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13-04-2013, 06:10 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Saturday).

Morning everyone.
I am writing this while in bed this morning it was my turn for the bed last night and I managed a good nights sleep.
I am getting up when I have written the morning post to see how Gorden did.
Looks like the sun is out behind the curtain that's good I can get yesterdays washing out.
Popping down to Mark and Tracey's later with her birthday card and cake and hoping for some calls about viewings too today.
On the net in the paper on their website the sun is shining so no excuses. Still waiting for the for sale board to go up though.
Hoping Dillon will leave that pesky paw alone while we are out but we do need to start getting back to some routine with him now as he is getting a little too use to us being around all the time and I fear I am setting him up for SA.
That paw though is so near to be being healed I keep thinking for the sake of a couple more nights downstairs or a couple more days of only one of us going out is it worth it to go back to square one.

Jackie I hope Millie settled last night and you and her managed a better nights sleep.
Helena I hope you get a more restful day. I see Dave already has list of things to do like Gorden does. Gorden does need to get shifting today as he is off to Brighton tomorrow to do some consultancy work Monday and won't be back till latish. He also still has to write the course.
Lorraine not sure if you will be popping in this morning but if you do good luck with the weekend. Another busy one.
Harvey I hope Rianna isn't suffering still from the phantom.
To anyone I have missed sorry and hope all are well and I will catch up later.

Have a safe and lovely Saturday everyone.
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13-04-2013, 06:36 AM
Morning Lynn and everyone

Yes, you'll definitely be having that phone ringing all morning today Lynn, not just because it's Saturday, but also because you're hot property atm having gone in the paper etc. so it's a shame you're gonna be out lol! Good luck with settling Dillon, hope he doesn't miss you too much and leaves that paw alone.

Slept like a log - heaven! Another list as long as yer arm on the to do front this morning, but at least I have Dave to do half of it. First port of call is the park to get this van officially signed over and take a look at our new fencing which must be finished by now. I'm going to get him to smash up my old desk and we can do a tip run with all the other rubbish that's accumulated down in the garage. I'm staying put in this little utility room with the puter and all my office stuff until the lounge is all ready with a new desk to match the other furniture, which we don't even have yet, so it could be a while Empty is good though, it gives me and Zena more room for playing ball I won't even be hitting the telly with it now cos that'll be up on the wall, so nothing to hit atm apart from our recliners.

Jen, wonderful news about your ggd last night you must be over the moon about it along with her

Jackie, I do hope you had a good night with poor Millie and that she's getting better be it

Off up the top now, I can't ask Dave to walk Zena on his own today cos I will already be getting Monday morning off when I stop at home to let the painter in. He hates going on his own, it's the only time we get to really talk about stuff and he's probably got a lot on his mind after another stressful week, so I'll tag along, much as I'd love to rest my aching legs this morning.

Hope you're all well this morning and the sun is shining for you, it certainly isn't here, but at least it's dry. Enjoy your week-end everyone, and I'll catch you later.
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13-04-2013, 06:38 AM
Good morning, good morning one and all! It's another sunny day in seaside paradise/financial-political hell here!

Am TRYING to pace myself but the slightly-younger-than-me people are twisting my arm to go down the beach with them again. I will do so as they only have today and tomorrow left (leave early Monday boo hoo) might even dip a toe in today.

First tho' there is dreaded SHOPPING to do - Mart coming to Metro with me so we can get goodies in for this evening and eat at home for a change!

Mart is MUCH better now. Is managing in my tiny Nissan with the seat laid back for shortish journeys so I will be able to take them to the airport myself on Monday.

Catch up later. Have a GREAT weekend.
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madmare is offline  
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13-04-2013, 06:49 AM
Morning Lynn, H and all who follow.

Beautiful morning this morning. I actually felt very warm on our early walk this morning. The washing machine is doing its first of many loads today so that sun had better keep shining .

This morning I have to go to the post office and pets at home so will take Lily with me as she can come into both places. I need to run into Tesco for coffee but I am sure she will be alright in the car for 2 mins while I nip in for just that.

Lunch time my friend is coming over and we are going to a lovely garden center I love, they have things in their shop I have never seen anywhere else and my friend has never been there so is keen to have a look around too. Of course we will be into the cafe there for our usual coffee and cake and a natter. .

