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Littlen is offline  
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02-09-2015, 06:30 AM

New to dog showing.

I am hoping to get some advice ablut dog showing if possible, I am in the UK if that helps.

I am hoping to purchase a puppy later in the year. Where do I start? Ring craft classes seem to be the first thing but then what?

How much work does it entail to get them show ready? Is there somewhere I can find out how to groom ready?

Also, can I take my older dog with me or is it the competing dog only?

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tumbleweed is offline  
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02-09-2015, 07:50 AM
I would suggest a little research first, show and obedience training are different in some respects.

Your best bet is to go have a look at some open/ champion shows first to see what it is all about. There you can ask ( when not being shown) owners where what how and why questions, and then find a good breeder willing to help with your want of showing.
No you can only take dogs to this level of showing if entered in a class
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brenda1 is offline  
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02-09-2015, 08:08 AM
You can take other dogs with you but they go under the title of nfc (not for competition). They normally have to stay in your vehcle which can be difficult if it is hot and there is no shade to be had at times around show grounds. Unless under cover. For me when showing at obedience shows I got the 'bug' after going to a good training class. For breed shows then find out first where your ringcraft classes are and what they specialise in. To start a pup off first it is always a good idea to go to some basic obedience classes first, using words that you would use for that and then also use other words to indicate to the pup what you want. eg. fastish movement round a ring etc. Some ringcraft classes may only do small breeds. Some do all breeds. Ring or email the kennel club for information of classes in your area or ask your vet or local pet shop or sometimes the library has details of clubs etc. Get a good book from the library about your breed of pup that you are buying and also ask the breeder if she minds you showing and for some help if they show their dogs at show level. Hope that all helps. Obviously it does depend a lot on what breed you are getting as to what preparations are needed to make your dog look its best. Also different leads are sometimes used for showing. Good Luck I really enjoyed my time in the ring and so did my dog, some don't though.
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02-09-2015, 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by Littlen View Post
I am hoping to get some advice ablut dog showing if possible, I am in the UK if that helps.

I am hoping to purchase a puppy later in the year. Where do I start? Ring craft classes seem to be the first thing but then what?

How much work does it entail to get them show ready? Is there somewhere I can find out how to groom ready?

Also, can I take my older dog with me or is it the competing dog only?

Find out where the nearest ring training class is to you , go on the KC website "ring training classes" they will teach you how to stand your pup, and ring etiquette and more importantly will teach your pup to accept strangers going over him/her .

How much work you will need to put in will depend on you and your dog,

What breed are you looking at, if its a coated breed then your breeder should be able to help you in what tools /brushes and how to cut/clip /groom your pup.

If you are planning to show then the sooner you start to get pup used to what you want the better, stand him (even if you dont get it right ) every day for 5 mins, get him used to letting you look at his teeth (also get friends and family to look and go over him) when training a pup when I want to look at teeth, i add the word teeth and gently lift the gum, you can carry this on all through showing him, its just a trigger word to let him know you want to look in his mouth.

Your ring craft will also have schedules for all the shows through out the year, start with one or two open shows just to give you a feel for can go straight into champion shows this will all depend on how confident you are.

Taking your other dog with you , that will depend on the type of show you go to, if its an open show you usually can just take them along, but for champion shows , firstly your dog will have to be KC registered because you have to enter them on the entry form along with your other dog, and depending on the show ( look in schedule) you will enter under either NFC (not for competition) or Spectator Dogs.

I think some shows you can pay an entry for NFC on the day , but again you need to check individual schedules.

And depending on the show the NFC dog may either be benched or even benched in a tent outside (on car park ) the show ground, they will be maned by staff to watch them, but you will not be allowed to take the dog into the show.

At some shows you can take them in but will need to buy a pass out to get the dog back out.

Also remember unless you have someone with you or your dog is OK to be left alone on a bench or in a crate while you are showing, it might be better to leave them at home.

Anything else you need to know just ask.
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23-08-2017, 03:22 PM
I have a pedigree Border collie, thinking of showing her, don't know anything about breed showing. i e grooming, how do i get her coat ready for a show. i heard you need a coat to put on her after her bath ? please can anyone help me. what size do i need to buy. how long does she need it on. all help would be appreciated. thank you.
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23-08-2017, 03:28 PM
sorry meant too ask about her ears? do i have to do any thing with them before showing ? thank you.
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26-08-2017, 11:34 PM
Best advise is to go to a show and ask when exhibiters have finished showing their dogs. Having had Afghan hounds grooming does take time but unless it is wet going to a show we never put a coat on our dogs and if it was then a hood and plastic boots, as well as a coat, to stop the feet soaking up from the ground. some even carried their dogs from the car
As for measuring from what I remeber it is dog via the dogs back and best to be fitted /measured in a pet shop.

Ears can and do get matted so carful attention to dematting is a must and cleaned inside with warm water and cotton wool.

Don't forget to use a dog shampoo, not a human one (baby shampoo?? erm dog one better), and best to shield eyes with hand when applying to the face area
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