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madmare is offline  
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27-07-2008, 05:23 AM

Off On A rescue Mission Today (pony)

Yesterday I spotted some Gypsies just up the road from me had set up camp.
On the grass verge as I went by was a tiny mini shetland tethered who only looks very young but is extremely pretty.
When i came back just now all the gypsy kids were round it and this big kid leapt on its back and it crumpled to the floor, the other kids threw stuff at it and hauled it back up so the next kid could have a go.
Its broke my heart.
I was thinking of phoning the RSPCA but from what I could see it didn't look skinny although I couldn't see any water and its 30* out there yesterday and mean't to be again today too. Plus they will have to be moved on by Monday so the RSPCA more than likely wouldn't get to see it.
What future does that poor thing have if they don't end up breaking its back or legs.
So this morning my neighbour (also horsey) and I are off to try to get chatting to the gypsies to see what they are planning for the pony and work our way round to saying we will have it. My neighbour is willing to pay them for it to get it away from them if its not too expensive.
Wish us luck that we can get the poor little thing out of there.
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Vicki is offline  
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27-07-2008, 06:08 AM
Oh how ghastly. Hope you manage to get the pony off the travellers, Bev.

What a blatant disregard for an animal's well-being......

Very sad
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Jessica is offline  
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27-07-2008, 03:20 PM
How sad... Real gypsies are usually very respectful in the way they treat their horses. This is just shameful.
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MissE is offline  
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27-07-2008, 03:27 PM
I hope you get the pony ... and I really hope you don't have to pay for it.
Good luck ..x
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MaryS is offline  
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28-07-2008, 10:49 AM
What happened with the pony visit MM?
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Vicki is offline  
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28-07-2008, 12:21 PM
Any news Bev?

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madmare is offline  
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29-07-2008, 12:21 PM
SorryYes, we didn't get the pony, when we got over there, there was only about 3 vans left, we saw the pony tethered and called out to one of the gypsies asking if we could go and stroke it. He was a lovely man (and the owner) who said yes immeadiatly and that the pony was friendly and just a year old. My neighbour asked if he would sell it and he said no never not for any amount of money as it was his wifes favourite and it went everywhere with them, but if we wanted one similar he could have us one there within an hour . I got the impression that they had many somewhere, I just hope he didn't mean he would go and pinch us one LOL. Anyway we declined and went and saw the pony. it was very very affectionate and a decent weight. There was still no water to be seen but it wasn't dehydrated so I presumed they kept taking water to it so it wouldn't keep knocking it over and wasting it.
When we left we called out thanks and he called back no problem your welcome anytime and his wife called out bye smiled and waved.
I think the abuse I had seen the day before was some of the other traveller kids who had moved on by the time we went back and I don't think this man or woman would for one minute knowingly let the pony be abused. They did genuinly care for it and love it, so i think if he had spotted them kids he would have hurt them. (maybe thats why they left early).
I went back yesterday but they had all gone and there was a lovely pink pony bowl left under the tree where it had been tethered.
I feel very happy about it all and it just goes to show some gypsies are really nice decent people still and restores your faith in them.
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29-07-2008, 03:04 PM
A happy ending - lovely
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29-07-2008, 04:34 PM
So glad you had your mind put at rest when you visited and that the pony is well cared for.

I have never yet come across a poorly treated horse owned by Travellers. That's not to say there aren't any, of course, but from what I've seen the horses are often better treated than the wives!
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Kazz is offline  
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29-07-2008, 04:43 PM
I imagine more animal abuse goes on in houses belonging to us none travellers.......behind closed doors...and all that, but pleased the story has a happy ending and your mind is at rst at least you did something rather than nothing...that has to be admired, Well done.
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