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05-03-2014, 06:54 AM

Morning Dogsey Daily Thread Wednesday

Good morning all Dogsey Peeps

Another day another dollar or so they say. Was awoken at 5.30 by the noisy birdies so it really must be getting lighter out there in the mornings now, that'll all change at the end of this month when they plunge me back into darkness by putting the clocks forward.

Got to get out early today as have vet appointment at 9.30 for an ear check. Then I might take myself on a mission somewhere, might even start on the other van today, if I get enthused enough.

Hope everyone is ok today, along with the doglets, and I'll pop back later (notice how nice and short I was this morning!! )
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05-03-2014, 07:11 AM
Morning Helena, morning all

It's lovely hearing the birds in the morning isn't it. Heard one last night outside the detachment at Dornoch. Was really nice to hear it.

Not got much planned beyond work today. Perhaps just a night chilling and watching TV tonight, aside from chanter practice with Davie. That's the extent of it cause I have cadets tomorrow night then again on Saturday so I want to chill (apart from getting a lesson organised) tonight.

Hope everyone has a lovely day xx
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05-03-2014, 07:23 AM
Morning! Work and my weekly dinner with friends today. That's about it!!
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05-03-2014, 07:39 AM
Morning Helena and fellow members,

My favourite sort of morning ... thick frost but sunny Nothing much on this morning other than dog walking and food shopping. This afternoon we are going to an elderly neighbour's funeral so I hope the sun remains out.

Hopefully a new pressure washer will be arriving today as our other one finally died a couple of days ago. I'm desperate to pressure wash our back steps and path in the garden. There is no point in doing the river frontage yet just in case we flood again

Enjoy your day everyone and see you all later.
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05-03-2014, 07:48 AM
Morning Helena, Em, Lorraine and Jenny.
Helena The birdies wake early here too especially the cockerels. I do like hearing them though. Good luck with the vet check.
I am a little concerned over this Russia business too.
Morning Em sorry to read the news about the horse on last nights thread.
Morning Lorraine. More busyness for you. Don't overdo it.
Morning Jenny hope the sun stays shining a much better way to see someone off. Fingers crossed no more rain. flooding.

Well feeling pretty rough today coughing, stuffy head and nose. Games again in the garden for Dillon and me then long spells spent reclining on the sofa.
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05-03-2014, 08:37 AM
Morning everyone.
It certainly is a beautiful day out there.
I struggled to get up this morning much to asbo cats disgust. But I have my boiler being serviced this morning so had to drag myself out.
Have to say I was amazed at Lyla yesterday. I let her out to explore the garden yesterday and the huge bully cat from down the road came to beat her up.
Even though she is only a fraction of his size she stood her ground and growled and hissed and struck out at him. When I heard all the commotion I went out and the big cat saw me coming and ran off. Lyla then looked so proud of herself I am sure she thought it was her that saw him off .

Off to mums this afternoon to do her housework as I won't be able to do it this weekend as I am going to see Charly, Ash and Harley. I am getting so excited but at the same time terrified about the underground and getting lost.

Lynn hope you feel better soon.

I have posted a warning for all dogs that walk on beaches in the health section. Please do read it if you go on beaches with your dogs.

I will finish by posting a couple of pics of Lyla heading out into the front garden yesterday to explore. Have a good day all.

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Lucky Star
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05-03-2014, 08:45 AM
Good morning

Usual morning here - woken up by snoring then again by Michael (early bird). Struggle to wake Carys, breakfast, coffee, lunch made, lovely walk in the frost with Loki, TCP on paw, Carys hair and reminders and another cup of coffee!

I'm going to tackle Michael's hair with a pair of scissors and visit my mum.

Have a lovely day.
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05-03-2014, 08:56 AM
Morning all.
I hope Zenas ears are alright now Helena.
Lore I hope you do manage to chill today
Em enjoy your dinner.
Jenny No frost for us, and we were promised fog which I love (if I'm not driving) and we haven't got any of that either
Bev loving Lylas photos
Lynn Hope you feel better soon and that Dillon lets you rest. I'm almost afraid to put the news on for rear of what I might hear
Morning LS good luck with the hairdressing I watched a brilliant prog last night on BBC3 about a hairdressing competition, very interesting.
Good morning everyone else hope you all have a good day.
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05-03-2014, 09:14 AM

The blanking alarm did not go off this morning but luckily I woke with a start thinking something was wrong [must have been dreaming that it was] and it was 7.20am [the alarm is set for 6.55am] so it was not too late for Da Booga's pills. Had another zonk until 9am even though Da Booga did her usual "bin men are here" jumping on me before then but as soon as she heard them go she flonked down beside me again.

The rest of the new towels are in the machine as it is recommended to wash them before use - they will go in the drier as soon as the washing m/c has done and I also have a load of mixed rice and various whole grains in the rice cooker so am waiting for that to finish as well as I want it cooled and packed in containers asap for freezing.

Just spoken with Nir about the air-con unit in my bedroom as it is only throwing out cold air, so he is coming to have a look at it tomorrow. It is out of guarantee now so I hope he can solve the problem as until he checks he will not know if it is the wall unit inside or the motor outside. I hope it can be sorted without having to buy a new one but this is a good time of year as I do not need it for heat any more and will not need it for cooling for some time yet.

So I am now ready for my second coffee plus some ketchup as it feels like I have done a day's work already!

Hope all the poorlies are feeling better - Lynn with her cold - Em with her stamped-on foot [it was you was it not?] - and that Zena's ear gets the all clear and Loki stops chewing his paw.

Also hope that Nippy did not have any problems with her laptop if she did put him into hibernation last night!

That is all I can remember at the moment, so have as good a day as you would wish for everyone!
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05-03-2014, 09:28 AM
Morning Bev, Jenny Nippy and Malka.
Bev loving the pics of Layla. She will soon settle into her little expeditions and hopefully she will become less of an asbo. Well done mum for seeing the bully off.
Morning Jenny bit worrying isn't it there is a programme starting at 9pm tomorrow BBC2 37 days its a series about the lead up to the first world war listening to the script writer and researcher there was far less media attention then and they basically had free reign the Politicians to do what they liked. I know the do now but there was no G8 and different international bodies then. He felt if there had been it might never of happened. So fingers crossed disaster can be averted. Enjoy the lovely sunny day.
Morning Malka I could of cheerfully stayed in bed longer today too but things to do and dogs to be catered for so like you need to get up.
I am trying for a nanny nap later maybe you could too.

I haven't walked Dillon yet not sure if I will or not I will see how I feel as the day goes on. I stood at the bottom of the garden listening to the birds a little Robin singing in the tree branch overhanging our garden and watching the Crows across the roof tops wheeling and cawing and settling in the trees and the lovely sun warm on my back and could also hear a Woodpecker in the distance.
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