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07-06-2022, 06:50 AM

Tiddling Tuesday 7th June 2022

Morning all. Looks like June is going to be a wet month but early days yet so maybe it will change. Hope all are feeling better today that were feeling grot and all others are feeling ok. Sue this will make the ground easier to dig. Have a good day everyone.
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Sue L
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07-06-2022, 09:37 AM
God morning Brenda and all who follow

Sorry to read Gary had another fit do hope you can get some helpful him. Also pleased Dave is on the mend

Hope mum is feeling better Kelly

Yep wet here too. I was out very early with Teazle and it was only damp in the air so we had a good walk but by the time I got back from taking the girls to school it was raining quite hard and still is. Yes the ground will be easier for a bit so a soon as I can I will be out there once again

Hope all are well. Take care.
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07-06-2022, 10:23 AM
Morning all
Kazz, no...we didn't have a party and I think it was her medication, she takes some incredibly strong drugs for psoriasis and they give her horrific side effects
Chris, sorry Dave is still bad and Gary had a fit
Sue... hope you get into the garden
Brenda, I actually have lovely sun today!! Yay
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07-06-2022, 02:53 PM
Afternoon all on a weeks holiday.

Had my annual "human MOT"with the nurse today.

Yesterday I increased the border in the garden yesterday and boy does my sciatica know it. LOL

Lovely day here weather wise expecting thunderstorms tomorrow

Chris Sorry to hear about the increase in fits my nephew has the same I wonder if the body gets used to certain amounts of the drugs and the overcomes that amount hence need to readjust.

To everyone have a great day.
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07-06-2022, 04:32 PM
I put 200 g on, she said she isn't surprised because I am not sleeping well and been here there and everywhere after the dog
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