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06-06-2017, 03:14 AM

Frustrated- rescue dog with separation anxiety

Last week I adopted a dog from a shelter, he is a lab/shepherd mix and is the best, most relaxed dog except for when I leave. When I'm home he sleeps most of the time but when I leave he paces and whines the entire time I'm gone. I know I've only have him for a week so I understand some of this is left over anxiety from the shelter but I was wondering if anyone else has dealt with this with a shelter dog and if so how long it lasts? I feel bad going to work and I can't keep paying for a dog sitter every day. Thank you!!
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griff is offline  
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07-06-2017, 02:35 PM
You need to build up the time you leave him, so leave him for 5 mins and back in, then 10 mins and back in and so on... do you leave the tv or a radio on for him? i find mine are a lot better with noise in the house, also, do you leave him Kongs when you are gone? you can stuff those and hopefully he will spend a good while emptying them, treat balls the same...also, try leaving a tshirt you have worn so he has your smell, a lot of dogs find that comforting
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brenda1 is offline  
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07-06-2017, 07:55 PM
Make a recording of household noises and leave it playing when you leave. Eg: hoovering, shower running, etc. It could be on a loop. Sometimes works.
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Phil is offline  
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14-06-2017, 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by griff View Post
You need to build up the time you leave him, so leave him for 5 mins and back in, then 10 mins and back in and so on...
This is the key.

'Going to Work' is probably a routine the dog knows.

The aim of the game is to leave the house and have the dog think you may well be home at any moment. You might not be - but that's the trick.

Dogs are very observant. For example - simply lifting your car keys might mean '8 hours' to the dog whilst carrying a bin bag might mean 30 seconds.

Mix it up - confuse the dog - drive off and come back after 5 mins etc.

The dog (especially a young one) will be so much more content if they are clueless to when you may return.

Also - when you come home (be it 5 mins or 5 hours) don't make a big fuss of the dog.
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