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09-05-2013, 05:53 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Thursday).

Morning all. Up earlier today nothing to do with Dillon who went out for few minutes then came in and went back to bed for a while and is now laying beside me on the sofa.
Woke at 5am couldn't get back to sleep so gave in and got up.
Gorden was up at 3am till gone 5am. He is now having a snooze till it is time for him to get up.

Felt bluergh yesterday and feel like it is going to be another bleurgh day today. Gorden and I are now at the point at wondering how much worse things can get. He applied for a job one of many which he felt confident he should get an interview for at least and no he hasn't heard a thing. Interviews tomorrow. It s exactly up his street and he has all the expertise and knowledge too. Plus no interest in the house just wondering where it will all end.
That's my moan for the day today over hopefully. Surely nothing else can come along to make things worse.

Weather here nice at the moment sun is shining but a bit breezy. I hope it stays bright today. Yesterdays rain cleared quickly and I even got the washing dry and Dillon on the field for a run around in the afternoon after a boring damp morning walk around the paths.

Helena sounds like poor Dave just has to give this twonk enough rope to hang himself frustrating I know but it will happen. When you think of all the men out there that would give their right arm to earn a decent days wage to keep their family and people like this are in the jobs.
Sally it is very difficult isn't it. I know when I did all the running around behind mum and people wanted me to ring them or they would ring me with updates how tiring it got especially if you have had a day at hospital with them for some reason. But of course on the other side of the coin the family do need to know.
I suppose you can only think he is no no worse and probably no better because in either case I am sure you would of heard. (((Hugs))). Good news about Jimmi's paw.
June good to see you appeared last night I was beginning to wonder what had happened. Well done to you and Keshi at training. We have a very unpredictable colliexbeardie here I keep Dillon away if possible. It is so annoying if I am walking with the others on the field I have to take up Dillon's long line as the chap and his dogs join in and I am terrified it will have a go at Dillon it can be be very nippy.
Lorraine I hope you are feeling better today and that you got the assignment finished.
(((Hugs))) for jenny I hope the home manage to get the dentist to sort your mums teeth for her and that your brother is coming to terms with the loss of his friend.
Malka I have seen on another thread and replied that Pereg has had another seizure. I hope she is less worrying now and is settling.

To everyone else if you are feeling unwell or just bleurgh like me I hope you feel better soon and that any poorly furry friends are well if not that they are better soon too.

Have a nice Thursday and stay safe.
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Lucky Star
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09-05-2013, 05:58 AM

Sorry you are feeling bleurgh Lynn. Maybe today will be more positive for you and Gorden - I hope so.

I couldn't sleep either - I have to take Steve to get his bike MOTd this morning but I'm so tired, I'd rather not drive. Coffee time, I think.

Loki's been out and I am about to wake the children.

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09-05-2013, 06:04 AM
Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post

Sorry you are feeling bleurgh Lynn. Maybe today will be more positive for you and Gorden - I hope so.

I couldn't sleep either - I have to take Steve to get his bike MOTd this morning but I'm so tired, I'd rather not drive. Coffee time, I think.

Loki's been out and I am about to wake the children.

Morning Linda are you still not sleeping well ?

I forgot to say sorry to hear you had another run in with some nasty dogs gunning for poor Loki yesterday.
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09-05-2013, 06:09 AM
Morning all. I had far too much to eat last night

Especially too much choklit cake with cream and choklit sauce and washed down with Baileys. I suffered later.

Storm is forecast for tomorrow (mind you there was one forecast a few days ago and it did not materialise) but just in case - it will be another half day at a beach, leaving stuff you can do in the rain until tomorrow!
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09-05-2013, 06:16 AM
Morning Lynn, Linda, Pat and everyone.

Oh Lynn, it's not getting any better for you is it I know you must feel like you're in a downhill spiral, and I know how you feel because we've been there too many years ago, in the year when Dave was made redundant 3 times in a row, and our only option was to sell the house, but again, it was similar times, there was no interest, so somehow we managed to plough on and get through it, and I know you will be able to do the same. Try a different approach with your agents, maybe pop over there in person, and sit down and ask them "what's wrong with my house"?!! Ask them outright if they think it's overpriced, wrong area, or what is stopping people coming through the door, ask if this is normal not to get viewings each week, and tell them you want an honest answer. I don't know what property values are in your neck of the woods, but ask them what price it would have to be to get a quick sale and they will know that answer. Then you've got to decide whether you're prepared to sit it out or drop a bit to get a quick sale,but you already know all this, and you'll have to decide whether you can sit it out or want out quickly I suppose. It's just that it's such a totally different ball game out there nowadays in the property market, and I don't think it's going to get back to normal for a very long time. Hopefully, Gorden will find something, God knows he's trying hard enough. I'm so sorry Lynn, you must feel so very down atm.xxxx

Well, Zena's just chucked up bile on the lawn. I knew she felt sick cos she had that look about her and kept licking her lips, and although I offered her a warmed up pilchard, she ignored it. She's gone back to bed now and had a couple of mini markies and I'm sure she'll be right as rain by the time we get out.

