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09-10-2012, 05:48 AM

Using Glucosamine to Prevent Canine Osteoarthritis

(This is from the Whole Dog Journal)

This “nutraceutical” is best used early in life to prevent osteoarthritis.

8My Border Terrier, Dash, and I have been enthusiastic agility partners for about four years. It’s difficult to imagine anything more fun than stepping up to the start line at an agility trial and getting ready to rocket around the course with her! Of course, my friends who work with their dogs in flyball, herding, freestyle, obedience, earthdog, lure coursing, hunting, search and rescue, and more, all feel the same way about their dog activity (or activities) of choice.

It can take years to train a dog and to prepare his body for the physical challenges of competition in these sports. Once he’s ready to compete, the goal becomes preservation of his fitness and soundness (physical and mental), so that you both can enjoy your activities for as long as possible. Preventing injury and, as much as possible, the breakdown of structural integrity that accompanies advancing age is a huge challenge.

In recent years, one nutritional supplement in particular has been embraced by competitive dog owners and veterinarians for its ability to meet that challenge. Glucosamine is the best known and most commonly used supplement for prevention of lameness due to osteoarthritis (a.k.a. degenerative joint disease) – a disorder of the joints characterized by progressive deterioration of the articular cartilage.

The joint’s the thing

For the active dog, mobility is all about the health of the cartilage that forms the protective cushion between a dog’s bones where they meet at the joint. Cartilage provides a spongy, watery pad where the shoulder, hip, knee, elbow, wrist, and other bones come together, acting as a shock absorber between the bones when they are in motion. Like a fluid pillow full of thick liquid wedged between the bones, cartilage consumes the force of the concussion generated during movement.

Cartilage does not have a blood supply; it relies on the motion of the joint to pump nutritive liquid in and out, pulling needed nourishment into the tissue. With age, cartilage can become drier, thinner, and less effective at cushioning the bones in the joint.

All athletic dogs, whether participants in competitive sports or just active participants in life, will benefit from joint protection years before problems might be expected.

Joint problems occur when the rate at which joint cartilage degrades exceeds the rate at which the dog’s body replenishes it. When the supply of cartilage is inadequate for the needs of the joint, bone rubs against bone, inflaming the bone itself and the surrounding nerves, and producing pain and lack of mobility.

Cartilage is a very dynamic substance, constantly turning over and renewing itself, especially in young dogs. So, proper nourishment of the cartilage tissue is important at all stages of an active dog’s life, not just when visible signs of joint degeneration appear.

Many factors can contribute to the net loss of cartilage in a dog’s joints. Hip dysplasia (an improperly formed ball and socket joint in the hip) and osteochondrosis (poor structural integrity, sometimes due to poor breeding) top the list of hereditary conditions. Injuries to the joint as a result of a dislocation, torn ligaments, or even the trauma of surgery may cause cartilage deterioration. Bone “spurs,” or the excessive growth of bone material in the joint, inflame the joint and break down healthy cartilage. Inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases, like Lyme disease, can affect dogs of all ages. And of course, osteoarthritis – the slowly progressing erosion of cartilage due to age or excessive use of the joint – has become one of the most frequently diagnosed health problems in older and highly active mature dogs.

Symptom-relief strategy

A conventional treatment for the discomfort of joint pain in dogs is the administration of pain-relieving non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including aspirin, as well as Rimadyl, Deramaxx, and EtoGesic. These pharmaceuticals temporarily relieve pain but may also produce significant, unwanted side effects ranging from gastric upset and bleeding to liver damage and seizures. All of the NSAIDs have been plagued by reports of serious health problems resulting from their use. But they continue to find a following among veterinarians and dog owners who value their potent and fast-acting pain relief.

Unfortunately, many people do not understand that pain relief drugs may mask escalating joint problems. These products do nothing to heal or stabilize the joint’s destruction; as soon as the drugs are discontinued, the dog again experiences all of the discomfort associated with joint deterioration.

