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22-04-2021, 06:31 AM

Sunny Day chat Thursday 22nd April 2021

Morning everyone, lovely sunny morning so going to take a stroll up to my old stamping ground Lancing Manor. That's if my back holds out. Hope you all have a good day. Take Care
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Sue L
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22-04-2021, 07:45 AM
Good morning Brenda and all who follow

Enjoy your walk Brenda and hope back is ok.

Please pass on my best wishes to Helen Lynn. I used to enjoy her posts

Lovely morning here. Have to pop to the chemist and will then mow the lawn.

Hope all are well. Stay safe.
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22-04-2021, 08:22 AM
Morning all garden change was laid out yesterday did not like it as it ruins/distorts the eye line LOL so step 2 took place stop sit down have a cup coffee and watch the space until a plan forms and it did.

Not fancying today got to move some old BS 3x2 slabs mega heavy.......ah well as long as I do not
A.; Sweep
B Mop
my sciatica should be good it is that sort of rocking motion that seems to aggravate it like mad in fact looking at going to the garden centre and getting I think its called a swan neck shovel or at least checking them out. So waiting for my paracetamol to kick in as achy already from yesterday.

Lynn Next time you speak to Helena say Hello from me why did she stop using the forum did I miss something and pass on my Love for the passing of Zena.
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22-04-2021, 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by brenda1 View Post
Morning everyone, lovely sunny morning so going to take a stroll up to my old stamping ground Lancing Manor. That's if my back holds out. Hope you all have a good day. Take Care
Hey that sounds brilliant; enjoy.
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22-04-2021, 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by Sue L View Post
Good morning Brenda and all who follow

Enjoy your walk Brenda and hope back is ok.

Please pass on my best wishes to Helen Lynn. I used to enjoy her posts

Lovely morning here. Have to pop to the chemist and will then mow the lawn.

Hope all are well. Stay safe.

Sue.......Sue Are you alright you only listed two thing for today.................
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22-04-2021, 08:43 AM
Morning all
I don't have anything exciting planned for today....I might go and get some herbal tea bags other than that........ nothing!!
Steve finishes today for 9 days....he has to paint the new fence, I chose the same colour paint as here as he suffers with depression I thought instead of dull brown or green, I went bright blue, when you look out of the window on a dull dreary day, it's still nice and bright, his neighbours will have a fit lol
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22-04-2021, 09:11 AM
Morning brenda, Sue, Kazz, griff and all to follow.

Lovely warm sunny day here today, so we popped Dillon in the Dillonmobile and went to the HMP Whitemoor prison nature reserve. It is lovely in the Spring we have only done the Autumn so far and beginning of March.
Now everything is in bud or flower and a sunny day makes a glorious walk.
Popping out later need a few bits and some treats for Dillon.

brenda enjoy your walk.
Kazz do be careful moving those heavy slabs . I also think sometimes you need to live in a structure or sit in a garden to get a better idea of what works.
griff hope Steve likes the paint colour.

I will pass on the all the lovely good wishes to Helen. She will appreciate them you never know she may decide to pop on now and then for a chat.

Stay safe everyone.
Sue a not so busy day for you today.
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22-04-2021, 09:58 AM
Lynn, he said he liked the Colour of the fence here so he better had at the cost of it!!! It's 2.5l and it was on offer at £18.... it's usually about £25. I don't like being the same as everyone else and that goes for Steve's house too, I have had to take the label off the paint as when the neighbours ask what colour it is....he won't be able to tell them lol, I get a bit annoyed with them, I should be flattered that they like my taste but it bugs the hell out of me! I got him a new sign for his house as they had new cladding, they asked him where it was from...he said I had got it and it was online, within the week I turned up and 2 houses had got similar....they couldn't get the same as they won't spend the money....I got him a lovely solar light for out the front and I told him he was not under any circumstances to tell them where it came from as I would be properly raging, I guess the only good thing is that the paint is very expensive and I know his neighbour was telling him he could get 8 litres for £12 so I can't imagine they will pay out for the stuff Steve has.
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22-04-2021, 05:11 PM
Excitement delivery of natural dog treats arrived......ewwwwwwww
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