Charly and Ash never went to Devon in the end. Ash never got off work till late, Charly was a bit fed up about it, I think she is really beginning to love Devon. Also they only have 6 days in the next month they can actually be together now because of Ash,s work, before he leaves to go away with the army for 2 years, so the time is very precious.

Lynn I hope the calls flood in today and i hope Dillon leaves that paw alone. Like you say it would be a shame to be nearly there and then he chews it to bits while you are out. Hopefully all will be fine though.

Enjoy your walk H, I am sure you will be fine once you get going.

Hope you all have a good day and enjoy that sun
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13-04-2013, 06:57 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn and everyone

Yes, you'll definitely be having that phone ringing all morning today Lynn, not just because it's Saturday, but also because you're hot property atm having gone in the paper etc. so it's a shame you're gonna be out lol! Good luck with settling Dillon, hope he doesn't miss you too much and leaves that paw alone.

Slept like a log - heaven! Another list as long as yer arm on the to do front this morning, but at least I have Dave to do half of it. First port of call is the park to get this van officially signed over and take a look at our new fencing which must be finished by now. I'm going to get him to smash up my old desk and we can do a tip run with all the other rubbish that's accumulated down in the garage. I'm staying put in this little utility room with the puter and all my office stuff until the lounge is all ready with a new desk to match the other furniture, which we don't even have yet, so it could be a while Empty is good though, it gives me and Zena more room for playing ball I won't even be hitting the telly with it now cos that'll be up on the wall, so nothing to hit atm apart from our recliners.

Jen, wonderful news about your ggd last night you must be over the moon about it along with her

Jackie, I do hope you had a good night with poor Millie and that she's getting better be it

Off up the top now, I can't ask Dave to walk Zena on his own today cos I will already be getting Monday morning off when I stop at home to let the painter in. He hates going on his own, it's the only time we get to really talk about stuff and he's probably got a lot on his mind after another stressful week, so I'll tag along, much as I'd love to rest my aching legs this morning.

Hope you're all well this morning and the sun is shining for you, it certainly isn't here, but at least it's dry. Enjoy your week-end everyone, and I'll catch you later.
Morning Helena enjoy the walk Gorden and I do more talking when taking Dillon out or popping out for a coffee than we ever do at home. Hope the leg holds up for you.
Sounds like a good idea leaving the lounge empty playing ball is far more important.

Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Good morning, good morning one and all! It's another sunny day in seaside paradise/financial-political hell here!

Am TRYING to pace myself but the slightly-younger-than-me people are twisting my arm to go down the beach with them again. I will do so as they only have today and tomorrow left (leave early Monday boo hoo) might even dip a toe in today.

First tho' there is dreaded SHOPPING to do - Mart coming to Metro with me so we can get goodies in for this evening and eat at home for a change!

Mart is MUCH better now. Is managing in my tiny Nissan with the seat laid back for shortish journeys so I will be able to take them to the airport myself on Monday.

Catch up later. Have a GREAT weekend.
Morning Pat if we were nearer the beach and hadn't so much to do we might of popped along to have a sunbathe too seeings as the sun is out. I bet its a few degrees chillier here than where you are though.
Aww no Mart and Mon leaving Monday it has gone far too quick for you I would imagine. Good to hear Mart is doing so well it has done him good coming for a holiday.
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13-04-2013, 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn and everyone

Yes, you'll definitely be having that phone ringing all morning today Lynn, not just because it's Saturday, but also because you're hot property atm having gone in the paper etc. so it's a shame you're gonna be out lol! Good luck with settling Dillon, hope he doesn't miss you too much and leaves that paw alone.

Slept like a log - heaven! Another list as long as yer arm on the to do front this morning, but at least I have Dave to do half of it. First port of call is the park to get this van officially signed over and take a look at our new fencing which must be finished by now. I'm going to get him to smash up my old desk and we can do a tip run with all the other rubbish that's accumulated down in the garage. I'm staying put in this little utility room with the puter and all my office stuff until the lounge is all ready with a new desk to match the other furniture, which we don't even have yet, so it could be a while Empty is good though, it gives me and Zena more room for playing ball I won't even be hitting the telly with it now cos that'll be up on the wall, so nothing to hit atm apart from our recliners.

