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Dee2uk is offline  
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12-01-2008, 07:08 PM

Help!! Star still barks at other dogs

Hello all.

It's been 2 months now since we got Star a GSD from rescue.He is great in lots of ways except his constant aggression towards any other dog.We were told this at the rescue and have tried the usual methods,i.e.turning him the other way,(not as easy as it sounds tho),a firm shout with a tug at the lead.We have started him at classes for maybe socialising and being taught ourselves,but cannot comment yet as he has only been the once so far.
My reason for asking here is that I am thinking of using a muzzle when taking him out just so that he can run around and not have a go at any dog that just looks at him,and would like your comments/advise on this.It will be sad that he wouldnt be able to run for his ball,but my oh and me just dont know what to do,and thought that this way when a dog approaches he will see that they mean no harm and eventually learn.Right or wrong,Id be so grateful for any advise given,thank you.
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Schapiro is offline  
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14-01-2008, 12:44 AM
What kind of aggression is he showing? Snarling? Biting? Lunging?

A muzzle might be a good idea, but make sure that you put it on him a bunch at home for a few days before you bring him near any dogs so he has some time to get used to it. If you put a muzzle on him for the first time there, it might confuse and stress him out, which may cause him to be aggressive towards the others-and even though he won't really be able to harm them because of the muzzle, it might cause a few to be aggressive back, and that wouldn't be so good either.

So if you use the muzzle, I'd put it on him while at home. If he fusses with it, wait until he calms down completely to take it off or he may get the message that if he fusses it will result in the muzzle being removed.

Has he been aggressive towards any dogs off of lead? Perhaps it is an on-lead aggression? I would take it one dog at a time, with a muzzle on. Be aware of signs of aggression-raised hackles, tall stance, alert ears, tail up, putting his head on the other dogs back, etc. And be aware of other dogs doing this to him as well, as this can cause issues.

If it's a large group of dogs that are off lead, make sure to coax him into it. Don't let the dogs all rush up to him at one time and immediately start sniffing and invading his space. Take it very slowly.

Just my advice, I hope things work out for you guys. I'm sure with time, patience, and lots of work, things can be okay.
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Hali is offline  
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14-01-2008, 08:23 AM
I agree with Schapiro - might be useful if you think it is fear aggression. Random on here recently tried this with her weimy with great success.

Just to add to Schapiro's comments, try to find another owner(s) who's dogs are very laid back and who will not be that bothered about Star or his reaction. If you introduce the wrong dogs, it could end up really back-firing as he could be even more scared.

It is of course important that he says you are calm and confident in these situations.

Just one other thought - if it is fear aggression, be careful at training classes. I'm not saying don't go, but do make sure that he has a good comfort zone - don't let too many dogs get too near him all at once - if he doesn't seem entirely comfortable, think about sitting at the back with him so he can see what's going on and get more used to it.

Finally, if it is just out and out aggression rather than fear aggression, the above comments won't apply & I'm afraid I haven't had sufficient experience of it to suggest anything.
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Sandymento is offline  
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20-02-2008, 04:59 AM
So is the general response to give a firm "no" and snap the leash...telling the dog that his behavior is not ok? And how do you read a dogs body language to decide whether it's fear aggression?
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Leema is offline  
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20-02-2008, 07:11 AM
I strongly recommend Emma Parsons' book "Click to Calm" for aggression issues.
I am working my way through "Control Unleashed" by Leslie McDevitt - and so far so good there, too!

Both books were recommended to me for my dogs' on lead aggression. We are working our way through some of the strategies at the moment.
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