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Helena54 is offline  
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31-08-2009, 11:07 AM

Mum's fallen over....... again!

Had to happen I suppose, but instead of her hip, this time she's broken her elbow (they think!) Ambulance is on it's way, so that's my bank holiday monday afternoon sorted then!

She was doing so well of late, walking again, with her zimmer of course, and she said she only got up tolook out of the window (without their help!). She's such a tough old bird is my mum, that they said she's still laughing and joking even though she has probably broken her elbow!

I wonder if they'll keep her in and operate, in which case, that's bad news, but hopefully, they can plaster it up and send her back to her care home. At least it will get x-rayed even though she refused to go to hospital, they have told her she must!

It's been over a year since she had a bad fall like this, so can't complain I suppose! Trouble is, there's nothing of her now, it's a wonder she hasn't broken a lot more of those fragile bones. Hey ho!
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aliwin is offline  
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31-08-2009, 11:11 AM
Aah sorry to hear that

Hope she makes a speedy recovery
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moetmum is offline  
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31-08-2009, 11:24 AM
Oh no, your poor mum.

I hope they don't need to operate and she can go home, tell her to get well soon!
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Tillymint is offline  
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31-08-2009, 11:29 AM
Hope she's ok xx sounds like a tough old bird though
My mum hurt her arm a few weeks ago, she was hanging washing out & the prop snapped and she fell on the concrete & cut it. She put some home made strips on the cut & soldiered on for a few days, then she realised the pain was too much & it was a "funny shape" & went to hosp to discover it was broken in 2 places!! She's now sporting a bright pink plaster on it (I insisited she ask for pink!!)
She said she didn't want to bother the hospital as they are always busy!!! mums eh!!
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Helena54 is offline  
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31-08-2009, 11:49 AM
Thanks all Yes, my mum's very good at falling over, she's had the fractured hip, the broken ankle, then a broken hip which had to be operated on, all in the space of 3 years, so not bad going for an 84 yr old! I bet the elbow is very painful, and I'm afraid to say, if they've got to operate, she's too frail now to cope with that, coz she has that brain heammorhage going on too, that comes and goes along with dementia when it's leaking, poor old thing she is. It gives me great pain knowing that she is in pain in such a frail little body now I'm waiting a phone call and I'll be on my way, wherever
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Benzmum is offline  
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31-08-2009, 11:53 AM
Oh no your poor mum H. Send her best wishes from us and you , take things easy and don't be getting yourself all worried!! I know its easy to say but the fact she was laughing and joking makes me think that she'll be just fine with a little bit of hospital care then back to the home. Don't you be worrying about operations and the likes they'll do whats right to patch your dear mum in the way thats best for her.

hiugs to you all x
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31-08-2009, 11:58 AM
Thanks I feel so guilty just sitting here waiting, but then that's what I'm paying the care home for isn't it!! I told them I've done all the hospital casualty dept overnight bit or all day, so there's really no point in me being with her until they know what they're going to do with her. I just hope and pray it won't be an op, she's only half the woman she was a year ago with all that's been going on. She's a little monkey, I told her only Saturday when Dave and I popped in, that no matter how good she is feeling again in herself,she must ring that bell if she needs to get anywhere coz she can't do it without help, but it's like talking to a brick wall with that one (same as me!!!) Bless her, she didn't deserve this, she's had enough pain of late. Thanks again guys.xxxx
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Berger is offline  
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31-08-2009, 12:13 PM
Oh dear poor thing. Gentle hugs to her and you. Try not to feel so guilty you have done nothing wrong. It's just one of those things. Hopefully she'll feel better soon xx
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Nippy is offline  
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31-08-2009, 12:58 PM
Poor old Mum, and poor you, having to go through all that again.
I hope she will be ok and that you don't have to spend too much of the bank holiday at the hospital!
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Helena54 is offline  
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31-08-2009, 01:04 PM
Thanks Berger, these things are sent to try me, yet again!

Thanks Jen. I've just rung them and she's in the hospital, but I'm not to worry they said because they've seen this so many times, she will just get patched up and plastered (not literally!) and sent back home. so I'll visit her this evening and she can show me her new plaster! The carer said she was still joking and laughing when she said to him "I think I've broken my arm"! Lol at her bless her. I wish my pain threshold was as high as hers!
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