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24-05-2013, 06:20 AM

Morning - Dogsey Daily Thread - Friday

Good morning all Dogsey Peops

Things are looking up, so the smilies can come back. Huuuuuuge massive congratulations to you and Gorden for him landing his job You for your patience and to Gorden for his perseverance and capabilities of clinching it! So, so happy for you Lynn and I hope you celebrated big time last night I'm sure Dogsey can't take ALL the credit, but I'm sure those vibes helped.

Couldn't get on here last night at all cos my telephone suddenly turned into the hot line last night, I had no less than 5 phone calls all on the trot Loooooong ones too! One of which was Dave's, and although he had problems, it sounded like he had been sorting them out before he comes home tonight.

I have booked a Sunday lunch at a lovely country pub where allegedly they are usually booked for 3 weeks in advance or more, but when I rang, she said she had just had a cancellation for this Sunday for 2 at 12 o'clock, so I took it. Whilst Dave wasn't over excited about it he said to book it if that's what I wanted to do. I am going to use this opportunity of trying to relax him and weedle out of him what is going on in his head, and I will do my utmost to make sure I think very hard first before opening gob to say anything. It'll be make or break that's for sure, my mind is now made up, the air needs to be cleared and this barrier taken down which has built up inbetween us, but I'm sure if he's given the chance to took calmly to me, he'll feel a lot better. Whilst I have good friends to offload to, he has nobody except me, so he needs to offload everything, and if I am the problem, then ces la vis (sp?) hopefully I can do something about it, like shut up lol!

Thinking of you today Sally, with the visit to your dad this week-end and although I won't be around much, what with Dave home and the van to do tomorrow, you know I will be thinking of you and hope the visit goes how you want it to (((((hugs))))).xxxxx

Jenny, hope those boys of yours have dry rear ends this morning, and that the skip is on order for o/h (well, not literally for him, but for his long overdue clearout). Ever thought about putting him on that hoarder's programme? I watched that last night and wondered if our o/h's would be like that if they didn't have us Not only will I have all those other snap on boxes and tools brought back here if Dave sells his garage, but the thought of 7 years of paperwork really worries me Goodbye garage then

Chris, hope everything is slowly coming together for you with your mum and Gary.

Moyra, hope your back is improving along with Steve's.

June, ouchy, your poor finger there It might be an idea to sit with it dunked in a glass of iced water, it will give you some relief and take down the swelling. I hope you don't have to end up at A&E cos the way things are down there, we might not see you for days.

Sorry folks, really can't remember anymore, it's not intentional if I haven't mentioned you, and I hope everyone else is doing fine along with the doglets.

Dull but dry here, and it's supposed to get really wet and windy, so I'd better get myself out before that happens. Nothing planned today, except to get all the stuff ready for the van change-over tomorrow, along with making a curry for tonight when Dave descends on us.

Enjoy your day everyone
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madmare is offline  
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24-05-2013, 06:39 AM
Morning H and all,

I am so happy for Lynn and Gordon, bet your waking up this morning feeling a huge weight has lifted from you.

Just got in soaked to the skin after walking Lily in the pouring rain. I had been in no more than 2 mins and the rain stopped and the sun come out. Typical

I am working all morning and then this afternoon, if my Dad is up to it, he, my mum and my Dads brother who I havn't seen in ages are coming over.

Feeling tired this morning as didn't sleep very well last night I had a lot of things playing on my mind that are worrying me quite a lot.

Hope Dave comes home happy for you H so you you can both have a lovely relaxing weekend together.

Hope everyone else is good and you all have a lovely day.
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24-05-2013, 06:47 AM

Wonderful news for Lynn and Gorden with him getting the job after all the recent disappointments and so nice to wake up with that cloud lifted from above their heads.

Nechda - I do hope that you and Dave smash down that barrier and that you have a really great weekend.

Bev - enjoy your visitors this afternoon.

Hope all is well with everyone - must start my Friday chores in a minute...

[thinks - "in a minute" will probably be after coffee and ketchup]!
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Norma808 is offline  
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24-05-2013, 07:10 AM
Morning Helen's ,morning all
Bright but watery here this morning
Sounds like a plan there Helen's ,a nice lunch and a chance for you both to relax ,and have a really good talk
You've both had lots of stress with one thing or another
Tw hope the throbbing fringer feels a little better today
Lynn,hope you've no hangover today ,cloud 9 just passed by I'm sure I saw a couple on it with huge smiley faces
Nippy hope your son continues to improve n fingers crossed re the job
Bitkin hope your visit goes well and don't get too stressed
Right own up which one of yous was trying to park your humongous motor home n speed boat at 2.30 in the car park this morning
Ski champion race thingy on this weekend so lots of boats hairing up n down the loch must find a set of earplugs
Hope all poorly peeps and doglets are better soon ,those that have to work have an easy day ,those off for the weekend have an enjoyable time
Take care stay safe
Sorry if I've missed anyone ,if so have a great day
Huggggs to all that need them xxxxx
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24-05-2013, 07:13 AM
Morning Madmare ,Malka
You snuck in there hope you both have a good day
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24-05-2013, 07:17 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Good morning all Dogsey Peops

