Location: U K
Joined: Jan 2010
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Tear Staining
Sorry to bring this up again, thought folk might be interested in this
For quite a while now I had our boy on RC - he has did well and thrived on it. I was getting complacent
A few weeks ago I discovered another "hot spot", I know folk will disagree they can be food related however in our experience I feel it is very much related. At the time I changed him onto RC it was a toss up between it and Pro Plan - RC came out slightly lower in fat than PP which is why I choose it. Have since been informed that PP has slightly less oil than RC. However hot spots are sore things and rather than risk more we did a change over to ProPlan.
Now it is amazing in the difference with tear staining. Before he had heavy staining, so much so I was cleaning it every day and using vaseline smeared along the stain lines. The staining has dramatically reduced and that is after only one week
It remains to be seen what will happen regarding hot spots, time will tell as far as they are concerned however I really cannot get over the difference in tear staining
Incidently we feed our boy on the "light" diets, not because he is heavy but because of the fat/oil contents less oil/fat in their diet appears to have helped the itchy skin problems. However as we are only at the start of the "growing" season I will defer a final opinion until well into the warmer weather regarding itchy doglets