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View Poll Results: Which food do you feed?
Purina Pro Plan 3 1.90%
Pedigree Professional 0 0%
James Wellbeloved 21 13.29%
Arden Grange 18 11.39%
Orijen 15 9.49%
other 114 72.15%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 158. You may not vote on this poll - please see pinned thread in this section for details.

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14-02-2011, 01:44 PM
Anyone had poop consistency issues with Orijen?

My boys poops havent been great and am wondering whether the protein level is too much for him. have been getting a 50/50 good/fairly sloppy as first poop of the day then a few squirty ones whilst out for exercise before his dinner.

ive been feeding 475gms (hes a 38kg athletic looking boy) a day split over 2 meals (200am and 275 evening) was feeding 500 but thought that may be too much (i was told that too much food can often cause runs)

alledgely as it is such high quality you dont need to feed as much? hes always been slinky no matter what ive fed him and never had a hooge appetite

hes still loving every last morsel!!
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Jessi Clark
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15-02-2011, 01:59 PM
Yes before I got the amounts for the pair of them right but not any more, I was used to RC guideline amounts but the Orijen is nowhere near as much and I mix with a small amount of wet food so for us it's been a case of trial and error. I now use a childrens cup and a full one of these seems to be the right sort of amount to ensure they'll eat it all and prevent any other problems. I've been using the same quantities with the Acana they're on atm and they're both doing well on that too.
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16-02-2011, 02:02 PM
I shall try cutting him back a bit more then. Hope fully he will maintain his current weight!

He just loves the stuff!

Any reason you have moved on to Acana? Whats the diff?
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malimoo is offline  
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16-02-2011, 03:42 PM
my dogs are both raw fed, but I do give them one meal a week of orijen. This is really just for my benefit as we used to camp and it was easier to take dry food with us.
Mali came to us on purina pro plan and liked that, but by then we had orijen in for zack so we swapped her over after a couple of months.
Never had any problems with orijen although if I had to feed it full time I would probably look around for something cheaper
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annesa is offline  
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16-02-2011, 06:41 PM
Hi yes i am feeding Orijen and since i have bought a new bag recently yoda is now being inconsistent with his poops ! Have also sent an e mail about this as the new bags now say 80% 20% 0% and was told that the only thing that had changed was that there is a bit more meat in it. However Yoda was absolutely fine with it until this new bag. I am currently reducing the amount at the mo, he is supposed to have 200g a day and thats what i always fed , however i will have to watch his weight and see what happens.
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16-02-2011, 07:56 PM
Has any one used Arden Grange. I feed raw but one of my dogs could do with a bit of weight on.
Kirk won a voucher for them at the weekend and I had a word with them.

I need a food that is high in calories as he only eats a small amount and is not too big. They have sent me some samples of the premier range and the premium range.
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16-02-2011, 08:18 PM
I voted James Wellbeloved, Arden Grange and Other.

The others being raw, fish4dogs, Burns and other foods such as fish, chicken, lamb etc.
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16-02-2011, 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by leadstaffs View Post
Has any one used Arden Grange. I feed raw but one of my dogs could do with a bit of weight on.
Kirk won a voucher for them at the weekend and I had a word with them.

I need a food that is high in calories as he only eats a small amount and is not too big. They have sent me some samples of the premier range and the premium range.
I found the Premium range Arden Grange good for getting weight on Roxy at one point......

I really like Arden Grange stuff.
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16-02-2011, 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by leadstaffs View Post
Has any one used Arden Grange. I feed raw but one of my dogs could do with a bit of weight on.
Kirk won a voucher for them at the weekend and I had a word with them.

I need a food that is high in calories as he only eats a small amount and is not too big. They have sent me some samples of the premier range and the premium range.
I have used prestige before and it seemed to help too, the only thing I would say is that my dog did get quite a 'waxy' coat and got a very strong 'doggy smell'

Also known a lot of others on it to go that way too, but I suppose some dogs will be different....trial and error I suppose.

Perhaps just upping the amount of raw meat?
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16-02-2011, 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by Dobermann View Post
I have used prestige before and it seemed to help too, the only thing I would say is that my dog did get quite a 'waxy' coat and got a very strong 'doggy smell'

Also known a lot of others on it to go that way too, but I suppose some dogs will be different....trial and error I suppose.

Perhaps just upping the amount of raw meat?
I didn't have any such problem with the Arden Grange Premium. Never tried the Prestige.

My dog (collie cross) looked fabulous on it and didn't smell at all. But then, she's not a smelly dog as such! Never noticed a problem with the feel of her coat either. It was very shiny and healthy looking.

So, not problems at all with the food.

We only changed because we keep winning lots of food, such as James Wellbeloved!
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