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17-05-2013, 06:09 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Friday).

Morning everyone. A bit dull here today and a lot of cloud up above so it wouldn't surprise me if we get some rain, in this part of the world anyway.

Not a lot on here today the usual tidying up downstairs as I did through upstairs yesterday and the laundry basket is almost empty. I am glad I did the washing yesterday in case as the weather man predicted it rains as the washing dried and aired on the line yesterday.
I do have POG to watch when I get back from my walk with Dillon this morning. I am looking forward to that plus 24 hours in A&E.

Still feeling in my twitchy mood but I have a feeling I may well do till we know the outcome of yesterdays interview and that could be Monday or Tuesday or possibly even later than that.
Gorden felt the interview went as well as it could but he has got himself into the mind set that he will most probably fail even though he knows he can do the job and he feels he came across well.
Its killing me inside to see him in this state of mind an intelligent hard working man thrown onto the scrap heap and the the ones who don't care still being protected I thought this was meant to stop. Look at what poor Helena and Dave are having to live with at the moment.
He did see two other jobs advertised but one was Northumberland and we both love it there but 297 miles away from family and friends is just a bit to far for me as was Wales and Scotland.
I don't mind a couple of hours traveling either way give or take the odd half hour here and there but you have to draw the line somewhere don't you and 4-5 hours is the line for me anyway.
There was no news on mum yesterday either so I am not sure if the younger of my brothers wasn't able to visit after all. I will ring the ward today but I expect they won't tell me much over the phone they never do.
Gill is also feeling the effects of this second dose of chemo yesterday when I text her. She will be upset as she had been doing so well after the first dose and was hoping that she may get through this lot easier than last time.

Chris I hope your mum is in less pain now and heals quickly.
Jenny I hope your son is better today after the fright you all had yesterday. Fingers crossed it stress not that that is good but it is better than some of the things they were testing for.
Bev I hope Charly is coping ok without Ash and with her exams. I know you will be busy again today as it is your day helping your mum and dad.
Lorraine I hope you are feeling better and less tired today and that things with your mum ease soon.
Malka that da - booger behaved herself last night.
Pat I didn't see any mention of any breakages yesterday so hopefully they are all out of the way now for this year anyway. How did your chat with Moneth go ? Maybe you haven't done it yet.
Helena I hope that letter is winging its way to the waste of space and he can now be ejected without any more concerns to you and Dave.
Sally I saw the lovely picture of the cuddly squidgy puppy. Seems hard to believe Dillon was like that once.
It does make me all broody for another bundle of fluff but realistically I know that is not possible so will make do with photos plus Dillon keeps me on my toes.

I hope I haven't forgotten anyone if I have apologies I will catch you later in the meantime wishing those I may of missed better very soon.

Have a nice and a safe Friday.
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madmare is offline  
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17-05-2013, 06:36 AM
Morning lynn and all,

Yes its mum and dad day today and apart from walking Lily I have been and done their shopping. I have to leave at 8am to take Charly to uni for her exam before heading over there. Apart from their housework I also have to get mum to the opticians for an eye test (she has glaucoma) and Dad to the doctors for a breath test. Before I come home to walk Lily and get off to work I am hoping there will be enough time to meet my son and pop to the new house and measure the fencing I need.

I am feeling absolutly exhausted at the moment, but tomorrow I have to leave home at 7am as Lily and I will be working all day on the Greyhound homer stand at the Hadleigh Show and Sunday we have a greyhound walk, so if I don't have time to speak to you all in the morning I wish you all well for tomorrow too.

My house is a tip I have had no spare time this week to do anything so must try and fit in some housework after work tonight.
I alaso have an abcess on my gum which is affecting all the left hand side of my face, I have managed to get a dentst appointment Tuesday morning to deal with that.

Lynn I do sympathise with you and Gordon, trying to get a job these days is a soul destroying process. I really hope he gets this one and it can be an end to your toment.

Better dash, hope everyone else is ok and you all have a good day.
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17-05-2013, 06:45 AM
a beautiful sunny morning.
Morning Lynn, hope you feel well today. I think I would be twitchy if I had all going on in my life that you have The problem now is that you have so long to wait for any news. Chin up chuck

Bev, you are another one with so much going on. I don't know how you all manage. Hope you get some time to yourself.

I haven't heard from Paul yet today, I didn't want to disturb him too early.
We are off out again later, maybe another photo opportunity!
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17-05-2013, 06:54 AM
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning lynn and all,

Yes its mum and dad day today and apart from walking Lily I have been and done their shopping. I have to leave at 8am to take Charly to uni for her exam before heading over there. Apart from their housework I also have to get mum to the opticians for an eye test (she has glaucoma) and Dad to the doctors for a breath test. Before I come home to walk Lily and get off to work I am hoping there will be enough time to meet my son and pop to the new house and measure the fencing I need.

I am feeling absolutly exhausted at the moment, but tomorrow I have to leave home at 7am as Lily and I will be working all day on the Greyhound homer stand at the Hadleigh Show and Sunday we have a greyhound walk, so if I don't have time to speak to you all in the morning I wish you all well for tomorrow too.

My house is a tip I have had no spare time this week to do anything so must try and fit in some housework after work tonight.
I alaso have an abcess on my gum which is affecting all the left hand side of my face, I have managed to get a dentst appointment Tuesday morning to deal with that.

