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brenda1 is offline  
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22-02-2024, 07:40 AM

Thursday 22nd February 2024

Morning all. And just for a change it is.... RAINING. Yeah!! Hope you all manage to get a dry bit somewhere. My daughter in the US OF A has just sent me a pic of one of her dogs with a Sorting Hat on, the one from Harry Potter. It really cheered me up. Have a good day everyone.
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Lynn is offline  
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22-02-2024, 09:29 AM
Morning brenda and all to follow.
It's raining here too, just for a change. (Not).
We are taking Gorden's car in for a service and a clean up of the turbo this morning ready for the work to be done tomorrow.
We are then going onto a garden centre Newmarket way not one we have been to before.

brenda glad the photo has cheered you up.
Good luck with the airport journey today Sue and the aftermath with the children when mum has left.

Everyone else have a nice day.
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22-02-2024, 10:42 AM
Just off to work catch you all later
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griff is offline  
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22-02-2024, 11:12 AM
Morning all
Yep, rain here too Brenda
Hope the turbo gets sorted o.k Lynn
Kazz, have a good day at work
Well, Steve called the dr's, they prescribed anti depressants over the phone....I am absolutely f*cking fuming, he asked for face to face appointment.... just ignored, said he had thoughts of self harm.... nothing, prescribed the first lot of anti depressants he had... which made him unwell, said that people are saying he has something more going on so he needs an assessment...ignored. he got a text for self referral to a mental health service who will be in touch in 7 days....I am absolutely raging
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22-02-2024, 03:22 PM
Total nightmare griff.
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Chris is offline  
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22-02-2024, 06:55 PM
Good evening all

It's raining, it's pouring and has been all day

Up all night with Ted. Sick, sick and more sick. A trip to the vets this morning, a shot of antibiotics and he's much, much better. The vet thinks it's an extreme reaction to the Metacam but obviously we are to keep an eye on him. Both him and me have has a good four hours sleep this afternoon.
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22-02-2024, 07:36 PM
Oh dear Griff what a nightmare.

Chris I suppose because he is so small as well a little imbalance causes issues?
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22-02-2024, 07:50 PM
Evening Kazz I hope your day was a good one.
Oh Chris poor Ted and you, glad he seems to be on the mend now.
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22-02-2024, 08:17 PM
Thanks Lynn my days are alwasy good ones.
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griff is offline  
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22-02-2024, 09:12 PM
Awwwww no! Poor Ted and you Chris
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