Things are looking up, so the smilies can come back. Huuuuuuge massive congratulations to you and Gorden for him landing his job You for your patience and to Gorden for his perseverance and capabilities of clinching it! So, so happy for you Lynn and I hope you celebrated big time last night I'm sure Dogsey can't take ALL the credit, but I'm sure those vibes helped.

Couldn't get on here last night at all cos my telephone suddenly turned into the hot line last night, I had no less than 5 phone calls all on the trot Loooooong ones too! One of which was Dave's, and although he had problems, it sounded like he had been sorting them out before he comes home tonight.

I have booked a Sunday lunch at a lovely country pub where allegedly they are usually booked for 3 weeks in advance or more, but when I rang, she said she had just had a cancellation for this Sunday for 2 at 12 o'clock, so I took it. Whilst Dave wasn't over excited about it he said to book it if that's what I wanted to do. I am going to use this opportunity of trying to relax him and weedle out of him what is going on in his head, and I will do my utmost to make sure I think very hard first before opening gob to say anything. It'll be make or break that's for sure, my mind is now made up, the air needs to be cleared and this barrier taken down which has built up inbetween us, but I'm sure if he's given the chance to took calmly to me, he'll feel a lot better. Whilst I have good friends to offload to, he has nobody except me, so he needs to offload everything, and if I am the problem, then ces la vis (sp?) hopefully I can do something about it, like shut up lol!

Thinking of you today Sally, with the visit to your dad this week-end and although I won't be around much, what with Dave home and the van to do tomorrow, you know I will be thinking of you and hope the visit goes how you want it to (((((hugs))))).xxxxx

Jenny, hope those boys of yours have dry rear ends this morning, and that the skip is on order for o/h (well, not literally for him, but for his long overdue clearout). Ever thought about putting him on that hoarder's programme? I watched that last night and wondered if our o/h's would be like that if they didn't have us Not only will I have all those other snap on boxes and tools brought back here if Dave sells his garage, but the thought of 7 years of paperwork really worries me Goodbye garage then

Chris, hope everything is slowly coming together for you with your mum and Gary.

Moyra, hope your back is improving along with Steve's.

June, ouchy, your poor finger there It might be an idea to sit with it dunked in a glass of iced water, it will give you some relief and take down the swelling. I hope you don't have to end up at A&E cos the way things are down there, we might not see you for days.

Sorry folks, really can't remember anymore, it's not intentional if I haven't mentioned you, and I hope everyone else is doing fine along with the doglets.

Dull but dry here, and it's supposed to get really wet and windy, so I'd better get myself out before that happens. Nothing planned today, except to get all the stuff ready for the van change-over tomorrow, along with making a curry for tonight when Dave descends on us.

Enjoy your day everyone
Morning Helena I think the Sunday lunch out sounds just the thing you and Dave need. Gorden and I have always found going out even if just for a coffee helps you seem to talk more and more openly for some reason. Nowhere to flounce off to I suppose.
Enjoy your walk.

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning H and all,

I am so happy for Lynn and Gordon, bet your waking up this morning feeling a huge weight has lifted from you.

Just got in soaked to the skin after walking Lily in the pouring rain. I had been in no more than 2 mins and the rain stopped and the sun come out. Typical

I am working all morning and then this afternoon, if my Dad is up to it, he, my mum and my Dads brother who I havn't seen in ages are coming over.

Feeling tired this morning as didn't sleep very well last night I had a lot of things playing on my mind that are worrying me quite a lot.

Hope Dave comes home happy for you H so you you can both have a lovely relaxing weekend together.

Hope everyone else is good and you all have a lovely day.
Morning Bev enjoy your day. Sorry to hear you have worries I hope they are sorted soon.

Originally Posted by Malka View Post

Wonderful news for Lynn and Gorden with him getting the job after all the recent disappointments and so nice to wake up with that cloud lifted from above their heads.

Nechda - I do hope that you and Dave smash down that barrier and that you have a really great weekend.

Bev - enjoy your visitors this afternoon.

Hope all is well with everyone - must start my Friday chores in a minute...

[thinks - "in a minute" will probably be after coffee and ketchup]!
Morning Malka.

