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'Dog Whisperer' Cesar Millan sued in pit bull attack

Cesar Millan, the star of television’s "The Dog Whisperer," is being sued by a woman who claims she was attacked by a vicious pit bull that had been prematurely released by Millan's dog training center.

The woman, a critical care nurse in Florida, claims she suffered "disfiguring open wounds, deep muscle and tendon lacerations" and bone fractures in the Sept. 23, 2014, attack, just six days after the dog had been released by Millan's Dog Psychology Center.
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Joined: May 2004
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Female  Diamond Supporter 
05-02-2015, 12:40 PM
My only surprise is that there have not been more injuries and prosecutions after this 'Television entertainer' has been let loose on peoples dogs..
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Dogsey Veteran
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Female  Gold Supporter 
05-02-2015, 12:47 PM
Agree Meg.
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Joined: Mar 2005
Posts: 18,574
05-02-2015, 12:51 PM
Shame the dog didn't attack him - just to give him a taste of is own medicine
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Joined: May 2004
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Female  Diamond Supporter 
05-02-2015, 12:54 PM
Millan and his center is being accused of negligence for prematurely releasing a pit bull with a known history of attacking people and other animals.

The canine, named Gus, was seized and impounded in Texas in 2013 and was found to be a danger to the public and ordered destroyed, according to the complaint.

Pit bulls' owner gets 15 years to life in prison for fatal mauling
Pit bulls' owner gets 15 years to life in prison for fatal mauling
"Thereafter, Cesar Millan and his Dog Psychology Center, agreed to take over custody and control of the pit bull and not to release it until it was "fully deemed a safe member of society," the complaint said.

"When the dog's owner fell behind on monthly payments to keep it housed at the Dog Psychology Center, the center prematurely released the known vicious and dangerous pit bull back into the public domain and entrusted it to someone with no training or experience in the handling of vicious and dangerous dogs," the complaint said.

Attorneys also contend that the director and head trainer at the Dog Psychology Center acknowledged that the pit bull was "not ready to be released to a home environment" and needed an additional 18 months of rehabilitation.
''and not to release it until it was fully deemed a safe member of society'',
.. how could anyone with a knowledge of dogs agree to such an undertaking when a dog has a history of biting.
Sounds like a nice little income was made from boarding the dog..
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Joined: Feb 2006
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Female  Gold Supporter 
05-02-2015, 01:55 PM
He's making a fortune out of these poor dogs that are victims in the first place
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Dogsey Veteran
Joined: Sep 2010
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05-02-2015, 02:08 PM
They let a dangerous dog go? Wicked. Milan has had suits filed against him before... he's always able to shirk liability. After all, they are not his dogs and it was not his fault the owners let their dangerous dog maul someone. Can't really blame Milan for this owners failures. I'm betting he shirks this one, too.
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Dogsey Senior
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05-02-2015, 08:39 PM
I'm just trying to figure this out. What connection does he have to the center? Does he own it? It sounds like he didn't have any direct connection to the dog in question. That the dog was at the center and the family couldn't pay the tab anymore and brought him home and he attacked. I don't know quite who is guilty here. I know the center probably can't afford to do a lot of charity care but maybe for the dogs who have really intense issues they should. That dog shouldn't have been released regardless of money issues. I mean like if you have a human in a psychiatric facility and say their insurance runs out. The family can't afford them being in hospital anymore and brings them home. If that person then does something very evil who is at fault? There's several ways to look at this situation.
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