Role in joint health

Joint cartilage contains an element called glucosamine, an essential building block of healthy cartilage tissue and a key ingredient in cartilage metabolism. A naturally occurring compound in many mammals’ bodies, glucosamine is composed of a sugar and an amino acid, which the body uses in the creation and repair of cartilage. Glucosamine molecules have low compressibility rates, which makes them excellent shock absorbers. These molecules also attract and hold water, which makes them great lubricants.

As joints degrade, a vicious cycle begins. When cartilage suffers damage, the joint area becomes inflamed, thereby releasing enzymes into the joint. These enzymes further break down the cartilage and thin the joint lubricating fluid. The absence of healthy cartilage and the thinning of protective joint fluids make joints more susceptible to injury over time. More injuries add to the cycle of joint deterioration.

A “nutraceutical” or nutritional supplement rather than a drug, glucosamine is extracted from shellfish shells (although there is also a corn-derived version on the market). Available in several chemical forms, including glucosamine hydrochloride and glucosamine sulfate, glucosamine helps to improve joint health by supplementing the nourishment of the cartilage with more glucosamine than the body produces itself.

Therefore, adding glucosamine in the form of supplementation essentially tips the balance in favor of the creation of healthy cartilage, and halts the cycle of net cartilage loss due to overuse, injury, or joint disease. The goal is to provide the tissue with plenty of the component the body uses to produce healthy cartilage cells that quickly replace damaged or lost cells. Glucosamine performs this work by creating an environment that supports cell formation and the thickening of joint fluids.

“Every active dog should be on a glucosamine source,” asserts Dr. Chris Bessent, a Wisconsin-based veterinarian specializing in natural treatment methods for performance horses and dogs. She explains that most athletic dogs have healthy joints that have not sustained damage yet. But, active dogs regularly “push the envelope,” causing some joint inflammation that can develop into early joint breakdown. Dr. Bessent refers to mature, athletic dogs that show the generalized, early signs of joint deterioration as “dogs running on four low tires.” Supplementing with glucosamine, she believes, “pumps up the tires” again.

Dr. Bessent recommends taking a proactive approach to joint maintenance and injury prevention starting when an athletic dog is one to two years old. This is a far-sighted approach that may not be appreciated by most dog owners, especially when they see the price tag on some glucosamine supplements.

Selling people on the value of preventive maintenance is difficult, unless they have had a dog with a promising competitive career cut short by osteoarthritis. This is the point at which most veterinarians will mention glucosamine to their clients, but much of the damage has already occurred. However, even in late-stage osteoarthritis, the supplement may improve matters enough to make it worthwhile.

Supplements abound

The pet supply marketplace overflows with all sorts of glucosamine supplements, many containing ingredients that reportedly enhance the positive effects of glucosamine. These supplements come in a variety of forms and dosages, and pricing runs all over the map. Just about every pet supplement manufacturer offers at least one glucosamine product.

Also, many manufacturers add “synergistic” ingredients to the supplement including vitamins C, D, and E; manganese; Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids; and herbs like yucca and alfalfa. Many supplements also contain chondroitin sulfate, which some medical professionals believe aids in holding fluids in the cartilage. Several manufacturers also offer chondroitin sulfate as a stand-alone product of equal importance to glucosamine.

Dr. Bessent has used both glucosamine and chondroitin in her practice for years, and has experienced “huge” clinical successes using glucosamine, and “some” clinical improvement using chondroitin. According to Dr. Bessent, the glucosamine molecules are smaller and probably have a better absorption rate than chondroitin.

Dr. Bessent says that the base product, glucosamine, is really inexpensive – a fact that won’t be apparent as you start shopping; many of the products on the market are quite expensive. However, the most expensive supplements tend to be the combination products. Shop around and chose reasonably priced combination products if you think the added ingredients are appropriate for your dog, but look for pure glucosamine if prevention of joint deterioration is your goal. “The glucosamine is the important part of the compound,” asserts Dr. Bessent.

Although, ironically, it’s no guarantee, make sure the manufacturer provides a “guaranteed analysis” of the amount of glucosamine in each dosage.

The results of tests of glucosamine and glucosamine-combination products conducted by, a firm that provides independent test results and information to help consumers and healthcare professionals evaluate health, wellness, and nutrition products, were released in November 2003. Of 49 products they tested, four contained much less chondroitin than the products’ “guaranteed analysis” stated. Shockingly, two pet supplements contained no chondroitin whatsoever – None! Zip! Zilch! – despite the labels claiming contents of 87.5 to 750 mg of chondroitin content.

