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Sue L
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18-03-2022, 08:58 AM

Sunny Friday

Good morning

Sorry to hear about Beth's mum Lynn.ope all the dogs get on when together.

Lovely morning. Teazle walked and the washing is out. Of the library shortly. I got all the fence finished on Wednesday and I must say the garden now looks very nice. Just the shed to do. Might have a go this weekend as with 2 of us it wont take long. Valuation of the house came up with the figure both Ben and I thought it would be worth so very happy.

Hope all are well. Take care.
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18-03-2022, 10:49 AM
Morning Sue very sunny here too but a tad on the chilly side.
We hope so to Boo can be a little nervous of bigger dogs but I'm sure they will all be fine.
Glad the valuation came up to the figure you hoped for. All the hard work has been worth it.

Kazz yes I am practicing my oi voice.
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18-03-2022, 03:55 PM
Good afternoon all

Been out and about this morning Sainsburys and Asda filled up with petrol and bedding on the line as well as a set of curtains.

Not great news at work 9 MORE down with covid today (EKKK) had 5 off already.

Had a brilliant brilliant walk first of the year with just a fleece no coat/hat cracking walk Gert had a cracking romp and then a swim so great Friday here.

Hope everyone is having as nice a day
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griff is offline  
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18-03-2022, 06:08 PM
Evening all
Sue, well done with the fence...I need to redo ours again this year...groan
Lynn, hope you manage with the dogs, I am sure all will be fine.
Kazz, afternoon walk here I just a t-shirt....was very pleasant
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18-03-2022, 07:19 PM
Hi all sorry probs with pc etc. Have a good evening.
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18-03-2022, 11:15 PM
Evening all.

Lovely day here. We think we have now sussed the amount of walking Rosie can do without suffering for it too much later in the day.

Vet visit this afternoon for examination and more tablets and also getting a prescription for them. Buying them from the vet costs £2.10 per tablet. Buying online on prescription (even with the delivery charge and prescription charge factored in) they cost 64p per tablet.

Gary isn't talking to me again. Wendy came to his flat tonight and he called me when she left. Unfortunately, whenever he sees her he gets very bolshy so I cut the call when it happens. He gets huffy, but he usually calms down by the next day. Awful to say, but I wish they'd fall out again. Makes my life so much easier
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