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12-01-2022, 07:55 AM

Wandering Wednesday 12th January 2022

Good Morning peeps, maybe that should have been wondering Wednesday but wandering is good I think. Have a good wander when you go walkies with your dogs and anyone else that goes with you. Lynn I always imagine Tyto with me when I am walking, he is always with me.
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Sue L
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12-01-2022, 10:05 AM
Good morning Brenda and all who follow

Lovely and sunny here today. Out before 6.30 am with Teazle and then over to Ben's for the school run. Again this afternoon and staying there until he gets home from work.

Hope all are wll. Take care
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12-01-2022, 10:34 AM
Morning brenda, Sue and all who follow.
I alway imagine him by our side brenda and Max and Ollie to.

Busy day Sue have you got a day off tomorrow ?

Keep safe and well everyone.
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Chris is offline  
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12-01-2022, 01:37 PM
Good afternoon all

Lovely, sunny day and quite mild. Went down to our village cafe today. Good price, but somehow not the same as our regular cafe. The sausages were a bit bland. It'll do though until ours opens again. From there, we went into town. Had a longer walk and took in the seafront (something we don't do a lot of in winter as when the wind blows it's like walking through a sand storm). Also, did a short walk around the lake. Rosie loved it and is now zonked.

Now't on this afternoon except perhaps a sneaky nanny nap later
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