Location: March, Cambridgeshire.
Joined: Jul 2005
Posts: 35,787
Good evening everyone.
Not long back from our Freya day, less hyper than last week thank goodness.
Apparently though she is testing Mark and Lauren when out especially Lauren running away like she did last week with Lauren's mum and stepdad.
They have taken to popping her in her cot for a minute or two, sit her on the stairs, she starts playing up and down the stairs, won't stand in the corner and finds it funny when Mark raises his voice.
She has been jumping on the bed and falling off and hurting her head. Plus she has broken Lauren's side of the bed, I believe it's a new one.
I really admire them standing back and letting Joel have an input and allowing him to point out to Freya you will get hurt if you don't do as mummy and daddy say.
She was very good today we went out to Dobbies, she looked at all the toys and didn't ask or have a tantrum when looking that she wanted anything, stayed close by us and was as always very well behaved in the cafeteria area.
I have had my hair done and we have all taken it in turns to read her the pop up dinosaur book we bought her.
Hopefully she will sleep well tonight as we also played in the little park area at Dobbies.
Well done brenda with Churchill and the nail cutting.
griff I really hope you are appreciated.
Sue enjoy the time off.
Chris sorry the dizzies are back and good luck tomorrow although I am sure you or ted won't need it.
We worry anyway.
Kazz take care of that shoulder don't overdo it.