't available for materials yet, perhaps starting to sort through the stuff you don't use, but don't want to lose and boxing 'em up. It might make it more 'real' for you that that bright future is just around the corner and lift spirits as well as making the time go by more quickly.

Same old for us. Later walk today as we had to take the computer back that we had repaired last week as they put the 32 bit version of Windows 7 on instead of the 64 bit it should have and it should be ready for pick up this afternoon. Also got to call at the chemist to pick up Dave's prescription, but that's only a small detour.

Heard about Richard Briars yesterday. I used to love his shows - Good Life and the like. He always seemed to be such a pleasant, gentle man.

Hope you all have a good 'un. Stay safe all!!xx
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19-02-2013, 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by youngstevie View Post
Morning Lynn morning all that follow

sorry there seems to be such a lot of change in your household Lynn hope you settle soon as does Dillon xx

Here its same old same old, kids on holiday sleepovers and housework.

Cold one this morning here.

Take care folks have a great day
Morning Steph. Enjoy the same old.
It will be nice to get back to some normality.

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn, Steph and everyone

Oh blimey Lynn, you've worn me out with Gorden's schedule there, I hope he survives it all, along with you, the stress he has gone through prior to him even getting off the ground was enough to zap anyone! Once he's in Kazak he'll be able to settle more I'm sure and so will you, and the time will fly by, just like it did before. Keep yourself busy, it helps to pass the time, maybe do what I'm doing today and get the paintbrushes out ready for the long awaited sale and you can put it up when he gets back hey? I don't envy you Lynn, because like you say, at least when Dave goes, he's only a couple of hours away and I know it's only for 3 days at a time, but 8 weeks, I might not want him back lol! Come on, it'll all be fine eventually, it's just the getting through it that's the bad bit.xxxx

Well, up early as Dave went off early, zena barked at something, don't know what, most unusual for her unless there IS somebody around (or maybe a cat!). I shall be going out in a min for our walk, it's a very hard frost out there so at least we'll stay clean. When I get back I shall be stuck into painting this hallway ready for Friday's new floor, so won't be around much today on here. Then again, I do get bored with painting!!!

Enjoy your day, looks like another glorious sunny one.
Morning Helena. Wonder what Zena was barking at whatever it sounds like she frightened it off.
Enjoy the painting.
Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Good morning Lynn, YoungStevie, Helena and fellow members,

Lynn, what an ordeal these trips have turned in to for you and Gorden. ((hugs)). Dillon may just have got into a 'routine' by waking up early

YS - morning

Helena - Enjoy your walk and do be careful of your back while your painting - I think I have already recognised that you are an 'all-or-nothing' person, so no doubt will paint for hours! That cat of your neighbours I'm sure is on borrowed time but all though I love cats they aren't the brightest of pets.

I'm off now to drop my car in for its service and MOT. I'll call in later after I've walked the boys as well.
Morning Jenny hope the car passes its mot I always get jittery when mine or Gorden's goes in.

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn and all,

Firstly (((hugs))) Lynn. I am sure the time will pass quite quickly, I think all the tooing and froing and uncertaintly of everything before hand makes it all 100 times worse. It is hard though and although I am used to being on my own, just not having Charly and Ash about this week there is those moments when you want to hear somebody as the conversation with Lily is a bit one sided. .

Lovely and sunny out there but my goodness it is cold.
Not much on here today, except work this afternoon. I think I will continue my jobsearch for a more local job thats not going to take quarter of my wages on fares to get there.

Take care all and have a good day whatever your plans.
Morning Bev. I find my conversatuons with Dillon a bit one sided too plus the neighbours must think i'm mad when they hear me chatting to him in the garden. Mind I do that if there is another human here or not.

Originally Posted by Malka View Post

Lynn, concentrate on the hopes that the N Lincs job will come up and try not to fret too much about Gorden having to do an almost non-stop world tour to get there. Unfortunately you need the money that these overseas trips bring in so maybe thing of that as a way to keep your heads above water for the moment?

I hope your Mum is OK, ditto Gill. (((hugs)))

Fell into bed "early" last night, ie before midnight - Madam got me up twice in the night but then graciously let me get another couple of hours zonk after I fell out of bed on the way to get her 7am pill, gave it to her [I think I crawled from bedroom to kitchen to back to bedroom on elbows and tummy?].

Neighbour then appeared as soon as I finally surfaced and let Pereg out while I went for a quick scrub and wash - little box of pills in her hand wanting to know what they were as "I am frightened to take them" - I mean heck, has she never heard of asking her doctor [not the one on the Moshav - a different Health Fund but do not ask me why]. Famotidine. "Are they safe?" Umm yes dear, they are safe.

Sun is shining so as soon as I have had sufficient strong coffee to wake me, I'll be off for a tootle around wiv de dawg.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning Malka yes must hope with all my heart this N.Lincs job comes up.
Sounds like it is a good thing your neighbour has you to ask all these questions what would she do without you ?
Hope you manage a nanny nap later sounds like you mat need one with all this falling out of bed malarky.
Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning all, its foggy and frosty here...Lynn I am sure Gordon will cope with the travel, Dillon may be adjusting to the lighter mornings , do you think

H, enjoy your walk.......and your painting

Have good one folks, and stay safe x
Morning Jackie. Gorden definately copes better than me and I am the one who has the benefit of being at home.
Could be right there about Dillon.On the other hand he could just be a right royal pain.
I hope Millie has had no more funny turns.

Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
Morning everyone

Aw Lynn, I do feel for you. I would hate it if Steve had to work away all the time. Big hugs, I hope he gets the UK job.

I had a terrible night and am soooo tired. Loki had another fit at 12.45 am, so that's four he's had. He's okay in himself, a bit wobbly and very hungry and whiny so we'd best walk him asap. It's a beautiful, crisp morning so I shall enjoy that.

Have a super day.
Morning Linda sorr
Enjoy the walk and I hope he has no more to hear Loki has had another fit.
Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning all.

Gloriously sunny at the moment, by, my word, what a hard frost. Looks like I'll be putting back on the extra jumper I've shed for the past couple of days.

Oh Lynn, your post sounded so woeful . Try setting yourself some tasks for while Gorden is away. You've been threatening to get the house ready for sale so that would be a good 'un to get stuck into. If funds aren't available for materials yet, perhaps starting to sort through the stuff you don't use, but don't want to lose and boxing 'em up. It might make it more 'real' for you that that bright future is just around the corner and lift spirits as well as making the time go by more quickly.

Same old for us. Later walk today as we had to take the computer back that we had repaired last week as they put the 32 bit version of Windows 7 on instead of the 64 bit it should have and it should be ready for pick up this afternoon. Also got to call at the chemist to pick up Dave's prescription, but that's only a small detour.

Heard about Richard Briars yesterday. I used to love his shows - Good Life and the like. He always seemed to be such a pleasant, gentle man.

Hope you all have a good 'un. Stay safe all!!xx
Morning Chris. Yes you are right start concentrate on the move we will be doing hopefully later this year.
I felt sad about Richard Briers too always loved watching any television program he was in.

My was it cold earlier it was brass monkey weather when Dillon and I started out just before 8am. By the time we got home nearly 9am it was warming up the sun was quite strong so the afternoon walk should be more pleasant.
Had a text from Gorden he has landed safely in Frankfurt and his next flight will hopefully be leaving in less than an hour. I hope the lunch is more substantial than the breakfast which was a soft cookie.
This is the long flight now and then when he hits Nigeria (Lagos) he will then be connecting to a flight to Port Harcourt where he will do his whirlwind course and stay till Thursday evening.
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