I must get hold of these carpet fitters to stop him going to the wholesalers and coming round to do this threshold thing. I've also got to ring the quackcos he said he will want to see me 2 days after my blood test next Monday and I haven't booked that yet.

It was glorious sunshine at 6 am and now it's all clouding over. I'm going to see what the tide is doing cos I fancy going down the beach this morning with Zena.

Jenny, I was sad to read about your mum in last night's thread and the worry of your brother, thank goodness they have you.

June, Keshi is so good at training, a right little star she is, and such a shame about the collie, but I think it's common knowledge about collie's and gsd's they don't often get along, so I always avoid them and we've had many a run in with them.

Moyra, hope you're feeling much better today along with your Lorraine, I hope you've woken up feeling on top of the world and ready to go through that assignment again.

Linda, sorry you're not feeling right again this morning, hope it gets better.

Pat, no sympathy here!!!

Better get a move on it's getting late now. Enjoy your day everyone.
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09-05-2013, 06:21 AM
Good Morning everyone. Lovely morning out there but the wind is a bit keen. Met everyone and their dog out there this morning, I guess that is because I was earlier than usual taking Amber out. Amber didn't mind of course she is always pleased to meet her doggie friends out there. Trouble with Amber it is difficult for her to accept that some dogs are not friendly and that she cannot greet all dogs as if they are her friends. Sorry some of you have had some bad encounters. When a dog is approaching that doesn't look too friendly or is a stranger I make Amber sit close to me and keep her on a short lead and as I am using a crutch they realize I might not be able to handle an bad encounter and tend to keep their dogs close too. I just thank them and tell them I am scared of being pulled over. I hope you hear something about the house today Lyn it will cheer you up and Helena enjoy your lovely new room. Commiseration to those with poorly parents it is a worry when the get on. Well have a good day all.
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09-05-2013, 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Morning all. I had far too much to eat last night

Especially too much choklit cake with cream and choklit sauce and washed down with Baileys. I suffered later.

Storm is forecast for tomorrow (mind you there was one forecast a few days ago and it did not materialise) but just in case - it will be another half day at a beach, leaving stuff you can do in the rain until tomorrow!
Morning Pat sounds like you are having a lovely time with your sister and niece. Shame about the chocolate cake and Baileys making you feel queasy.

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn, Linda, Pat and everyone.

Oh Lynn, it's not getting any better for you is it I know you must feel like you're in a downhill spiral, and I know how you feel because we've been there too many years ago, in the year when Dave was made redundant 3 times in a row, and our only option was to sell the house, but again, it was similar times, there was no interest, so somehow we managed to plough on and get through it, and I know you will be able to do the same. Try a different approach with your agents, maybe pop over there in person, and sit down and ask them "what's wrong with my house"?!! Ask them outright if they think it's overpriced, wrong area, or what is stopping people coming through the door, ask if this is normal not to get viewings each week, and tell them you want an honest answer. I don't know what property values are in your neck of the woods, but ask them what price it would have to be to get a quick sale and they will know that answer. Then you've got to decide whether you're prepared to sit it out or drop a bit to get a quick sale,but you already know all this, and you'll have to decide whether you can sit it out or want out quickly I suppose. It's just that it's such a totally different ball game out there nowadays in the property market, and I don't think it's going to get back to normal for a very long time. Hopefully, Gorden will find something, God knows he's trying hard enough. I'm so sorry Lynn, you must feel so very down atm.xxxx

Well, Zena's just chucked up bile on the lawn. I knew she felt sick cos she had that look about her and kept licking her lips, and although I offered her a warmed up pilchard, she ignored it. She's gone back to bed now and had a couple of mini markies and I'm sure she'll be right as rain by the time we get out.

