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Dogsey Junior
Loustaff is offline  
Location: North West
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29-11-2005, 07:15 PM

Staffie Skin - are skin problems / allergies common in Staffordshire Bull Terriers?

hello... just wondering.. have just got back from the vets with abby as she has been really scratching the last couple of days, ears, under carriage etc. she doesnt have fleas or any parasites as she has been front lined recently on last visit to vet. the vet has said that skin probs in staffs are common .she has had a scrape taken between her shoulders to be sent off for analysis. so after just having an antibiotic injection and giving me a bottle of medicated shampoo and tablets.. hopefully things should clear up

does anyone elses staff suffer with skin probs or allergies affecting their coat, skin? and is it that common??
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Brundog is offline  
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29-11-2005, 07:21 PM
hi lou

yes bruno gets allergies flare up every now and then - particularly in summer though - perhaps she may be allergic to stuff in ur house too?
brun ois also allergic to certain plants inthe garden - doesnt actually stop him from rolling in them though !!

if its malaseb shampoo - you do have to leave it on for a few minutes b4 rinsing off or it doesnt work.

also a piriton tablet can help with itching - however should consult ur vet just to be safe

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Loustaff is offline  
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29-11-2005, 07:30 PM
hi dani yeah hes given me synulox tablets so ill see how i go with them and the shampoo.. shes feeling sorry for herself after her injection!! its only been the last few days but i havent used anything different in the house and shes been here several weeks now... could be the garden tho as shes started going out alot more now shes completed her jabs.
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Saz is offline  
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29-11-2005, 07:33 PM
Hiya, i hear maleceb is really good for the Staffie skin as BD has said, hope it works for you. Have you tried change of diet? Give it a go for two weeks, that might help also plenty of oily fish
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