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Helena54 is offline  
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29-01-2013, 07:42 AM

Morning - Dogsey Daily Thread - Tuesday

Morning all you lovely Dogsey Peops

Dave gone off to work at 6am for his 3 day stint, and I'm determined to pick myself back up, where I belong, and seeing as our new Dunelm Mills opened just up the road yesterday, I'm going to take myself off down there for a nosey around and give the plastic a bit of a bashing. It hasn't had one for a very long time so it's long overdue and Dunelms is my favourite shop.

Nikki, really hoping you have your beloved Tai back home now, and he's making good progress, and I hope you're bearing up, we're all thinking of you and what you've been going through xxx. Hope Michael's tooth is better today Linda I know you are worried about that. Jen, hope Pepsi is back to normal after her vomiting, and Chris I hope Rosie is doing well back on her normal diet.

We had a pretty wild night down south, strong winds and rain, but it's stopped now, so I'll be getting down the beach early to avoid the next lot that's on its way, cos I'm sure will be.

Enjoy your day everyone
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Jenny is offline  
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29-01-2013, 07:54 AM
Good morning Helena and all,

Helena - retail therapy is an excellent idea and where better than Dunelm Mills

A wild night but it is positively warm outside Dogs fed which means I can't take them out for a while, which having just seen the weather forecast its a shame. Rain heading this way shortly.

I hope Tai had a peaceful night.
Rosie is still doing well.
Michael's tooth is OK.
Kyiro is still weight bearing without too much trouble.

And all the poorly peaps are feeling better.

See you later. Another day of de-cluttering the house
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Lynn is offline  
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29-01-2013, 07:56 AM
Morning Helena. Enjoy your walk and the card bashing.
Also the next few days of peace and quiet and not worrying about walking on egg shells.

Jenny I hope Pepsi is better today.
Chris hope Rosie is still dong well.
Linda that Michael's tooth gives him and you no more trouble.
Lots of healing vibes for Tai. I hope I haven't forgotten anyone.
Ooooh Malka hope you are feeling better today.

I have a busy day asking questions from Age Uk about the wording in mums care home contract that Michael has received and is refusing to sign because of the word guarantor it seems when her money gets down to £23,000 they want one of the family or all of us to make up the difference in the amount they will receive from the council.
They are having a laaarrrffff she will need to live another 5 years which knowing mum is quite possible and they will of taken 1/4 million pounds then expect us to stump up our
hard earned cash or homes. I don't think so.
If they will not budge we are going to have to consider assisted living her buying a little flatlet with care or another home that doesn't insist on the word guarantor on the contract.
I thought we had put all the dramas of mums life behind us.
I will also be trawling of part time jobs.
Good news is Dillon didn't wake till nearly 7 this morning and at the moment is quiet.

Take care out there all.
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Rosebud77 is offline  
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29-01-2013, 07:57 AM
Hi there Helena and all

Plastic.. ah a credit card! Trouble is they have to be paid back

Listening to heavy rain here.

Yesterday was one of the Gales of the Century here.

Still shaking; gales and I do not get on because of past events and it is really a form of PTSD with me now and little I can do.. kniited faster than ever though

yesterday was ,,,, there are no words. heavy containers flying around..

When the rain paused dogs loved it out there, Collie has a new lease of life, dancing in circles...

Floods in various places.. today will they say be nearly as bad. Ay me!

So I am behind with posts here and the connection keeps fading... Forgive please!

Need to be out tomorrow for many reasons. Please God it eases.
This is coming in off the Atlantic Ocean

We will survive this somehow. When is the weather going to pick up though...

Stay safe out there

Am seeking a large deep CAVE to live in!
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Helena54 is offline  
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29-01-2013, 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Good morning Helena and all,

Helena - retail therapy is an excellent idea and where better than Dunelm Mills

A wild night but it is positively warm outside Dogs fed which means I can't take them out for a while, which having just seen the weather forecast its a shame. Rain heading this way shortly.

I hope Tai had a peaceful night.
Rosie is still doing well.
Michael's tooth is OK.
Kyiro is still weight bearing without too much trouble.

And all the poorly peaps are feeling better.