We have woken up still not able to take it in it kinds of jumps at you that Gorden has a job in September, then we relax again.
I think it is going to take a while for it to sink in.

I had a call form the EA yesterday updating me on the weekly Right move results for the office. Our house is jumping off the scale for people clicking on it but no viewings. I was still waiting to hear if Gorden had heard and he hadn't so we had given up on hearing yesterday and news on mum so wasn't in a very receptive mood. It was more ums and ars really.
This morning I have emailed asking why are they now getting in contact is it because there is only 5-6 weeks for the contract to run. Why haven't they rung with this data before if it is a weekly report.
We are disappointed with the service pointed out what we have had to do and ask them to redo and that others have said they had very few viewings too from them.
I asked if they put it onto Right move then let it sit and wait for the work to come to them.
They have been told we will not be renewing at the end of the contract with them.
Without mentioning it was our neighbour I did say that someone close by and a previous property to where they are now have used them and same as us had two viewings and very little communication that they said they are nice people but the job doesn't get done they then changed agents and sold.
Do you think this is was too harsh ? Oh well too late now its been sent.

I am off to my friends today for lunch and can at last take some good news. I always enjoy my time with her but this time it will be even better.
Forgot to say its raining here.

Have a safe and nice Friday.
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24-05-2013, 07:20 AM
Morning all
A very overcast start to the day

H I hope you and Dave have a good weekend, poor Dave he is under so much stress at present, which then means so are you
See I just written that to Helea and I have already forgotten what else I have read Hope you all enjoy your weekends anyway!

Hubby has gone to take an elderly friend to hospital for a check up but she can't remember why......ummm maybe that is why, she doesn't remember a thing!
Back later after some house work.
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Sal is offline  
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24-05-2013, 07:32 AM
Morning all

Seems I have missed a fair bit and have some catching up to do,
Fab news Lynn

Busy here so far this morning up at 6am,have had to be out at 7.10 so Tom can catch the bus to school,but it's his last day today and then he's just back for exams,
Dogs were out down the fields at 6.30 this morning.
Just having a coffee to wake me up lol

Have no idea what I am doing today,just taking it as it comes at the moment.

Lovely to be back on the daily thread,
Hope everyone is ok,
Have a good Friday all x
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Helena54 is offline  
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24-05-2013, 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning H and all,

I am so happy for Lynn and Gordon, bet your waking up this morning feeling a huge weight has lifted from you.

Just got in soaked to the skin after walking Lily in the pouring rain. I had been in no more than 2 mins and the rain stopped and the sun come out. Typical

I am working all morning and then this afternoon, if my Dad is up to it, he, my mum and my Dads brother who I havn't seen in ages are coming over.

Feeling tired this morning as didn't sleep very well last night I had a lot of things playing on my mind that are worrying me quite a lot.

Hope Dave comes home happy for you H so you you can both have a lovely relaxing weekend together.

Hope everyone else is good and you all have a lovely day.
Morning Bev, enjoy having the family to visit later and don't work too hard this morning. Thanks for the support for me and Dave.

Originally Posted by Malka View Post

Wonderful news for Lynn and Gorden with him getting the job after all the recent disappointments and so nice to wake up with that cloud lifted from above their heads.

Nechda - I do hope that you and Dave smash down that barrier and that you have a really great weekend.

Bev - enjoy your visitors this afternoon.

Hope all is well with everyone - must start my Friday chores in a minute...

[thinks - "in a minute" will probably be after coffee and ketchup]!
Morning Malka, thanks for that. Although a sledge hammer is more my style, methinks I should maybe take a rubber one with me on Sunday eh?! See you when you ketchup

Originally Posted by Norma808 View Post
Morning Helen's ,morning all
Bright but watery here this morning
Sounds like a plan there Helen's ,a nice lunch and a chance for you both to relax ,and have a really good talk
You've both had lots of stress with one thing or another
Tw hope the throbbing fringer feels a little better today
Lynn,hope you've no hangover today ,cloud 9 just passed by I'm sure I saw a couple on it with huge smiley faces
Nippy hope your son continues to improve n fingers crossed re the job
Bitkin hope your visit goes well and don't get too stressed
Right own up which one of yous was trying to park your humongous motor home n speed boat at 2.30 in the car park this morning
Ski champion race thingy on this weekend so lots of boats hairing up n down the loch must find a set of earplugs
Hope all poorly peeps and doglets are better soon ,those that have to work have an easy day ,those off for the weekend have an enjoyable time
Take care stay safe
Sorry if I've missed anyone ,if so have a great day
Huggggs to all that need them xxxxx
Morning Norma, nice to see you in here bright and early today, and thanks for the support, let's hope it works and gets us on an even keel again. Talking about keels, hope you're not too disturbed with all that going on this week-end.

