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Lottie is offline  
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12-11-2005, 09:39 AM

sores / rashes, what might they be? - please help.

Ok - am going to get her booked in for the vet next week unless you lot tell me not to worry.

Takara's had a rash right from being very young around her 'private legion' but she also had fleas -darn things- and the vet said not to be worried as long as she's got fleas, get rid of the fleas and if it doesn't go, then ask again .

Well it's not gone, but in addition she started getting red rashes on the insides of her back legs, I though perhaps it's something in the grass when she goes to the loo that irritates her, and they don't bother her, but now she's got them on her forelegs as well in whatever they'd call the equivalent of the armpit.
These aren't just rashes they look really sore - here -

In addition - something completely unrelated - she's got a lump on her back, the coats got a tuft and underneath it looks scabby maybe as if she's bitten herself, but it looks like it might have got infected or something because it's very hard.

Any ideas - I'm going to try and get her in at the vets next week but any ideas would be welcome...
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Hevvur is offline  
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12-11-2005, 09:43 AM
Ohh, that does look sore
No clues to what it is sorry, but good luck at the vets
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Lottie is offline  
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12-11-2005, 10:08 AM
thanks - it looks worse in reality because the camera blurred it a bit.

I'm wondering if the rashes and sores are an allergy to something although they don't bother her when I touch them.

I have no idea what she's done to her back but can only assume she's caught it on something charging about, or she's bitten it too hard.
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Meg is offline  
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12-11-2005, 10:21 AM
Hi Lottie I wouldn't like to guess at the rash, it could be many things, anyway if Takara has had it for some time you certainly need to see a vet. The thing on her back looks like a bite or small abcsess and I would bathe it with a saline solution until you can get to the vet (pint of boiled water to a heaped teaspoon of salt left to cool a little but still hot.)
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Chilli-Pepper is offline  
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12-11-2005, 10:59 AM
Does she run through long grass alot?, ours did this through the summer and got a terrible rash and friction burn underneath in the placs you are talking about (and a bit scabby ) , most certainly go to the vet but I used tea tree oil and sudocrem and the rash did go, ( and kept her out of long grass)

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Lottie is offline  
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12-11-2005, 02:15 PM
thanks. yes, she does go in grass a lot because she won't 'go' unless she's in long grass

thanks Mini for the advice, I'm not sure about the ones on her forelegs as I've only just noticed them but the ones around her 'wee wee area' and her back legs have been there a while.

I will definitely get her booked in.

Chillipepper, didn't want to put any cream like sudocrem on because I know she can reach those areas to lick.

Thanks again.

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