See you later. Another day of de-cluttering the house
Morning Jenny Glad you agree, but then somehow I knew you would! (and "thankyou" ) After all your decluttering today, you might need a trip to Dunelms to fill it all up again

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Morning Helena. Enjoy your walk and the card bashing.
Also the next few days of peace and quiet and not worrying about walking on egg shells.

Jenny I hope Pepsi is better today.
Chris hope Rosie is still dong well.
Linda that Michael's tooth gives him and you no more trouble.
Lots of healing vibes for Tai. I hope I haven't forgotten anyone.
Ooooh Malka hope you are feeling better today.

I have a busy day asking questions from Age Uk about the wording in mums care home contract that Michael has received and is refusing to sign because of the word guarantor it seems when her money gets down to £23,000 they want one of the family or all of us to make up the difference in the amount they will receive from the council.
They are having a laaarrrffff she will need to live another 5 years which knowing mum is quite possible and they will of taken 1/4 million pounds then expect us to stump up our
hard earned cash or homes. I don't think so.
If they will not budge we are going to have to consider assisted living her buying a little flatlet with care or another home that doesn't insist on the word guarantor on the contract.
I thought we had put all the dramas of mums life behind us.
I will also be trawling of part time jobs.
Good news is Dillon didn't wake till nearly 7 this morning and at the moment is quiet.

Take care out there all.
Morning Lynn, and oh my goodness I can't believe they can do that!!! Good job Michael got a chance of reading through the whole of the contract, cos remember what happened to me, when I signed mum's in a hurry, and in the middle was the "one month's notice" clause, so when I took her out of there to get her back home, they stung us for almost £4K!!! Can't he put an endorsement on the contract stating that before that happens he will move mum on to another home or whatever you have in mind now for her? They might accept it like that? Just what you don't need atm hey Lynn.xxxx Nail and head spring to mind there when you say "walking on eggshells" here!!!

Originally Posted by Rosebud77 View Post
Hi there Helena and all

Plastic.. ah a credit card! Trouble is they have to be paid back

Listening to heavy rain here.

Yesterday was one of the Gales of the Century here.

Still shaking; gales and I do not get on because of past events and it is really a form of PTSD with me now and little I can do.. kniited faster than ever though

yesterday was ,,,, there are no words. heavy containers flying around..

When the rain paused dogs loved it out there, Collie has a new lease of life, dancing in circles...

Floods in various places.. today will they say be nearly as bad. Ay me!

So I am behind with posts here and the connection keeps fading... Forgive please!

Need to be out tomorrow for many reasons. Please God it eases.
This is coming in off the Atlantic Ocean

We will survive this somehow. When is the weather going to pick up though...

Stay safe out there

Am seeking a large deep CAVE to live in!
Morning Rosebud Better make sure that cave is half way up a cliff then in this weather! Yes, the gales off the atlantic must hit you pretty bad over there as you're the first in line when it hits land, must have been quite scarey for you, I don't like strong winds. The plastic can get paid off when Dave brings us home some hard earned cash so I have now worries

Well, Dave just rang me To check that I was awake and up and ok cos I was still asleep when he left (well, I wasn't really, but I didn't want to say goodbye really, I'm in one of those with him now)???? That's a first!!! Maybe he does worry about me then

I'd better get me skates on whilst it's still dry, but it's going to be very windy down on that seafront but I must get her out even if it's for half an hour.

See ya later
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Chris is offline  
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29-01-2013, 08:16 AM
Good morning all.

******, ****** and ****** again - Rosie has thrown up this morning

Her food increased to half and half yesterday and nothing else was different. I've given her chicken only this morning, but it's looking like we are going to have to go down the elimination diet route. A chat with the vet first to get his opinion.

I do hope all the other poorly dogs are improving

No idea what today will bring - much depends on the weather.

Have a good 'un all x
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29-01-2013, 08:35 AM
Good Morning one and all xxx

Healing vibes to all those doggy's that need it.....and hugs to those humans that need one xxx

Dunelm' favourite shop..... and we have two here so we are really spoilt

Hope everyones day goes well xxx
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madmare is offline  
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29-01-2013, 08:47 AM
Morning H and all,

Pleased to say Kyiro is doing well but Lily has refused her breakfast so I am praying she is not going to start up with her tummy and throat problems again. I really need a break from all these vets visits.