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Morning Helena I think the Sunday lunch out sounds just the thing you and Dave need. Gorden and I have always found going out even if just for a coffee helps you seem to talk more and more openly for some reason. Nowhere to flounce off to I suppose.
Enjoy your walk.

Morning Bev enjoy your day. Sorry to hear you have worries I hope they are sorted soon.

Morning Malka.

We have woken up still not able to take it in it kinds of jumps at you that Gorden has a job in September, then we relax again.
I think it is going to take a while for it to sink in.

I had a call form the EA yesterday updating me on the weekly Right move results for the office. Our house is jumping off the scale for people clicking on it but no viewings. I was still waiting to hear if Gorden had heard and he hadn't so we had given up on hearing yesterday and news on mum so wasn't in a very receptive mood. It was more ums and ars really.
This morning I have emailed asking why are they now getting in contact is it because there is only 5-6 weeks for the contract to run. Why haven't they rung with this data before if it is a weekly report.
We are disappointed with the service pointed out what we have had to do and ask them to redo and that others have said they had very few viewings too from them.
I asked if they put it onto Right move then let it sit and wait for the work to come to them.
They have been told we will not be renewing at the end of the contract with them.
Without mentioning it was our neighbour I did say that someone close by and a previous property to where they are now have used them and same as us had two viewings and very little communication that they said they are nice people but the job doesn't get done they then changed agents and sold.
Do you think this is was too harsh ? Oh well too late now its been sent.

I am off to my friends today for lunch and can at last take some good news. I always enjoy my time with her but this time it will be even better.
Forgot to say its raining here.

Have a safe and nice Friday.
Morning Lynn Bet you feel very different waking up today don'tcha! I think you needed to get that off your chest to those agents, but I think you're also right in your thinking, that they put it up there and then just sit and wait. Maybe they contact all the people on their "wanted" list just to see if any of those want to view, but apart from that, it's just a waiting game for them isn't it. I'm sure once you get out of their clutches and get put back up on the top again with the new agents, things will change, I hope so.

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Morning all
A very overcast start to the day

H I hope you and Dave have a good weekend, poor Dave he is under so much stress at present, which then means so are you
See I just written that to Helea and I have already forgotten what else I have read Hope you all enjoy your weekends anyway!

Hubby has gone to take an elderly friend to hospital for a check up but she can't remember why......ummm maybe that is why, she doesn't remember a thing!
Back later after some house work.
Morning Jen, and you sound less stressed this morning, so I hope that's down to your son being well on the road to recovery now. I did see that you noticed a job which was more local for him, that will lift him up won't it if he gets that. All the best with him Jen, you don't sound quite so worried now which is

Originally Posted by Sal View Post
Morning all

Seems I have missed a fair bit and have some catching up to do,
Fab news Lynn

Busy here so far this morning up at 6am,have had to be out at 7.10 so Tom can catch the bus to school,but it's his last day today and then he's just back for exams,
Dogs were out down the fields at 6.30 this morning.
Just having a coffee to wake me up lol

Have no idea what I am doing today,just taking it as it comes at the moment.

Lovely to be back on the daily thread,
Hope everyone is ok,
Have a good Friday all x
Morning Sal, great to have you back in the daily chatter, how's the new house if you've moved by now of course, but I know you were moving, and I hope it all went well and you're very happy in your new home away from those awful neighbours.

Just did my usual in the woods, and thankfully, because it was raining I put Zena's overalls on and so glad I did, cos they were caked in mud when we got home, but thankfully, when I took that off, I had my nice, clean doglet back apart from her lower legs which she kindly cleaned off for me by having a scrabble in her pool. She's sooooo funny this dog when I dry her off, she's sooooo grateful, then she licks my face, pushes me over and then goes ballistic around me and grabs the towel for a tuggy. Yes, I know that's not a good thing for her to do that, but a dog's gotta have fun sometimes hasn't it, and she'd soon let go if I asked, but I like a good game too.

Must get to the post office to bank some cheques this morning, but apart from that, my to do list is pretty empty today thank the Lord.

The forecast is wrong, cos although we've had a lot of rain, there's no wind out there (yet!) and I'm sure the sun is trying to show its face.

I'll say morning to you Linda, TM, Moyra, Jackie, Mini if you're back, Gerry, June, Sally and all those who care to pop in before I get back later when it'll probably be afternoon.
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24-05-2013, 08:03 AM
Morning all, glad to hear some good news for some of you for a change

Bit of a dull day here , winds getting up

Have a good one folks xx
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