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06-11-2016, 07:30 AM

Daily Thread, Sunday, 6th November

Good morning all, Sneezing again this morning hope it is not another cold on top of the last one.

I hope all the dogs survived last night, Poor Rosie I think she was the only one to be really upset.

Brenda you are doing well with the rescue dog. His new owners obviously paying attention to what you tell them.

June, you've just got to love Zen's audacity, I love the way she tries it on with the others, not that it gets her anywhere.

Glad Lara wasn't too phased by the fireworks Harvey.

Amber's leg seems ok this morning, will watch her when she is out on her walk.

LG, I imagined you wouldn't be too close to anywhere with fireworks but if the dogs like a nice fire crackling away then there is no reason to think they would be too bothered with them.

Norma hope yours and Bumblesnout in particular were ok last night.

Have a good day all stay warm and dry, very cold here, and above all please stay safe and well. God bless.
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06-11-2016, 08:52 AM
Morning Moyra and All!

Sorry to hear about the cold Moyra - hope you feel better soon!

Well,what a night last night with Ben!! Mike is away at the moment which means that he will always be a bit unsettled, but he was an absolute nightmare last night! He is now absolutely obsessed with the sky, and keeps howling to go out so that he can gaze upwards in the hopes that some fireworks will magically appear! He woke me up in the middle of the night and I had to take him out into the back garden to show him that the sparkly lights were just stars!! What is he like!!

It is a gorgeous day today so should have a good bonfire night in the village which will keep him quiet hopefully! I don't know what has made him so fixated this year - he has always enjoyed them, and going to bonfire parties, but he's never been this obsessed!!
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06-11-2016, 08:56 AM

St Catherins Palace Russia
One of the places we went to on last cruise

Good morning all

Lovely bright sunny day here at the moment. Nothing exciting happening yet. Last night the big event was watching the street lights go on, there was very little home fireworks going off
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gordon mac
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06-11-2016, 09:29 AM
Morning all - Cold and grey here to follow a night of heavy frost, on the bright side, at least afew really heavy frosts will help with the thining out of a slug population that this year as seemed to be getting out of control, every cloud etc!
Nikki perhaps as Ben is of the northern breeds he has an atavistic hankering after the aurora borealis and fireworks is as close as he can get?
Moyra - do so hope that you aren't getting yet another cold - the blasted things make you feel quite wretched so an extra helping is more than you would volunteer for. Perhaps a good dose of Vit D would help. My maternal grandmother used to take a tablespoon of Scotch in her first cup of tea of the day, swore by it and strangely I can never remember her having so much as a sniffle!
My lot have had an hour out galloping about like fools and have now retired to their beds, All that is except Danger Curls who is lay along the arm of my chair, shiny, black button eyes watching me tap out this missive.
Have a good day everyone - stay safe and warm, it's bye fer now!
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06-11-2016, 09:51 AM
Good morning Moyra Gnasher T/Weed and all to come
Oh Moyra hope it's not another cold no time at all from your last bout hugs
Gnasher strange what obsesses our dogs at times muppets not at all fazed by the fireworks think they were disappointed last night as only about 30 mins worth here
T/Weed ditto the fireworks lovely pic
Do hope all those with distressed doggies have recovered and there's no repeat performance tonight
Big hi to TW Griff Sue Lg Losos hope alls well with you all including doglets
Lynn Nippy hugs to you both and now things are on the up n up
Really snell wind today brrrrr
Dogs walked things put back to normal well what constitutes as normal here lol
Hubby off to do some feeding yeaaaa so a man free lazy day
Do take care what ever everyone's up to
Stay safe xxxxxxx
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Sue L
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06-11-2016, 10:08 AM
Good morning everyone

Hope its not another cold starting Moyra and just a case of sneezing only.

Poor Ben such a disappointment not to have all those pretty light in the sky all day and everyday

Have an easy day today Gordon I think you have been doing to much of late. Just enjoy ambling around with the dogs.

You too Bumblesnout don't find to much to do.

Hope all scared dogs and other creatures are ok today.