Lynn I do sympathise with you and Gordon, trying to get a job these days is a soul destroying process. I really hope he gets this one and it can be an end to your toment.

Better dash, hope everyone else is ok and you all have a good day.
Morning Bev and breathe. I hope you manage to find some time for a rest in between all you have to do today.
In case we don't see you tomorrow have a lovely time and I hope the sun shines all day for you.
Good luck to Charly today.

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
a beautiful sunny morning.
Morning Lynn, hope you feel well today. I think I would be twitchy if I had all going on in my life that you have The problem now is that you have so long to wait for any news. Chin up chuck

Bev, you are another one with so much going on. I don't know how you all manage. Hope you get some time to yourself.

I haven't heard from Paul yet today, I didn't want to disturb him too early.
We are off out again later, maybe another photo opportunity!
Morning Jenny I expect it is taking a lot of self control not to ring your son just yet.
Oooooh yes please more photos if you get the chance they always bring a smile to the face.
Have a lovely day out and hoping the sun shines for you.
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17-05-2013, 07:19 AM
Morning Lynn, Bev, Jenny and fellow members,

Lynn - Hopefully today you will settle and feel less twitchy, although it really isn't surprising what with everything that is going on in your life at the moment. ((hugs)).

Bev - Another 'flat-out' day for you again. I hope your parents are in good form and you do have time to visit the new house and do all the other things you have planned. Tomorrow should be nice and relaxing as I think you enjoy the 'greyhound rehoming' stand. I believe tomorrow the weather should be OK .. fingers crossed.

Jenny - Enjoy your day with your visitors and I hope you get to speak to your son later to put your mind at rest.

I'm hoping to cut the grass but it will need to dry out considerably before I can. Other than that, housework, shopping and dog walkng ... of course.

I hope this day is good to you all. See you later.
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17-05-2013, 07:20 AM
Good morning everyone. Lyn, hope you will be able to put the worry of the result of Gordon's interview to the back of your mind, hard I know but it will not change the outcome so try not to worry too much. I know what you mean about wanting another puppy there is no limit to what we want when we see the little bundles of fluff. I watched POGD last night and you do fall in love with some of the poor little scruffs he has on there. Got to take Amber for a walk she is asking to go. Catch up with you all later.
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lore is offline  
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17-05-2013, 07:27 AM
Morning everyone,

I hope Gordon gets the job Lynn, goodness knows he's trying hard.

Today I'm going to take my books upstairs and get going on the exam assignment, I didn't get a chance to do it last night and OH is asleep on the couch. But first, once Davie goes to school an extra wee sleep. Was up late last night so pretty tired.

Hope everyone has a good day
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17-05-2013, 07:30 AM
Morning Lynn morning all
Bright sunny day today lets hope it stays that way
Sorry to hear your still feeling twitchy today Lynn with all that's going on just now I'm not surprised hugggge hugs from me n the muppets ,everything still crossed re gordens job
Already done a days work super woman ,good luck to Charly re exams ,parents appointments go ok
Enjoy you doggy weekend
Do hope your sons feeling better today ,enjoy your outing n hope the weather stays kind
Woke up this morning to something hairy next me ,all 3muppets on the bed ,most indignant when told OFF NOW
Same old same old today
Hope the sun shines for everyone today what ever your up to
All poorly people n doglets get better soon
Take care stay safe
Sorry if I've missed anyone ,
Hugs to everyone who needs them xxxxxxxx
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Gellygoo is offline  
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17-05-2013, 07:54 AM
Morning all

Weather all dull and miserable here today, but at least there's no rain.

A day of cleaning the house for me I think , after a hectic day with the twins yesterday.

Have a good one everybody
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17-05-2013, 07:54 AM
morning all. Bella continued with the 'breakage spree' where I left off. Popped into my neighbours and she was still on her stretch out lead - they had a 'grecian urn' thingie on the floor and she managed to get the lead round it when she flew over to greet the husband. It toppled slowly but surely sideways onto the tiled floor and well - smithereens!

I don't think dogs feel 'guilty' however I did feel a bit bad about it!

Overcast earlier so we set off with me in lightweight jeans and long sleeve top. Was a damp wreck by the time we got back.

Sun is out now. I am going to do a bit of work online and then lie out in it and ponder ideas on how to bomb and baby proof this pad before my youngest son arrives out here with his wife and the FOUR KIDS on the 10th August.

Moneth called in. I sort of 'switch off' when she starts talking now. In fact I stop her telling her I just can't 'keep up' with all her different stories and reasons etc.

Her current situation is that she still owes 100 from March rent (but if she starts paying regularly we will let her off that) and still owes this month's rent.

Regarding her request for a rent reduction - I explained (but don't think she understood) that she has effectively awarded HERSELF a rent reduction. She paid no security deposit (300 saved) she paid 100 short for March (400 saved) she hasn't paid for May yet (700 saved over and above what she would have had to find if she'd paid her deposit and paid her rent in a timely fashion).

She's been here a year - 700 divided by 12 equals more than the 50 a month reduction she was asking for. So, if she wants her rent to be reduced 'officially' she will have to find a security deposit, pay the arrears, bring it up to date and start paying at the beginning of every month and THEN we will talk about it!

My hope is that she bluddy moves out - there are cheaper apartments in the vicinity (but not as nice) but I doubt she will as she will have to find a deposit for a new flat and also a month's rent to start off too. If she can't find 300 to pay her rent for this month where's she gonna find that much?
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