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19-05-2013, 06:36 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Sunday).

Morning everyone. Not been up long I can get use to this laying in lark.

Not much on today we got the front garden done yesterday so may potter out the back but apart from walking Dillon nothing planned.
The couple who had been noseying around didn't go back and ring the agent and there was time too to arrange a viewing for Monday so they probably didn't like it for whatever reason.
Should get another update on mum today hopefully. Nothing yesterday so other brother probably didn't visit. Michael is visiting today.

Jenny I hope your son is feeling better today and you can relax a little over the worry.
Lorraine that was nice your uncle visited and it must of been interesting and helpful to hear your Gran was similar to your mum. It might help you come to terms with things easier if you learn some of the family history.
I hope he becomes a regular visitor and a shoulder to help you get through it.
Helena I hope you and Dave manage a relaxing day today.
June that the dog walks today are less traumatic.
Bev have fun on the greyhound walk. I hope you and Lily have managed a good nights rest.

I am sure I have missed some sorry.
Everyone have a good Sunday keep well and keep safe.
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19-05-2013, 06:54 AM
Morning Lynn and everyone

Yes, we had a nice lie in too, and although I wanted to get up at 6 cos I was wide awake, I didn't want to disturb Dave cos he gets up at 5 every day of the week, so I went back to sleep.

Last night when I went up to the top of the back garden to pick up a poop, I turned around, and WOW, the whole of the skyline over the woods was bright red, never seen anything quite like it, and it made all the stonework pink up the top there. I raced back down to get the camera, took some pics, and by the time I came back down to put the camera away, it had gone! Absolute amaaaaazin, and I will get the pic up later.

We are doing nothing today (I think!). Dave said he's going to try and fit this crossover thingie in that huge doorway, I'm cooking lunch, and I might have a sort out of all my files and change the paperwork over to the new red ones, but that's it, nothing else, no rushing around for us today.

Bit cloudy, and yet after that sky last night you would have thought we'd have wall to wall sunshine, but nope, not yet anyway, maybe some of you have it.

Lynn, don't give up on those people, cos I remember the week-end we got the driveby from some people in a camper van when I was hanging out the washing at the back in our old house. Nothing transpired from it, until the following week, and they were the very ones who ended up buying it, and yet the look I gave them at the time lol! Well, I just thought it was people being nosey, stopping outside our gates like that You just never know Lynn, we're all hoping for you.

Jen, I hope your son is going to be better today, must be such a worry for you.xx

Chris, same for you with Gary and your poor mum and her back.xx

Bev, enjoy another exciting day with Lily at the meeting.

Everything's fine here, and I got my blood tests results back Friday and apparently I'm normal (who would have believed it), so no action taken, I won't be making an appointment. My cholesterol has gone up to 6.8 which isn't good, but then I do eat lots of ice cream, I'm gonna have to cut back on that now.

Have a great Sunday all
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19-05-2013, 07:02 AM
Morning Helena sounds like a nice relaxing day ahead just what you and Dave need.
The sunset sounds amazing maybe the sun will turn up in a bit we have sun this morning it looks like it might turn out to be a nice day but who knows with this weather.
The couple who were being nosey have a little westie so if they come back over to walk it I may just have to pop out and ask or if we meet them when out with Dillon.

I find it hard to believe you are normal. but glad all is ok except with the cholesterol so step away from the ice cream missus. Maybe now the stress is lessening you will find you don't need so much ice cream.

See I knew I would forget someone and that was Chris.
I hope Gary is feeling better and your mum but it seems both may be a bit of a long job.
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19-05-2013, 07:13 AM

Yay - apart from Da Booger deciding she needed a pee half an hour after we went to bed [she had definitely gone during her final outing just before I locked up] I had an unbroken sleep until the alarm went! And managed another hour and a half afterwards!

Emptied the linen basket into the washing machine as soon as I surfaced - well the dark colours, the lights can wait until there are more of them - so they can go in the dryer as soon as the m/c finishes. I have to do some freezer juggling in a while and see if I have enough freezing space so I can ask David to get me 5 or 6 kilos of turkey necks today. I have the freezer space but need to shift things to empty the top two freezing shelves of my big freezer into the drawers - preferably more of Da Booger's stuff into her own freezer.