Lovely and sunny here after a hard night frost Quite cold when I took Teazle out and had to dig my winter coat out. Veg for lunch prepared and will have to go and help Barry in a minute as he is blowing leaves but other than another walk later on nothing planned. I am having a me day

Have a good day and stay safe.
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06-11-2016, 11:37 AM
Barry - you have a very good point there! A deep genetic desire to gaze into the north sky to watch the aurora! After all, with a dollop of recent wolf in his make up, I am sure this is perfectly possible! His wild ancestors must have been fascinated by the northern lights, just as humans were. It does seem to be the lights from the fireworks, not the bangs and whistles, that are triggering his obsession!! He will have a whale of a time at the bonfire tonight - I will try and take some footage on my phone, but being dark it may not be any good.
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06-11-2016, 12:09 PM
Hello everyone,
Was up early this morning cos Luryn has to go to College to help with the animals. Rather her than me - it's freezing out there - brrr, so me & Rosie walked into town with her, took mum in law her papers & then had a good wander about and came home for a hot cuppa & breakfast.
Rosie ended up sleeping in our Room for the night, about 1.30am was the last time we heard a firework- so inconsiderate I think.
I've had a slow roast beef joint in slow cooker since last night, smells gorgeous
Sue enjoy your me day
LG think DC is just keeping an eye to see hat you typing about her
Gnasher think you need some disco lights for Ben
Have a good day everyone
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06-11-2016, 04:56 PM
Very cold here today, wind is cutting. Not a murmer from the girls all night, our fireworks seemed to end about midnight.
On the way to training with Zen I passed the bonfire at one of the pubs and that was still burning.
We have uncovered that Zen is scared of strangers, I mean really scared. What we decided to do today was to swop dogs round so they all got used to being handled by someone else.
My dog came with me, but the opposite was not true of Zen, she, slipped her collar and came racing back to me. Never even knew she could do that so put her back together again, handed her back and I saw her do it, on her hind legs, boxing, quick twist and away she was just going to do a few laps of the field and I shouted at her, and straight away she came to me. She got herself in a right state, shivering and shaking, so that means interesting times ahead. Unbelievable,I know she is pretty attached to me, but that is extreme. Its either her coming into season, which she's still not done, but she is like on Cloud 9 and very much on her toes, or she is over reacting and getting herself hyped up about nothing much in the scheme of things. Its got to be sorted because she can't go through life acting like this.
Swapped some bones for chicken feet with Mischka's mum, they are defrosting now, so we'll see what they think of them
Came home, got the beds down and cleaned up. Distributed the last of Zen's chicken treats to everyone, and they are all waiting for their tea now.
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gordon mac
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06-11-2016, 05:36 PM
Bit quiet on the old thread today.
June - Not surprising as she is part of a pack set-up where she knows her place and what to expect from life - so looks like you've got your work cut out there, could be quite problematic. Hopefully she won't progress to aggression - for this is what I suspect happened to Fagin (that and the fact he is only ever handled by me and lives with three bitches). Doesn't bother me in the slightest but some would find it impossible to cope with him.
Mandy - that beef sounds excellent - bet it's been eaten by now so it's too late to come round with a plate! lol !
Oh dear! Danger Curls has just shot past the door carrying a dead squirrel and she is pursued by the lurchers who in turn are being whipped in by the Mem.
Problem sorted - Dead squidgy is retrieved from erstwhile dingoes and has been put in the bin. The Mem although mumbling is not too badly affronted, seems the only one really annoyed is Danger Curls, who I imagine had stolen the squirrel from Gypsy who caught the critter in the wood about 2 hours ago. She will if you leave her to it carry something home, which I did, but seems DC nicked it when she put it down and made off with it - doubtless with the intention of doing a bit of shake and throw it up in the air - a game of which she never tires.
Apologies to squirrel lovers out there - but it was, in mitigation, a grey one and they are terrible robbers of songbird nests (both eggs and fledgelings) really just a big rat with a fuzzy tail. They get very short shrift round here.
Will be back later - hoping there will be more folk about by then.
P.S. The new Sir David Attenborough prog is on at 8pm - really looking forward to it. He is to me an incomparable presenter of natural history and given his age can't be going on for much longer.
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