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21-02-2014, 06:44 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Friday).

Morning everyone remained dry here overnight lets hope it is a nice dry for us all so the ground begins to dry.
My day will consist of walking Dillon, running the hoover round and popping out for Gorden and Michaels stocks for the week means we don't spend the weekend in supermarkets.

Sally good luck at the vets with Jimmi.
Jenny you must feel liberated having your car back. The silt sounds awful and everything crossed now we get some decent dry weather to dry it out to brush it off so you can recover your lawn.
Helena I hope the bathroom is coming along now and that Zena's claw is still doing well.
Elaine I hope you are feeling better.
Eileen you sound better than last week so hopefully you are over the worst of the mumps.
June I hope you managed a better nights sleep.
Lorraine congratulations but it sounds like even more work for you. I hope Davie's throat is better today.

For anyone I may of forgotten if you are feeling unwell I wish you better soon. If feeling down here's some (((hugs))) the same for poorly doglets too.
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madmare is offline  
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21-02-2014, 06:56 AM
Morning Lynn and all,

Work as usual for me but only till 2pm then its home as man coming to service my boiler.
Tonight I am going down the pub with lots of my friends and there is a live band down there that I have been told is very good. Tomorrow I am sure I will be nursing a very sore head, just hoping its not too bad as have to go and do mums housework.

Its certainly getting a lot lighter in the mornings now which is nice.

Jenny glad you have your car back now and waters are receding. Lets hope its an end to those awful floods for you and everyone else.

Sally hope things go ok at the vets for dear little jimmi.

Hope all poorly people are feeling better today.

Have a nice day everyone.
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21-02-2014, 07:23 AM
Morning Lynn, Bev and everyone

Got problems here with Zena's ear I do remember her suddenly shaking her head and holding that ear down when we first walked in the park, and I wondered whether something might have dropped into it from a bush she was sniffing about under. I cleaned both ears when we got home in the hope that it wouldn't mean a vet visit and everything seemed fine. Then she started again yesterday and it looked red in the flap, and there were big clumps of wax in the crevices which I got out with cotton buds (don't try this at home!) It stayed red in the flap, so off to the vets for some cleanaural, but of course, when that went in she shook her head immediately, so I'm going to have to do that again this morning. Looks like another vet visit for us today, and she always screams when he shoves his instrument into her ear, so I didn't really want to put her through this. Anyway, I'll decide once I've had another look in there.

The mosaics are now up yayyy, they look FAB, but what a palarva with them behind the taps for poor Dave, he nearly lost it, so I had to take over for a bit and make a few suggestions and he calmed down and managed to finish them. Floor's now down too, just the rad to fit, the window to plastic around again, and job done I think, time to move on to the next job lol. Poor Dave.

I'm off up the top again this morning as it's not (yet) raining, although it did chuck it down overnight.

Jenny, brilliant news that you've regained your independence, you'll soon be back to normal and I'm sure everything will recover nicely in the spring, if and when it arrives. Enjoy a lovely day with o/h and the dogs. I had to laugh at you falling asleep when your son was talking to you, Dave does that to me sometimes

Lynn, enjoy your walk with Dillon and getting the house all nice and clean for when Gorden gets back, and have a lovely week-end relaxing together.

Bev, enjoy your night out with the girls, you certainly deserve a good night out.

Sally, hope you don't have to go to the vets with the Jimster, good news about the paws I see.

Well, better get a move on, I'm going to bandage the bathroom taps LOL don't ask!!!!

