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03-09-2017, 07:17 AM

Daily Thread, Sunday 3rd September

Good morning everyone, quite nippy this morning. I need to get Amber out though.

June, it will be good for you to be able to take all four dogs out together again next week once the kids are back to school.

Lynn, you are certainly making progress with the property if only progress could be made with the neighbours! Hope Dillon is doing ok.

Griff, hope all is well with you and yours, Sue, Barry, Jenny, Brian, Harvey and all other two and four legged friends too.

Have a good day, stay warm and dry and above all safe and well. God Bless.
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Sue L
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03-09-2017, 07:41 AM
Good morning Moyra and all who follow

You deserve the break Lynn. You have done well during Gorden's break and progressed so well, pity the neighbour won't help on his side.

Well done Kazz on your failure and a fosterer Brook will have a happy forever home and you and mum will have such lovely company.

Yesterday I split a hellebore, pentsemon and moved a patio rose. Then dug the bed over ready to move a couple of dwarf buddleia next spring. I also mowed the back lawn, neighbour had already cut the front, second time for him this season!

Will be nice for you to be able to get all four girls out together June.How is Zen's(?) leg coming on?

Dull but warm here this morning, nothing planned so will see what happens.

Have a good day and stay safe.
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03-09-2017, 09:40 AM
Morning all
All good here thanks Moyra
Trip to pets at home and that's it
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03-09-2017, 09:47 AM
Morning all

Brook has been out; had scrambeld egg and kibble and now playing with her ragger.
I've had scrambled eggs and toast. we are both deciding what to do later. Think it will be the garden again if it holds off rain wise. I split the white perennial phlox yesterday because I have not done it for a good few years and they were too top heavy plany wise because of it I normally divide March to April but sure they will be fine got 3 nice healthy divisions now spread round the garden. One of my favourite garden pantsp.phlox. flowers July-Oct sometimes Nov if mild enough. will buy another next year.
Anyhow off out with Brook and then tothe skip or vice versa.

Moyra hope you got out and back with Amber and having a nice cup of tea or coffee now.
Sue - dwarf buddleia? new one on me wil look it up. have a great day
Lynn - sounds like the house is conming on gret guns you will not want to move.

Thanks all for the good wishes on Brook.
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03-09-2017, 09:49 AM
Its Kesh who is licking her leg, Sue. So far she's managed to take off two lots of gaffa tape, but the vet wrap was still in place this morning. I'm going to sort her out later, spray with antiseptic spray, new dressing,vetwrap and more tape. Once it starts healing, she'll leave it alone,but its getting it there that's the problem. I'm getting embarrassed to buy gaffa tape
You had a good do in the garden yesterday.
When does Gorden go back Lynn, be nice and peaceful for you. Hoping the jobs are finished very soon and the house goes on the market and sells quickly. I'd forget about next door, they are obviously talkers rather than doers.
Training with Zen this afternoon. I've got her sitting on the box and walking the plank on the ground more progress than people expected, but I know its a case of needing to feel what I am asking for is safe, and once she's convinced, she'll do it. Think the trainers expect blind obedience because that's what they're used to, but my girls usually put in a request for more info on stuff if they're unsure.
Morning Brook, welcome to the first day of the rest of your
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03-09-2017, 10:17 AM
Morning Moyra, Sue, griff, Kazz, June and all who follow.
Pleasant day weather wise not as hot as yesterday.

Kazz thought Brook might stay so pleased for you and her.
Enjoy the gardening and you Sue.
Enjoy the trip to PAH griff and June hope Keshi's leg is on the mend.

I had thought the same about staying for a while,but we will always have issues with the drive it is difficult for friends when visiting to park off road. Drive is narrow and when it is allowed to get overgrown it's no help.
Steeling myself for a chat with them asking what their plan is and if they can buy this place we would appreciate the van not blocking our way overnight while they wait to see what the situation is with paul's mum's flat. There will obviously have to be a time limit for how long we are prepared to wait for it to sell.
If they no longer feel they want to buy the drive and van situation will definitely need sorting for when we have viewings and I do not want to lie to people about the van so best it's sorted or it could cost us a buyer.
Then my patience which I am just about hanging onto will disappear immediately.

Gorden cutting the piece of pine for the window ledge in living room to cover the unsightly stone slabs we now have. then it will be stained while we pop out for some bits one being rubber gloves for painting the black bitumen paint along the bottom of the cottage.

Hope everyone is well and all four legged friends are to.
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03-09-2017, 10:52 AM
I have been sharpening drill bits all morning, didn't know I had so many and every one blunt, only got a few of the smaller ones to do now
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03-09-2017, 01:58 PM
Afternoon all
Roast Chicken dinner just finishing so thought I'd pop on here. Rosie been out early this morning for a run on field, just starting to rain here
Lauryn has gone to Nottingham with her best friend for the day.
I've been walking without my crutch since Friday, so I'm getting there, talking it steady but can't believe how tired I still get
Lynn you doing so well with the house, hope the chat goes well with the neighbours
June Hope you have good training session with Zen, & that Kesh leg is healing nicely
Griff hope you having a good day & got what you wanted from PAH
Moyra hope you having a good day
Sue hope you have had a restful day
Kazz hope you having a good day with Brook
Right dinner time
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03-09-2017, 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by tumbleweed View Post
I have been sharpening drill bits all morning, didn't know I had so many and every one blunt, only got a few of the smaller ones to do now
You can come do Tony's if you like he said his need doing
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03-09-2017, 02:19 PM
At least you're keeping out of trouble with Sue Barry.
Well done Mandy don't overdo things though.

I know what's in their mindset next door, either the access road plans will go through which is highly unlikely now as they have not been re-submitted yet or they can sell Paul's mum's place in time and get the buy to let mortgage. Which Beth said the other day they are now thinking after all we have done they possibly won't be able to afford to buy.
Hoping on hopes once their terrace is finished they will start on that job, it looks like a bunch of pikey's has been and left at the moment.

Gorden outside blacking the bottom of the cottage. New window ledge stained and i have just varnished it. Hopefully that will be in place later.
Gorden back to work tomorrow hostel booked for the week then home Friday evening and won't go back till next Thursday 14th. The hostel is good value for money he can park the car for free in the car park have a continental breakfast and not to far to get a bus into work. Nice quiet lounge in the evening to do some work and get a cuppa all supplied.

He will miss his room in the house but to expensive to keep on when earning part time money and won't be there enough to warrant the expense.
he will eat a proper lunch in the subsidised canteen at work lunchtime.
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