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Pet dog mauled to death outside Milton Keynes home

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Joined: Sep 2010
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21-02-2018, 10:39 PM
A Labrador breaks his collar and runs away scared and everyone has sympathy for the owners looking for their dog. A German Shepherd breaks his collar and mauls the closest small dog he sees, everyone is infuriated with the owner. The owners committed the same act, the results were just different.

Things happen and accidents happen. We aren't sure of the entire story because it was not made clear. There were no owners mentioned at all here.. The story is lacking any type of depth and I don't always trust these articles.

See how everyone is reactive and upset when truly we don't know where this attacking dog came from? I agree with Besoeker. They left out too much for me to demonize the potential owner of the large dog.

I commented on what I actually saw and know, which was two fairly large men (NEITHER of which looked at all frail) absolutely unable to ward off an attack and injuring their own dogs further in truly a FACEPALM type fashion. People who own small dogs should really be able to do better than that to protect them should the need arise. That was truly BAD looking.

Azz, I wasn't trying to fault the owners of the small dog because of course their dogs shouldn't have to deal with being attacked regardless, I just didn't take the bait of the article. Your comparison to a 50 dog pack was dramatic and ridiculous and that's how these articles WANT people to react.

These articles are often to sway public opinion one way and they're posted in a way which will tend to get people to lean a certain way. Details are often omitted and things aren't always as they seem.

Oh... And thanks Gnasher! Hope you're well.
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