Our recommendation is to look for a product with a guaranteed analysis, and then to contact the company and ask for proof of third-party testing or verification of the analysis.


In cases where dogs have medical conditions that preclude supplementation with glucosamine, chondroitin provides a treatment alternative. Most commonly, these conditions are as follows:

• Dogs having trouble with bleeding – Glucosamine may increase blood clotting times in dogs, so dogs with bleeding problems should not take glucosamine.

• Dogs diagnosed with diabetes or at risk for diabetes – Glucosamine is sugar-based and is not appropriate for diabetic animals.

Again, when choosing a chondroitin supplement, look for a product with a guaranteed analysis; then, contact the company and ask if they have third-party testing or verification of the analysis. This sort of reporting sounds extreme, but for a pricey supplement, given for a long time, it’s necessary to make sure you get your money’s worth.

Delivery and dosage

There are several common delivery methods used for glucosamine supplementation: pills and capsules, powder, liquid, and intramuscular injection. Dr. Bessent deems all of these methods acceptable.

When an owner plans to use an oral glucosamine supplement, Dr. Bessent recommends a dosage level higher than she would use in an injection to accommodate some of the degradation that takes place in the dog’s stomach during digestion. Intramuscular injection gets the glucosamine into the bloodstream without traveling through the “acid pit” of the stomach, so she administers lower dosages of the injectable products. Pills and capsules that degrade properly in the stomach offer the same bioavailability as powders and liquids. Dr. Bessent recommends administering oral glucosamine supplements in the following daily dosages:

• Dogs 5-20 pounds: 250-500 mg
• Dogs 20-45 pounds: 500 mg
• Dogs 45-90 pounds: 1,000 mg
• Dogs more than 90 pounds: 1,500 mg

Use chondroitin supplements in the following daily dosages:

• Dogs less than 80 pounds: 900 mg
• Dogs more than 80 pounds: 1,800 mg

Dr. Bessent says she has been impressed recently with clinical results using d-acetyl glucosamine, a form of glucosamine given by injection. This supplement is not produced by pet supplement manufacturers and cannot be ordered from a catalog, but must be compounded by a veterinary pharmacist.

For many years Dr. Bessent has relied on Vita-Flex (, an oral glucosamine supplement in powder form that she advises her clients to add to their horses’ and dogs’ food. For dog owners, check out the equine section of the Vita-Flex Web site, where the pricing is more attractive than for most “pet” supplements.

When determining the cost of glucosamine supplements, consider the following:

• Compare the cost per daily dosage of each product, not the cost per ounce or tablet. The milligrams of glucosamine per ounce or per pill vary by product, so calculate the cost of the appropriate daily dosage of each product for your dog’s weight to find the true cost of administering it.

• Make sure the dosage amount you must give your dog each day is reasonable. Some products require giving a large dog as many as eight capsules 2-3 times a day. Who wants to do that?

For Dash and her younger brother, I currently use Platinum Performance® Plus ( as their daily, all-purpose supplement. A high quality wellness and performance product, the Plus formula adds a joint support component in the form of glucosamine sulfate at 500 mg per tablespoon.

Fifteen-pound Dash’s daily dose of Platinum Performance Plus (about two teaspoons) contains about 330 mg of glucosamine. I plan to either supplement this dosage with Vita-Flex to adjust her to the daily 500 mg level recommended by Dr. Bessent, or use the original Platinum Performance formula and add all of her glucosamine from Vita-Flex.

-Lorie Long is a freelance writer and agility competitor from Virginia. Her most recent article for WDJ was “An Introduction to (Sports) Psychology,” January 2004.
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jeagibear is offline  
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09-10-2012, 06:12 AM
Very interseting Smokey. I wonder how many people knew that you can Not use it on Dogs with Diabetes ?
Very interesting.
ps. There are those words--Amino acids, again. That was what you queried in that product, i used for Jeager!!
Thanks again for sharing.
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Fivedogpam is offline  
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09-10-2012, 07:09 AM
Thanks for that SB. I have my eight year old collie on a supplement and have been considering extending it to the other three, one of whom is just coming up to a year old and just starting his agility training.
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GirondeDeb is offline  
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09-10-2012, 07:22 AM
Thanks for this. The bit about guaranteed tested levels not actually being guaranteed is a bit alarming.

