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28-11-2017, 08:05 AM

Daily Thread, Tuesday, 28th November

Good Morning everyone. Have come down with a filthy cold straight onto my chest sounds like bronchitis. Had a very restless night with it. I guess it is this damp flat.

Griff, sorry to hear about your shoulder hope it is soon on the mend.

Besoeker lovely photo of your granddaughter and Max, he obviously adores her.

Lynn, hope Gill is going on ok and gets her stairlift soon. Hope Dillon is ok too.

Brenda, Mandy, Norma, Nippy Jen, Kazz, Sue and Barry and especially June hope you are all ok.

Congratulations Mandy on the wedding day now fixed.

Have a good day all, stay warm and dry and above all safe and well. God bless.
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28-11-2017, 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by Moyra View Post
Good Morning everyone. Have come down with a filthy cold straight onto my chest sounds like bronchitis. Had a very restless night with it. I guess it is this damp flat.

Griff, sorry to hear about your shoulder hope it is soon on the mend.

Besoeker lovely photo of your granddaughter and Max, he obviously adores her.

Lynn, hope Gill is going on ok and gets her stairlift soon. Hope Dillon is ok too.

Brenda, Mandy, Norma, Nippy Jen, Kazz, Sue and Barry and especially June hope you are all ok.

Congratulations Mandy on the wedding day now fixed.

Have a good day all, stay warm and dry and above all safe and well. God bless.
Thank you Moyra. Yes they get along. Rather well. She is little miss bossy boots and he laps it up. Good pictures are easy if you have good subjects and they are gems.....

I like photography. Been an off and on hobby for the better part of fifty years. I retired a couple of years ago - it was time I guess. Two things. A dog and a camera. Both get me out and that's good for my general health. And he needs it.

But I do take other things - this from my back door a few days ago.......

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28-11-2017, 10:39 AM
Morning Moyra, Beseoker and all to follow.
Chilly but bright out today.

Hope you feel better soon Moyra.
Hope the shoulder is easier today griff.
Congratulation on the date set for the wedding Mandy.

Still no news on the stair lift for Gill so the consultant letter made not one iota of difference. She is doing ok at the moment helping cook and some light housework duties.
I am over on the 18th December if she is well enough we will do the graves and have lunch. Meeting our niece to.

Hope everyone and all four legged friends are well today.
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28-11-2017, 11:03 AM
good morning kiddiwinks

Todays story is about leaves. Yes again this is what I have gathered up this morning

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Sue L
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28-11-2017, 11:38 AM
Good morning everyone

Lovely pictures Besoeker.

Hope your cold soon goes Moyra

Sorry Gill is still without the stair left Lynn.

Hope your shoulder is a little better today Griff.

Dull and chilly here but so far dry. Have been into town to pay bills and get a few bits for Christmas have also ordered my currency so one less thing to think about

Hope everyone is keeping well

Have a good day and stay safe.
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28-11-2017, 01:18 PM
Afternoon all
Awww Moyra, hope it isn't bronchitis, my brother used to get that when we were little...horrible!!
Mandy, how lovely you now have a date!
Lynn, sadly i can remember in 1989 my grandad needed a stairlift, like Gill nan was told there was a huge wait time...he would have died before it was fitted so Nan bought one, he only had 6 months use out of it, it stayed there and then when my nan had cancer she used it...after she died, mum sold the house and asked a charity to come and remove it and they could give it to a needy person...they charged her for removal!
Wow Tumbleweed, that's a lot of leaves
Sue, when are you off??
shoulder no better sdly, been down the Drs to speak to my pharmacist to help me with pain relief, i have heat patches and will attempt to walk the dog later...will attach them to my waist!
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28-11-2017, 01:38 PM
I suffered a lot from Bronchitis when I was a baby. Have always had a bad chest. Was better when I smoked! Still that is over 16 years ago now.
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28-11-2017, 03:20 PM
Good afternoon dogs and owners. Trust that you are all well - and the bronchitis goes away.

Been an action packed day at the Mac and Max mansion. Went to the post office to get Christmas goodies on their way across the pond. It was our fourth trip while we tried to get weights and dimensions reduced to manageable proportions that wouldn't need a remortgage to ship them.

Max went to the groomer for his monthly tart up. She, the groomer, sings his praises about how well-behaved he is. But then he has been going there for over a year so he knows the routine. And obviously enjoys it
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28-11-2017, 06:33 PM
Well done Max for being a good boy at the groomers. Must get my backside into gear as my dogs need a wash and brushup.

My sis & I decided to visit our grandparents grave. We had a photo of the grave and plot number but wandered round aimlessly for ages and most of the graves in that area had sunk into oblivion. We decided to call it a day but on the way out saw the office so called in. Turns out it was the wrong crem, it was the cemetery up the road doh! Found it no problem and relieved it was a better kept area then the other place. Nothing more depressing than an unkempt grave. My friend is buried in a place that floods and it’s just awful. Not for me I’m afraid.
Good news for you Mandy with the wedding. At least you’ve got time to find a hat!! I too was diagnosed with costochondritis. Never heard of it and thought I was having a heart attack. I was given the ibuprofen gel too. Now I know what it is I’m not stressing so much. Scary nonetheless.
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28-11-2017, 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by twix View Post
Well done Max for being a good boy at the groomers. Must get my backside into gear as my dogs need a wash and brushup.

My sis & I decided to visit our grandparents grave. We had a photo of the grave and plot number but wandered round aimlessly for ages and most of the graves in that area had sunk into oblivion. We decided to call it a day but on the way out saw the office so called in. Turns out it was the wrong crem, it was the cemetery up the road doh! Found it no problem and relieved it was a better kept area then the other place. Nothing more depressing than an unkempt grave. My friend is buried in a place that floods and it’s just awful. Not for me I’m afraid.
Good news for you Mandy with the wedding. At least you’ve got time to find a hat!! I too was diagnosed with costochondritis. Never heard of it and thought I was having a heart attack. I was given the ibuprofen gel too. Now I know what it is I’m not stressing so much. Scary nonetheless.
Thank you Twix. Max is pretty much always a good boy.

Graves........I know nothing about where my ancestors were buried. Except my paternal grandfather. His headstone laid under my bed until my father went back to Uist with it. Some might think it a bit spooky. He had the same name as me so there was I with my own gravestone lying under my bed.
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