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Helena54 is offline  
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16-06-2010, 11:38 AM

Our 3rd agility lesson, hmmmmmm

Well, you're not going to believe this one!!!

Started off fine, onlead, doing the weaves, the jumps, the tunnel, dogwalk and hoop, all went well. Then we went offlead after doing a lot of weaves because she's not so good on her left side (that would be ME again then constantly having her on my left, she's using her right side a lot more and it shows up now! ).

Anyhoo, off we went offlead, over the jumps, through the tunnel, up the dogwalk, over to the a-frame and I had her ball in my hand, and by the time we got to that bladdy A-frame (she loves that so much now, she wants to do it when we're not even telling her to!!! ), up we went, got to half way, she got all silly and suddenly realised I had her ball and she wanted it, spun round in a circle, half way up that a-frame then realised she didn't have the ooomph needed to still run, so she scrabbled with her long nails to try to keep a grip got moving again coz I grabbed her collar to straighten her up (she was going to jump off on my side for that blooming ball )I sent her up, up up (which the trainer said was brilliant on MY part, phew!), got to the top, she still wanted that ball, and as she came down t'other side, she started to spin around again so I ran on with it on that ramp to keep her straight and keep going instead of jumping off!!! Oh bladdy hell that was scarey!

Anyways, after that we thought we'd better see what she was like on it again, so we went over and over and over it from both ends, and she just adores it, but she's far too cocky over it for my liking twirls indeed!!!!!

Everything is good, apart from that 2nd jump then, she wants to be with ME and run out from it IN the end, I had to bladdy jump them myself to keep her going so we could do the hoop and the tunnel afterwards, but it works, and I collapsed in a heap when we'd finished, Zena was still full of it, went over to the a-frame again, stood at the bottom and stared over at us until I called her in It was very hot, my face was like a beetroot, and the trainer said Zena did fantastically well again, and so did I!!! I think I did better than her actually lol! She somehow seemed to have caught on too that she is to touch those white markers, don't ask me how/why but she didn't try and leap off any of them today!

Next week we're going to introduce her to the long jump, any pointers for me for that then please????

Oh we're both loving this soooooooo much and MY favourite has to be that dogwalk, Zena zooms off in front of me, it's hard to keep up!!!
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Tupacs2legs is offline  
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16-06-2010, 11:50 AM

shes gonna luurve it an employed gsd
its often one step forward,2 steps back..oh look im an expert mum..oh no im not lol.

i used logs on the ground in the garden to practise the long jump with Tupac...3 to start with,then added more(obviously a different command than for jumps)

can i ask h,how are you traininmg the weaves?(a bug bear with me,grr to the push me,pull u approach lol)..that is my Blue's fav bit of equipment
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16-06-2010, 11:52 AM
I now have this mental picture of you collapsed in a heap on the floor red faced and Zena jumping all over you saying again mum again mum.

Better than a work out at the gym by the sounds of it. Well done too you both I am not sure I would have that kind of stamina. Thats why I have a big ploddy dog. Although it can be a bit frustrating sometimes.
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16-06-2010, 11:59 AM
Oh the weaves she says are good with us! At first I had cheese (always a good idea, even though we don't do treats anymore, we're ball orientated!!) and I held it too low, so I did my back in, until the trainer told me to hold it up near the top of the poles, and although at first Zena was going out far too wide (probably MY fault again?), I've now got the right knack (I'm the problem ya see!), so I keep her really close, constantly saying my weave, weave, weave silly bits, holding that cheese never letting her have it right up at the top of each pole, and she seems to have taken to it keeping nice and tight today from both ends, BUT, she's not as good coming down on HER left. I always have to go in with the first pole on her left though, from either end! We haven't got to the stage where we are running through them yet though we're at a nice, slow pace, but never stopping if you see what I mean? She says it's very good, BUT, for some reason today, she said we have to keep her ONlead for the weaves but nothing else, so we got that out of the way at first, just doing them over and over again a few times!
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16-06-2010, 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
I now have this mental picture of you collapsed in a heap on the floor red faced and Zena jumping all over you saying again mum again mum.

Better than a work out at the gym by the sounds of it. Well done too you both I am not sure I would have that kind of stamina. Thats why I have a big ploddy dog. Although it can be a bit frustrating sometimes.
Oh Lynn, that's exactly what the trainer said, when I could hardly talk, it was sooooo very hot and I collapsed in that heap, I said and to think I've got to PAY for this, but she said it's much cheaper than a workout at the gym! Lol! Meanwhile, Zena had sneaked off to that bladdy A-frame and got her front legs on it!!!! Noooooooooooo I called, not again, I've had enough!!!!
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16-06-2010, 12:05 PM
Aww sounds like you are both loving it!!! I can still only weave on one side, Len will not weave on my right & he's been doing it for 2 years!!.. nightmare!!
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16-06-2010, 12:08 PM
Oh blimey, 2 years Zena does it, and quite honestly, I don't notice any difference, except that she's finding that last pole a tad difficult, i.e. her head is where it shouldn't be, and I have a job getting it round that last pole lol! Only an expert eye could tell not a plebb like me though. Sounds like I'm very lucky in that Zena seems to have cracked it then, but it's going to be interesting to see her doing it offlead I suppose, and I really don't know why we had to stay onlead for it? What's so difficult about it then if you have CHEESE in your hand????!!!!
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Tupacs2legs is offline  
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16-06-2010, 12:35 PM
.. i really prefer to train channel weaves..its quicker and they learn the entery without any issues(and its more fun for the dog)

the push-me pull u method takes longer for your dog to click what it is u are trying to teach them jmo
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16-06-2010, 12:52 PM
What's the difference then please??? I didn't know you were a trainer Or do you mean just with training your own dog there??? I'm so new to all of this, I really don't know what different weaving training is, I never push her or pull her through, she does it all on her own as long as I have that cheese on her nose, what's all this about pushing and pulling then?? I don't want to do something that is wrong for my dog that's all!

These are the channel weaves that I actually go through, this is the actual course I'm training on, so are they right or are they the wrong kind then??

She has told me emphatically, that all her equipment is competition stuff and the same that I will find at any agility show? Now you got me worried, all this pushing and pulling??!!
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16-06-2010, 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
What's the difference then please??? I didn't know you were a trainer Or do you mean just with training your own dog there??? I'm so new to all of this, I really don't know what different weaving training is, I never push her or pull her through, she does it all on her own as long as I have that cheese on her nose, what's all this about pushing and pulling then?? I don't want to do something that is wrong for my dog that's all!
sorry H.. no im not a trainer...but i have a retired agility dog here(which im thinking of unretiring lol) and a couple of my sibes are agility trained..Tupac is a work in progress

push me pull u is just the way i describe that type of weave training...long winded and jerky ..but as said thats just my opinion through training and watching other people train.

channel weave...

i actualy prefer this style..the poles slowly get lifted up and your dog has a great enery and fast weave

toys can be thrown to the end etc to make it more fun too

sorry if im going ot
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