That aside, assuming we are dosing our dogs with the levels we think we are, I wonder if you can have too much of a good thing. I give my older dog Fortiflex, Green Lipped Muscle and a VetVits Flexijoints every day. I will have to add up how much glucosamine and chondrotin I am (theoretically) giving her. If it is more than RDA, will she just expel it, or can it cause problems?
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Paul Boland
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09-10-2012, 08:44 AM

My name is Paul Boland and I am a vet in the U.K. I have two practices and have used a variety of Glucosamine and Chondroitin based products for ten years. I specialise in natural health products and use these as first line treatments in my practices.

The article from the Whole Dog Journal is very good and has some relevant points. To answer the question on levels. Essentially the nutraceutical industry is unregulated and although many brands state they manufacture to GMP (Good Manufacturing Process) the standard I would advise is to buy a product thats manufactured to the relevant medicinal body. For example I would always buy a product thats manufactured in facilities licensed by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate.This is a very easy way you can be sure of safety and active levels.

I have developed my knowledge through painful experience and have had so many issues with certain brands that I actually have my own now. As you can imagine my reputation is very important to me and I need ensure my clients get the best possible products. [link removed]

I have attached an article I wrote on Osteoarthritis below. I hope this is useful.

Natural alternatives for Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis affects both human and animal populations in huge numbers. For example it is the most common joint disorder in pets and it’s estimated to occur in over 2 million cats and dogs. In humans, the two major factors that contribute to its continuing growth are the steadily increasing age of the population and the continuing problems western societies in particular are facing with obesity, which results in more weight on the joints and increased wear and tear. In animals, and in particular dogs these two factors are just as relevant, however another major factor is the genetic propensity of certain breeds to develop osteoarthritis. Genetics also seems to have a factor in the development of osteoarthritis in humans however the genes have not been identified. Other factors that affect the incidence of osteoarthritis are gender, nutritional deficiencies, and previous joint injury.

What is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a progressive degenerative disease that can affect joints concurrently. It mostly affects cartilage which is the slippery tissue that covers the ends of bones in a joint. If the cartilage is healthy the bones can glide over each other and any shock is absorbed by the cartilage and surrounding fluids. The progression of osteoarthritis results in the top layer of cartilage breaking down and wearing away. The bone under the cartilage rub together causing pain, swelling and loss of movement in the joint. Regional muscles may atrophy, and ligaments may become lax leaving the joint unable to support weight. The shape of the joint can change and bone spurs may grow at the edge. Bone or cartilage can break off and float in the joint space which causes further pain and damage.

Cartilage loss is a normal and essential process in healthy joints and is replaced at the same rate the tissue is lost which means overall the joint and surrounding structures remain the same. A joint with osteoarthritis however loses cartilage faster than it is replaced and this results in the degradation of the joint.

For the rest of the article I predominantly talk about osteoarthritis in relation to animals however this is just as relevant to people.

Traditional approach to treating osteoarthritis

The first line of treatment normally involves NSAIDs with COX 2 inhibitors used to reduce the risk of GI bleeding. Despite widespread treatment with these agents these approaches do not slow down the disease process and as with all drugs they have a wide range of side effects. I personally nearly lost two of my own dogs due to GI bleeding. The other alternative used is surgery however I will not talk about this in the article as I believe that this should only be used as a last resort.

Natural approach to osteoarthritis

I always implement non-drug therapies initially. An holistic approach should include looking at all the relevant factors including weight control, exercise management, physical therapies and increasing animal comfort. I have also had great success in using natural remedies containing Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulphate, anti inflammatories and anti oxidants.

