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Sue L
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28-10-2021, 09:13 AM

Sunny Thursday Chat 28th October

Good morning everyone

Done the monthly shop this morning so now all sorted and packed away. Time for a coffee Nothing else planned except to walk Teazle late.

Hope all are well. Take care
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28-10-2021, 11:48 AM
Afternoon sue
Managed to walk Molly, there was a teenager up the field, I felt a bit uncomfortable I just don't know but something was off, Molly growled at him....I have never heard her growl in 5 years and then the lad carried on walking and another dog had a right mad barking fit at him.....I did not get a good vibe off that kid either
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28-10-2021, 12:46 PM
Afternoon Sue, griff and all to follow.
Gorden has been gardening moving butterfly bushes to hard to spell the right name.
I have been sorting freezers. Washing on the line blowing in the wind.

Sounds like your day has been busy Sue.
Dogs know griff.
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28-10-2021, 04:22 PM
Yes Lynn.....I told Steve and he said Molly obviously picked up on something and was looking out for me....bless her.
Don't envy you sorting the freezers!
My new bath mat has arrived....I will have to bite the bullet and try and climb back in the bath, I am not looking forward to it!
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28-10-2021, 04:25 PM
Got some beautiful flowers from Brenda today ... really cheered me up, thanks Brenda xx
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