Charly has gone off to Westminster today with the Law society. She left at 5.45am. I got up at 5am for some painkillers because I couldn't sleep as my hip was really painful. I went back to bed again and dozed off till 6.45. Cue me panic as I had to walk the dogs, get the rubbish out and get to Tesco before 8am in case the workman I am expecting today turned up. He is mean't to be here sometime between 8am and 5pm. Needless to say all my rushing and he is not here yet

Chris I am sorry to hear Rosie has been sick again.
H retail therapy sounds good to me.
Lynn I am glad Dillon is being a good boy for you this morning.
Jenny I hope Pepsi is much better today.
Lotes of healing thoughts to Tai
Anyone else with poorly doggies I hope they are soon on the mend.

Take care all and have a good day.
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Meg is offline  
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29-01-2013, 08:53 AM
Good morning fellow members a very wet and windy day.
I have Hannah all day and hate it when we are stuck inside and can't go out.

We seem to have a number of poorly dogs at the moment, I do hope they are better soon.

Have a pleasant day everyone...
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29-01-2013, 08:59 AM
Morning Nechda, morning all

Apologies for not responding to everyone but things here just went from bad to worse yesterday.

After the news about us not getting any mail for the foreseeable future I had a very apologetic telephone call from Effie explaining the delay in getting my computer finally sorted and returned. One of his clients, a major accountant in T/A had asked for advice about backing up all his records - ignored Effie's advice and promptly wiped out all his records - I guess he is not going to be very popular with all his clients. So Effie has been working trying to find a program to retrieve all the lost records - unsuccessfully as the idiot accountant really boogered everything up, so has not had the time to sort out everything on my computer yet, although he has narrowed the faulty hardware down to one of two things. He cannot take both back to his supplier as being faulty as he has to run everything again with each thing individually being checked. Only then can he take the faulty piece back for replacement, install it, do one final 24 hour check to make 100% sure my computer is perfect, then return it to me.

So that was that.

Then I had to get Nir to come and block all round where the soil pipe from the lavatory goes into the ground, and along that wall as either mice were getting through or ants, as sand was coming up and the more I tried to sweep it away, the more it came up. This is the shower/loo room which is my neighbour's responsibility, not my ensuite which is my responsibility, but if I wait for her to "find someone" I will be waiting forever.

While he was on his hands and knees he noticed that the hose that goes from the inlet tap into the cistern was leaking, so that needs replacing. Again her responsibility but things like that I am quite happy to pay for myself.

But the lever tap for that shower needs replacing - or rather the innards need replacing, and even though I no longer use that shower it has to be done. This time I am not prepared to pay for it myself but as I have been asking for it to be repaired for some time now Nir will do it, I will pay him, and the amount is going to be deducted from my next rent payment.

I telephoned one of her sisters-in-law [she and her husband speak fluent English and they are the ones who will have Power of Attorney if I am ever in a position where I cannot manage my own affairs] - and they will both come over to discuss things. The whole plot - both my bungalow and the one my neighbour lives in - actually belong to the whole family, even though I pay my rent to my neighbour. And everything will be sorted.

Anyhow, while he was here I asked Nir about the roof on the ensuite which needs some repair work where it joins onto outside wall - due to subsidence it needs a bit of filling as rain gets under the flashing and dripped down through the ceiling where the cable for the light fitting comes though. I say "dripped" because when the light fitting was replaced [by Nir's electrician friend - he could do it but as he is not a qualified electrician he is not permitted to do electrical work except in his own home] - but he blocked all round where the cable comes through the ceiling so that is OK now. And he will come and patch up the outside probably next week as there is no rain forecast.

Yesterday evening it decided to bucket down and the floor of the ensuite was drenched as now there is no hole from the cable for the rain to come though, it came through where there is a join in the plasterboard ceiling. Another job for Nir to do once it stops raining and everything has dried out.

This morning I surfaced to find that the power was out and the telephones were out - not just mine - it was everyone on this side of the road.

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