Jen, wonderful news about your ggd last night you must be over the moon about it along with her

Jackie, I do hope you had a good night with poor Millie and that she's getting better be it

Off up the top now, I can't ask Dave to walk Zena on his own today cos I will already be getting Monday morning off when I stop at home to let the painter in. He hates going on his own, it's the only time we get to really talk about stuff and he's probably got a lot on his mind after another stressful week, so I'll tag along, much as I'd love to rest my aching legs this morning.

Hope you're all well this morning and the sun is shining for you, it certainly isn't here, but at least it's dry. Enjoy your week-end everyone, and I'll catch you later.
Hi Helena.I wish I had half your energy what cereal do you have,what ever it is I will be rushing down to the supermarket maybe not rushing,but lets keep it our secret because if everyone gets to know all the shelves will be empty.Someone I knew had a bagel with smoked and cream cheese,she is still doing high kicks at 84,she was one of the tiller girls and she also went to Paris to be a dancer Blue something,but she swore that having a bagel every morning was her secret.Anyway to all of us wose bones are creaking and just stirring have a good day crystalgirl
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13-04-2013, 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn, H and all who follow.

Beautiful morning this morning. I actually felt very warm on our early walk this morning. The washing machine is doing its first of many loads today so that sun had better keep shining .

This morning I have to go to the post office and pets at home so will take Lily with me as she can come into both places. I need to run into Tesco for coffee but I am sure she will be alright in the car for 2 mins while I nip in for just that.

Lunch time my friend is coming over and we are going to a lovely garden center I love, they have things in their shop I have never seen anywhere else and my friend has never been there so is keen to have a look around too. Of course we will be into the cafe there for our usual coffee and cake and a natter. .

Charly and Ash never went to Devon in the end. Ash never got off work till late, Charly was a bit fed up about it, I think she is really beginning to love Devon. Also they only have 6 days in the next month they can actually be together now because of Ash,s work, before he leaves to go away with the army for 2 years, so the time is very precious.

Lynn I hope the calls flood in today and i hope Dillon leaves that paw alone. Like you say it would be a shame to be nearly there and then he chews it to bits while you are out. Hopefully all will be fine though.

Enjoy your walk H, I am sure you will be fine once you get going.

Hope you all have a good day and enjoy that sun
Morning Bev sounds like you have a lovely day planned enjoy.
What a shame Ash and Charly didn't get to Devon maybe they will go later today and spend some time together before he leaves for his work. Charly is going to miss him terribly I don't envy her.

Morning CG.
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13-04-2013, 07:35 AM

I am 'ere. Just not sure whether 'ere means wivvit or not. Will try to normalise myself [stick me 'ed under de cold water tap] and come back later.

See when Da Booger first wanted out [do not ask] I checked the time on the satellite Max box and this morning realised the bdooly fing no woik. Oh sugar plum fairy - I rarely watch television so how was I to know de box he no woik?

An' - dunno why I checked but thought 'ello, time on de box no right.

So pulled out all de plugs, dida bitta sayin' norty fings, plugged all back...

...and it all woiks!

De satellite peeps be hokay IF you can get fru de menu when you phone, press dis press dat an' find a hooman. But on Shabbat? Can't getta numan any time let alone Shabbat and nuffink I wanna see. Well dunno if there is 'cos it no woik, did it.

Anyhow, apparently the Moshav is quaranteed again because of a rabies scare, but will post separately about that.

Hope all is OK with everyone and has a good day.
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13-04-2013, 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Morning Bev sounds like you have a lovely day planned enjoy.
What a shame Ash and Charly didn't get to Devon maybe they will go later today and spend some time together before he leaves for his work. Charly is going to miss him terribly I don't envy her.

Morning CG.
They can't go later today as it wouldn't leave them enough time as it takes 5-6 hours to get there and they would have to spend tomorrow travelling home again as he has work early monday morning when I think he is going away for 2 weeks with work.
He leaves on May 13th (the day before Charlys exams start, not good timeing) for the 2 years away, but with going away on shorter stints before then, including yeterday it only gave them 5 days at intervals together before the 2years away, if you get what I mean.
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13-04-2013, 08:02 AM
Morning all, we all had a great sleep last night, the diazepam is doing the trick

She is a bit brighter today , so fingers crossed.

Hope everyone is OK, the sun is out and its a nice moring her... have a good one folks xx
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