Enjoy your day everyone.
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21-02-2014, 07:59 AM
Morning Bev have a nice time tonight.
Morning Helena poor Zena hope the ears ok Dillon has that sometimes whe he lays under our hedge. He is a nightmare for letting me near his ears. Lets hope it doesn't result in a vet visit.
I hope the bathroom plays nicely for Dave today and enjoy your walk.
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21-02-2014, 08:52 AM
I thought I would pop on here today. During the storms the fence on both side of my house fell down. I have lost four panels on one side going on for 4 weeks ago at the weekend. It is a housing association house and they were supposed to come yesterday but never turned up. Which is getting beyond a joke as both my neighbour and I have got dogs and there is no divider between us as the fence is lying pretty much flat on my lawn.
On the other side it is a fence that I replaced last summer and the panel next to my house riped away and took the panel next to it as well. But at least that is mine so I am replacing that today which will cost me more money. But is does mean that I can change the panel nearest me from a four foot one to a six foot one. The next will be 5 foot and the rest of the fence is four foot high with some cat proof netting which goes up to 6 foot. Which will make it a bit more private.
Also have got some acupunture today as I have had a bad back and it has ben helping with the shooting nerve pain down my leg (can't spell the word for it) Although as my skin is so stupidly sensitive I have to apply local numbing cream ( EMLA) so the lady can get the needles in. I must look rather clumsy going in as I always have paster on my hands, feet and knee. I would put it on my back but I live on my own and I can see where it goes. So the needle in my back just gets moved from spot to spot each week.

Then it is just taking the dogs for a nice walk. Hopefully if my friend is free we might go together.

Heard from 4 of Hovis's puppies puppy walker and they have arrived safely and are settling in well. Hopefully I will hear from some more soon but I might not.I did hear that 8 passed the puppy assesment and one little shy girl failed it as she just froze so they stopped. She is called Faith and will go on and work with canine partners instead. The y are assesing if the puppies are out going and happy doing thing one there own. So it isn't anything to much it usually involve playing and cuddling and other things.

Hope everyones dogs get better if they are ill and any ill people get better soon to.

Everyone else hope the weather is good with you it seem to be sunny here at the moment.

Ndidi (Sally)
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21-02-2014, 08:52 AM
Morning Lynn. Doesn't sound as if you have too taxing a day, I hope you can take things easy.
Morning Bev hope you have a good time tonight with your friends, sounds fun
Helena 'ere we go again always something eh? Hope Zena will be ok.
Jenny great that you have got your car back.
Sally hugs to Jimmi, hope his paws are ok today
The council have been around cleaning out all the drains around here. They were here until 8-30 last night and again this morning. Does this mean that they are clearing up after the storms or that they are expecting more?
Hope all doggies and oomins are well, see you later.

Sorry ndidi, you snuck in there Nice to see you, hope you are well.
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21-02-2014, 09:00 AM

I think I need coffee and ketchup before actually saying anything as I have yet to surface properly. Must also change keyboards as I have yet another sticking key and some of the larger ones [Backspace, Enter, Shift etc] are extremely wobbly.

I think the meecicles must use them for hopscotch although I do cover the keyboard at night...

In the meantime I hope everyone is well/will be well and has a great Friday!
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21-02-2014, 09:01 AM
Looking at you cartoon there Malka you have already had too much coffee
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Lynn is offline  
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21-02-2014, 09:06 AM
Morning Sally nice to see you. I hope the workmen turn up soon to fix your fence and that your appointment goes well and the dog walk.
Morning Nippy Jenny lets hope they are clearing the drains to make up for not cleaning them regularly before all the flooding. I certainly hope we have no more to come.
Morning Malka.

Its lovely and warm out there just hung some washing out and about to go for a stroll with Dillon if he wants too go.
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gordon mac
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21-02-2014, 09:13 AM
Morning everyone! Hope everything goes well for you all today particularly the buddies with sore ears, paws etc. Here's a thing - looked out of the kitchen window this morning and there in the sky was this yellow shiny thing. As a well trained OH I immediately sought out the counsel of The Memsahib and then abased myself before her awaiting the results of her ruminations. Quite gently, for her, she took my arm and raised me up saying "It is the Sun!" Well I never thought I, fancy us getting some sun up here on t'moors. All this time I had been thinking it was reserved for posh folk down South. Perhaps my mind is playing tricks on me (it can so easily at my age) but when I think back to the summer of '49 when I was but a nipper I think we might have had a day of it then. I knew even then that it was summat special as we weren't allowed out to play out in it unless we were smeared all over with a strange concotion of iodine and olive oil. I cant be sure now wether this was to stop sunburn or ward off the "Evil Eye". It was such a long time ago. Perhaps with the gift of hindsight Good Old Granny could have been a tad odd. So saying I must go now as its friday and that means cleaning out the henhouse and the ferrets. Bye fer now!
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