Signs of osteoarthritis

Animals can not verbally tell us they have pain or where the pain is however they can tell us in other ways and there are many signs that the owners should look out for. The signs may include lameness, tenderness, stiffness, locking and swelling. These signs may become more evident after a period of rest following exercise. A dog may also bite at sore joints due to the pain or become more aggressive or irritable. The first and most visible sign you notice may actually be differences in how the dog plays or how long it takes to rise in the morning.


Extra weight places abnormal pressure on joints. The problems associated with increased weight are proportional to the quantity of excess weight so even small losses can reduce the signs significantly. I structured diet or weight management programme is essential


The temptation is to stop exercising an effected joint however this results in muscle loss. The more muscle is lost the more the joint becomes unstable. Adopting a sedentary lifestyle can lead to increased weight gain which exacerbates the problem further. I would recommend a regular, gentle and moderate exercise regime which should help to maintain mobility and reduce the chances of the joints stiffening up.


Orthopaedic beds distribute weight evenly and reduce the pressure on joints. They can provide good insulation and support and make it easier for animals to get out of bed. Ramps and steps can help an animal whilst maintaining a warm temperature at night time. Providing a jacket when outdoors can also help.

Natural alternatives to drugs

Most natural alternatives to drugs have conflicting and confusing clinical research to prove / disprove their efficacy. The merits of this research would take more than one article to discuss so I am purposely not going to detail any particular study. I am in a very lucky position however that I have been using these products for many years and have seen for my own eyes the beneficial effects of using natural alternatives to drugs. My opinions on these products are drawn from my own personal experience and rightly or wrongly I find this experience far more conclusive than many studies that have been published.

Structure Modifying Agents


In an ideal world the best treatment for osteoarthritis would be one that rebuilds the joint to a normal and healthy state. There are certainly no drugs that can achieve this. Many researchers now believe glucosamine may be able to do this. Glucosamine is an amino sugar and is a glycosaminoglycan (GAG). These GAGs are a major constituent used in the formation and repair of joint cartilage. Glucosamine in particular is required for the synthesis of the glycoproteins, glycolipids and glycosaminoglycans which are found in the tendons, ligaments, cartilage and synovial fluid. GAGs are highly charged and acidic and attract large amounts of water which produces a gel-like matrix. This gives connective tissue and joints resilience after compression and also reduces friction between bones, tendon, and cartilage.

Chondroitin Sulphate

The most abundant glycosaminoglycan in cartilage is chondroitin sulphate and its responsible for the joints articular resiliency and protection of the underlying bone structures. It maintains the high water cartilage and synovial fluid content and is thought to protect the cartilage against degradation by inhibiting the action of the enzyme leukocyte elastase.

Anti Inflammatory Agents

There are a large range of natural agents that may act as anti inflammatories. These include Capsicum, Cats Claw, Devils Claw, Ginger, Boswellia Serrata, Phellodendron, Stinging Nettle and Turmeric.

Two of the most exciting anti inflammatories I have used to great affect are Boswellia Serrata and Turmeric.

Boswellia Serrata is also known as Indian frankincense and contains a compound called boswellic acid which seems to have anti-inflammatory activity by inhibiting lipoxygenase and leukotriene synthesis. It is also thought to decrease GAG degradation and cartilage damage.

Turmeric’s major active constituents are curcuminoids, including curcumin. Itis thought to decrease inflammation by inhibiting COX-2, prostaglandins and leukotrienes.


Capsicum is also known as cayenne pepper and is widely used. The constituent part capsaican is the compound that makes the peppers hot. It is a powerful irritant and creates a feeling of warmth or burning. It is used topically and whilst I find it a good alternative in human joint pain I would not use it for animals as there is a tendency for them to lick the sore joint and many animals don’t react well to putting an irritant on the skin.

Ginger, Cats Claw, Devils Claw and Stinging Nettle are all used in a very limited way when looking a joint pain management. My experience of these is limited and although the research I have read on these products seems promising I need to continue to work with these products to see if I see any specific benefits.


Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is found in all living cells and catalyses the conversion of toxic superoxide to oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. This action is believed to prevent oxygen-related damage to body tissues, including joint disease tissues. It would appear that antioxidants will not prevent the occurrence of osteoarthritis although they may slow the progression.

