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14-01-2016, 07:34 AM

Daily Thread, Thursday, January 14

Good morning everyone,

Hope you are all fit and well this morning after your antics on here yesterday. Lynn, hope your back is better.

Deag, says I was still a good girl mum even if I did have a bit of fun at the vets.

Brenda, what was that woman thinking of with her dog having a go a Tyto while she stood and let it.

Had a bit of a lay in this morning felt I needed it.

Take care everyone, stay warm and dry and above all safe and well. God bless.
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14-01-2016, 07:52 AM
Morning Moyra and all who follow.
Thank you Moyra after taking an age to get to sleep because of being uncomfortable I have woken up with a back feeling much better than I was thinking it would.
Not sure what the weather is doing today yet but I did think it rained in the middle of the night/early hours.

Housework today and possibly going to the pub this evening next door but one for a catch up about the speeding etc., through the village.

Hope everyone and all doglets are well today.
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14-01-2016, 08:32 AM
Good morning Moyra and Lynn and all.
Another lovely crisp dry start to the day.
Today we are doggy sitting our neighbours Yorkie, while they go to a hospital appointment. Pepsi isn't quite sure about this little man yet but I am sure they will be alright as the day goes on.
Lynn I'm glad your back is a little better today, you take care x
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Sue L
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14-01-2016, 09:04 AM
Good morning

Enjoy your day doggy sitting Nippy I am sure Pepsi will be good with him

Pleased your back is better Lynn but nearly upset my coffee reading how you did it

Hope you have dry weather today Moyra.

Lovely and sunny here. Early frost though as people scraping windscreens Out for a bit of shopping this morning and no doubt the car will take us to the very nice carver we know

Have a good day and stay safe.
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14-01-2016, 09:40 AM
Morning all. Moyra she was more worried about getting wet than her dog. Mind you I would have happily drowned it but there I am a dog lover, hm of some, so maybe not. Anyway I expect I will see her again and give her a wide berth. Pleased to hear your back is better Lynn, nothing worse than back pain. It puts everything out of kilter. Nippy hope the yorkie gets on ok with Pepsi. Sue it is sunny here as well. Hope it stays like it and dries up the rain from last night. Goodness it chucked it down but I was in bed by then and Tyto was snoring his head off. Yesterday I was mentioning stress, well this morning I put the computer on and it decided to do updates which I hadn't asked it to do, took ages so washed the kitchen floor instead and hoovered round. Thats how long it took to update. Machines who'd have them? bg!! Have good day all. Hope LG is better today. And June, no more yappy dog next door?
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14-01-2016, 10:14 AM
Thanks everyone I am rather pleased its better too.

Hope the Yorkie and Pepsi get along ok today Nippy Jen.
Are you borrowing Nippy Jen's and Brian's car Sue ? Will have to train mine to find a nice carvery after shopping in the holidays when Gorden is about.
brenda always something isn't there to stress us out. At least your hoovering etc., is done now I still have mine to do.

It had rained overnight spoiled the nice dry day we had yesterday for drying out the mud. Sort of sleety rain when walking Dillon. Boy its cold out glad I went equipped with scarf, hat and gloves today.
Stopped raining and looks like its brightening up. Have to go down and sort the seats and covers in my car may do that later if it remains dry. Can't let Dillon down there with me he will be in the car then I can't get anything done.
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14-01-2016, 10:14 AM
Very wet night, so wet beds, all cleared up and there's enough dry down for them till I do them late afternoon, when I get back from meeting my friend. Checked weather and it is still saying dry. Another friend on the other side of Manchester has been on the phone and HER forecast says rain Hoping I don't hit it on my way over to meet my friend for lunch.
My laptop usually does updates when I log out at night, Brenda. If you haven't allowed it to do it then it will do it the first opportunity it gets, and yes I have had it doing 20 odd updates, so prefer it gets on with it when I have gone to bed and it is shutting itself down.
Nippy enjoy the carvery, what a lovely car you have taking you out and about like that to nice places to eat. Wonder if there's a carvery pub where I'm meeting for lunch, may look up to see
Lynn, glad the back's a bit better this morning, it takes ages for things to settle though once you've hurt them, so take it easy for a while (I know, sez me)
I think there's someone in next door at the moment, definitely the daughter has been about because she has been at her bedroom window and Mabs has been barking at her, as she's never done that before, so Mabs thinks she needs to be told off. Whether she's doing it to annoy me,or wind the girls up I don't know, but last time I went out to shut Mabs up, I said we've enough barking going on around her without you starting!!!! Not heard the dog for a few days though, I sometimes wonder if it goes somewhere else sometimes, then again unless I'm watching TV I rarely hear it, as I don't have my hearing stuff in. Then again if it is really at top note, you can hear it outside!!!
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14-01-2016, 10:16 AM
Morning all
Yes Moyra, you are right..she was good when the needle went in and that is the main thing and luckily Conor doesn't mind her playing in his room...he is very relaxed and just spends most of the time laughing at her
Lynn, very pleased to hear the bag is much better...enjoy the pub
Nippy, hope the dog sitting goes well....i am sure Pepsi will learn to love him
Brenda, annoying about the updates but i guess if they need doing they need doing
Sue, do you fancy haring the sun around?? we are grey and cold
Hospital this afternoon for me...have at least 2 consultants, have an awful sore throat as well so will have to have another blood test no doubt!
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14-01-2016, 10:19 AM
Enjoy your time with your friend June better late than never as they say.
Oh yes I know what bad backs are like one I had from years ago still gives me gyp some days I know the signs now and work with it.
I think I must have twanged something last night besides my knickers.
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14-01-2016, 11:10 AM
Hm oh knickers!! I bet the next thing will be check your virus updates. Watching a very old film. At least I was but now on here. Ttfn
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