I hope you get some news about your Mum today Lynn, and that Gill feels a bit better. Also that Jenny's son is feeling a bit more relaxed today - and all poorly rellies and wubbles are OK.

Have a good Sunday everyone.
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19-05-2013, 07:15 AM
Morning Malka oh well done Pereg good girl giving mum a lie-in.

Good luck with the freezer shuffling I have to do this sometimes when I buy stuff then get home and realise I had more than I thought.
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19-05-2013, 07:19 AM
Morning Malka, glad you got unbroken sleep last night.

Here's last night's sunset, stunning quite stunning it was
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19-05-2013, 07:28 AM
Morning Lynn and all,

Lily and I also had a lie in this morning till 7am which is unheard of for me, but we were both so tired from yesterday and poor Lily is still too tired to do anything, so I think the 2 day show we are booked to do week after next we will have to say we will do just one day of it, its too much for her now.

We will still go on the greyhound walk this morning as its only about 7 miles away and we only walk for just over an hour and the weather is beautiful out there.

I have to go and pick a very elderly lady up this afternoon, I hadn't seen her for some time and promised I would collect her and bring her round for a natter and a catch up today. I also need to visit Tesco and cook a roast dinner. Oh well at least Lily can rest after our walk.

Hope you get some news on your mum lynn and Gill is feeling a bit better now.

H, normal no way she gave Harvey biscuits and that is just not normal

Jenny hope things are better with your son today.

Take care all and have a good day
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19-05-2013, 07:30 AM
Lovely coloured sky there.

Morning all. We were late going on our walk today so I am glad it is a bit overcast. Just seen this on our way back - huge grapefruit growing on the spindliest little tree at the end of the road - just the one fruit!

Oh and for whoever it was wanted to see my objet d'art from the Auction Rooms yesterday - here 'tis - all €10's worth of it lol! 7 inches high - not much more than a euro per inch!

Actually I assumed it was soapstone and have just had the brainwave of looking on the bottom of it! It is and is called 'Wrestlers' - a Fair Trade product hand carved in Kenya. This one's my favourite - a pressie from Martin - hand carved in Cuba.

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19-05-2013, 07:50 AM
Morning Lynn, Helena, Malka, Bev, Pat and fellow members,

It is definitely warmer here this morning and the sun is out OH is just loading his car and will be off to 'somewhere' for the day I plan to try and creosote the hatches under the house today but will have to keep the dogs well away. I love the smell of it, but not sure what the neighbours will think if they are sitting out by the river.

Lynn - I hope you have your relaxing day and you may still hear from that couple with the dog who were looking at the outside of it. I hope Gill is feeling slightly more normal today, but I think you said days 3-4 were worse. Enjoy your walk with Dillon.

Helena - That photo is gorgeous ...... sure to be a nice day today .... it is here so far. I'm relieved that you and Dave are planning a quieter day today and a nice lunch - you never know you may be able to sit out on you patio to eat it

Bev - Enjoy your leisurely walk today with Lily and all the greys. I'm not surprised you were feeling shattered after yesterday and I'm sure you are wise to only do one day at a show. Enjoy your 'catch-up' with your elderly friend.

Malka - a good night sleep for you last night - a sentence I have possibly never heard from you, so you must be feeling great Enjoy your day and you are ahead of me as I haven't started any jobs yet.

Pat - It would be a shame just to leave one lonely fruit wouldn't it But that is amazing that the little spindly tree could produce a fruit that large. Maybe someone put it there? Enjoy your day and I hope the sun returns for you.

See you all later and enjoy your day.
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19-05-2013, 07:54 AM
Pat - That was strange as you first photo only appeard of the tree and then hey-presto the other two appear later I've seen the first little soap-stone of the 'wrestlers' - I think it should be called 'friends' as it hardly looks like fighters. The other one which was given to you by your son is amazing - what a gift and oh what a lovely body
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