I must get hold of these carpet fitters to stop him going to the wholesalers and coming round to do this threshold thing. I've also got to ring the quackcos he said he will want to see me 2 days after my blood test next Monday and I haven't booked that yet.

It was glorious sunshine at 6 am and now it's all clouding over. I'm going to see what the tide is doing cos I fancy going down the beach this morning with Zena.

Jenny, I was sad to read about your mum in last night's thread and the worry of your brother, thank goodness they have you.

June, Keshi is so good at training, a right little star she is, and such a shame about the collie, but I think it's common knowledge about collie's and gsd's they don't often get along, so I always avoid them and we've had many a run in with them.

Moyra, hope you're feeling much better today along with your Lorraine, I hope you've woken up feeling on top of the world and ready to go through that assignment again.

Linda, sorry you're not feeling right again this morning, hope it gets better.

Pat, no sympathy here!!!

Better get a move on it's getting late now. Enjoy your day everyone.
Morning Helena good luck with getting hold of those carpet fitters. Poor Zena I hope she recovers soon.
Things will get better hopefully and sooner rather than later.
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09-05-2013, 06:25 AM
Morning Lynn /all
Hopefully you're bleurgh day will improve I do hope so
Not so nice here this morning hopefully not another day of heavy rain like yesterday
Have the lodgers here for the next few days so a house full of dogs. ah we'll what's a few more
The Lesser Spotted Fly Catcher aka Fritz had folk awake half the night as he was after a Moth he just hates moths
Hope all poorly peeps n dogs get better soon and all have a great day what ever there up to
Coffee then out to walk the Hooligans then work
Anyone got some spare Sunshine
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09-05-2013, 06:27 AM
Morning Lynn and all,

Sorry things are not getting any better Lynn and I really hope you suddenly have a big turnaround and everything improves, my goodness you deserve it now.
On the positive side it sounds like Dillons castration has been a success and he is not adding to your troubles by his getting you up early and the worry over his constant barking. Hope he is finding Gordon less fanciable now too .

I am feeling a bit Bleurgh this morning too, but I think its because my heart pills were upped a bit too much. I started on the new dose yesterday and have woken this morning feeling lightheaded and weird. So I will phone him today and see if I can drop them down somewhere between where I was and what they are now.

Off to help get a friends house straight this morning and then back to walk Lily and work this afternoon. I am hoping I also get a call to say my new glasses are in so I can pick them up before work today.

Hope Zena feels better soon H and my thoughts are with Malka and Pereg this morning.
Take care all and have a good day.
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09-05-2013, 06:48 AM
Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Good Morning everyone. Lovely morning out there but the wind is a bit keen. Met everyone and their dog out there this morning, I guess that is because I was earlier than usual taking Amber out. Amber didn't mind of course she is always pleased to meet her doggie friends out there. Trouble with Amber it is difficult for her to accept that some dogs are not friendly and that she cannot greet all dogs as if they are her friends. Sorry some of you have had some bad encounters. When a dog is approaching that doesn't look too friendly or is a stranger I make Amber sit close to me and keep her on a short lead and as I am using a crutch they realize I might not be able to handle an bad encounter and tend to keep their dogs close too. I just thank them and tell them I am scared of being pulled over. I hope you hear something about the house today Lyn it will cheer you up and Helena enjoy your lovely new room. Commiseration to those with poorly parents it is a worry when the get on. Well have a good day all.
Morning Moyra you are right that wind is chilly today.
Dillon is like Amber thinks everyone and all dogs are friendly and should be his friend.

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn and all,

Sorry things are not getting any better Lynn and I really hope you suddenly have a big turnaround and everything improves, my goodness you deserve it now.
On the positive side it sounds like Dillons castration has been a success and he is not adding to your troubles by his getting you up early and the worry over his constant barking. Hope he is finding Gordon less fanciable now too .

I am feeling a bit Bleurgh this morning too, but I think its because my heart pills were upped a bit too much. I started on the new dose yesterday and have woken this morning feeling lightheaded and weird. So I will phone him today and see if I can drop them down somewhere between where I was and what they are now.

Off to help get a friends house straight this morning and then back to walk Lily and work this afternoon. I am hoping I also get a call to say my new glasses are in so I can pick them up before work today.

Hope Zena feels better soon H and my thoughts are with Malka and Pereg this morning.
Take care all and have a good day.
Morning Bev sorry to hear you are feeling bleurgh too. I hope the Dr agrees to lessening your dose if that is the right thing to do and that your glasses are ready.
Good luck with the rest of another busy day for you.
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