Ascorbic Acid is a well known and very powerful antioxidant. It is an essential component of the body’s production of collagen with type 2 collagen being a major constituent in joint cartilage.

Zinc is a component of nearly all cells and is an essential micro mineral component of enzymes. Some of the highest concentration of zinc are actually in bones. It acts as an antioxidant through the prevention of free radical formation and is also thought to make manganese more bioavailable.

Manganese is an essential component of the enzyme superoxide dismutase.

How to take these natural alternatives

All of these materials are available singularly and in the past I have given these powders to the animals under my care separately. This was time consuming and was not very practical as my clients found this difficult to mix and administer at home. Natural products work in a cumulative way and need to be taken every day so coming to my surgery every day is not very practical.

I have always found that ingestible tablets are the best way to introduce these materials into an animals diet. This improves compliance over other options. Products with these ingredients can be bought from a wide variety of suppliers however I have yet to find one that encompasses all of the these ingredients. This has led me to develop a formulation which encompasses all of these ingredients into one tablet. It is the only product on the market that contains a combination of antioxidants, modification agents and anti inflammatory agents and is called JointNatural I did this so that my clients can see the benefits of all these products in one dosage format. This can be found on my website if you are interested. [link removed]

Paul Boland BVSc MRCVS
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jeagibear is offline  
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09-10-2012, 03:56 PM
Thank you Paul, that brilliant information. I used a product caled MOBILISE DS. From london.
Each capsule contained:
Glucosomine sulphate 500mg
Chondroitin sulphate 200mg
Methylsulphonylmethane 100mg
Cayenne 10mg
Vitamin C 30mg
Manganese 2mg
Amino Acid 16mg
Magnesium Stearate BP 10mg

If it is, i used this for Two or Three years, with my German Shepherd Dog. It was absolutely Brilliant
If it has the same "Powers" as MDS. I would recommend it to anybody.
Manganese 2mg
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Ben Mcfuzzylugs
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09-10-2012, 04:08 PM
Its interesting but like everything there are always studies saying the opposite

Last things I saw about this in humans was there was no evidence of these when consumed actually remaining intact in the digestive process and making its way into the joints - and at best the pills were providing a painkilling effect
But that was a while ago - I stopped looking into things from then and decided to give up on any suppliments

Are there studies to support suplimentation with increased fluid in the joints?
Also can dogs get these things in the diet?
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Ben Mcfuzzylugs
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09-10-2012, 04:14 PM
Interesting reading
But so far studies have not shown conclusively that glucosamine helps repair or grow new cartilage, or stops cartilage from being further damaged. Glucosamine is often taken with chondroitin, another supplement thought to be effective in treating OA. Like glucosamine, chondroitin also has conflicting results in studies.

Read more:
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Paul Boland
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09-10-2012, 05:37 PM

With regard to the efficacy of these products the nutraceutical industry is still very new and it takes a lot of money and time to develop proper trials. The usual argument against nutraceuticals is the placebo effect however I have been using these products on animals for ten years and the animal doesn't know what I am treating it with. I have seen too many cases of the animals getting better to believe the products don't work and just as importantly how can an animal understand the placebo effect. The way I view it is everytime someone buys one of these products they are undertaking there own small trial.
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Paul Boland
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09-10-2012, 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by jeagibear View Post
Thank you Paul, that brilliant information. I used a product caled MOBILISE DS. From london.
Each capsule contained:
Glucosomine sulphate 500mg
Chondroitin sulphate 200mg
Methylsulphonylmethane 100mg
Cayenne 10mg
Vitamin C 30mg
Manganese 2mg
Amino Acid 16mg
Magnesium Stearate BP 10mg

If it is, i used this for Two or Three years, with my German Shepherd Dog. It was absolutely Brilliant
If it has the same "Powers" as MDS. I would recommend it to anybody.
Manganese 2mg

That looks like a good formulation. The only thing to look out for when deciding on a formulation is the quantity of Chondroitin. Chondroitin is roughly 6 times more expensive than Glucosamine and is by far the most expensive part of the formulation. Many brand owners decide the reduce this to lower levels and introduce other cheaper ingredients to diguise this. You should always try and look for a formulation with as much chondroitin as possible.
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