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16-01-2013, 07:09 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Wednesday).

Morning everyone.
I hope the snow has left you all it has us thank goodness but it is misty/foggy out there and still cold. Seems there is more snow Friday and the weekend but Gorden says it will miss us the heavy stuff anyway so here's hoping.

I have popped over to yesterdays thread and caught up with last night nobody fancied the jam or marmalade tarts then ?
Too interested in that magic bottle last night it seems but reading some of the posts most of you needed a good slurp.

Linda I hope Steve's eye has improved even more by this morning.
Sally I hope you and OH got a good nights sleep and that he gets that knee sorted out today at the hospital and is in a better mood with you. If he isn't tell him you will kick him in his bad knee and then he will have something to moan at you about.
Malka pleased to hear managed to get to the ensuite without needing the throne I hope it continues and that your tummy gets better quickly now.
Helena poor Dave and you. I will keep everything crossed the flat works out and he will have his spirits lifted. For his sake and yours.
June so nice to be reading about Sasha and her antics she seems like a clever girl.

I forgot to post about Gorden's feedback from the job he didn't get didn't I ? It was all good they liked him and she warmed to him especially and they knew he would be able to do the job but the person who got it just had the edge and two questions Gorden didn't give the answer to convince them he had the experience. If the other person hadn't been there he would of got the job.
She kept telling him they are advertising for an advisor not senior which is what he was at Lewisham but still the same job and not as much money but still good money and she had said previously that they would hope if they advertise again he would apply. He has an alert on the TES job site so when it shows up he will apply.
He did say to her they are advertising for the same job he applied for and did in Lewisham in Lancashire he saw it over the weekend but his confidence was knocked and he said to me I shall wait for the feedback and ask her if she feels it is worth me applying. It costs so much money in petrol he has to get up at the crack of dawn and he loses a days pay if it is one of his school days or if it isn't and there is some consultancy work.
She said he should apply. So we will save some money and he will do a B&B the night before so he doesn't have a long journey before the interview.
Hopefully he will get one of these and then we can do the house up and move and get our big garden and have our veggie plot.

I hope everyone today has a better day health and family wise and that the weather is kinder to you today.
Have a good day all and stay safe .
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Helena54 is offline  
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16-01-2013, 07:37 AM
Morning Lynn and everyone

Sorry to hear about Gorden with that last interview, fancy getting so near yet so far, pipped at the post like that, but sounds like there could well be something on the horizon then if that other job gets readvertised. I will keep everything cross for him, so that your future plans can be fullfilled.

Hope all the babies are much better today, I don't want to hear about any cow pats, finger's crossed they're all having normal poops now for you June. Hope Michael's eye has healed up this morning Linda. Grandma, I hope you're all better today as well.

We're fine here, no snow to speak of but very, very cold of course. I'm wondering if it's fair to take Zena on the beach, but I don't really have any choice with these carpal injuries of hers, I know they're still a bit sore for her, the salt water will do them good, and best of all, there's no mud! I'm going to get a push on type tap connector from B&Q today so that I can rig the hose up to the kitchen tap via the window and give her a warm hosing down cos I did feel sorry for her yesterday blasting her undercarraige with the cold hose to get the sand off She takes it all in her stride though.

The woman rang at 9.30 last night about that flat Who rings somebody at 9.30 pm especially a stranger I will ring her back this morning for a chat and if she's just a room with a bathroom, then I shall politely tell her thanks but no thanks. I think what Dave has decided on is a camper van that he can drive into his workshop for overnight, one with a shower etc. and we can always sell it on if and when he's finished with it, so that's Plan A now

Better get my skates on then and get down the beach now that it's getting light, and then I'm off to the supermarket and B&Q, exciting stuff hey Enjoy yours and hope all is well with you and the doglets.
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16-01-2013, 07:37 AM
Hey look at this I'm on line! Long may it continue and that my problems yesterday were just a blip.
Good that Gorden got feedback, so frustrating when you are just rejected with little or no feedback. Good luck to him in the future

Well I guess few of you will believe me but our temperature this morning is + 5.5! It is Friday the bad weather is due to hit us, we will see.
Housework today
Be back later if the lappy is still behaving
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madmare is offline  
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16-01-2013, 07:50 AM
Morning Lynn and all,
We still have a good couple of inches of snow here. On the grass it has frozen making it sharp so the dogs hate walking on it. The paths and roads are compressed snow and ice making them very tricky to walk or drive on.
I have just had a nightmare trying to walk round the block with Lily. I nearly went over a few times, even though I was walking slower than a snail and lily did slip over walking next to me on the lead. She always walks nicely at my pace and her legs just slid in all directions. I am seriously thinking of not walking her anymore till this awful snow goes. When that will be I don't know as it won't melt with tempretures for the forseeable future not getting above freezing and more snow forecast tomorrow night and Friday.

I have to go out in the car this morning too, to help an elderly man in his house. I don't want to let him down and I need to get used to driving on the ice as I have to get Kyiro to the vets tomorrow for a check and bandage change. I also have work this afternoon. I have a terrible fear of driving in these conditions though and crawl along so slow making drivers behind me very impatient.
Still if Charly can get to london to work everyday then I am sure I can get up to 10 miles away.

Sorry Gordon didn't get the job Lynn, I am sure something will turn up soon. Did he ever here back from that place abroad that I can't even pronounce let alone spell, where he went before christmas?

Take care everyone and hopefully I will see you all later.
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moetmum is offline  
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16-01-2013, 08:05 AM
Morning Lynn, H, Bev and all

Feedback sounded positive for Gordon, fingers crossed for the next interview, maybe it will be better for you all round, something has to turn up soon!

H, that sounds like a good idea for Dave, so long as he can stay warm. He can take whatever he likes with him, I love staying in my caravan.

Poor Zena getting hosed down with cold water, she would turn into an ice sculpture today!

Glad your connection is back Jen, your forecast look bad for Friday, not sure what ours will be yet.

Take care Bev, don't worry about the other drivers, drive at what you feel is a safe speed, I do the same BTW.

Well my cousin is supposed to be released from hospital today, I have spoken to the care home manager and she is happy to work on him and improve things, I wonder if his episode on New Years day was to do with his brain, haven't had any news there as yet on their conclusions, we have an appointment for 28th February, I assume if they were concerned he would be seen sooner.

On top of that our immersion heater has given up the ghost, I hate going to work without washing my hair! Things can only get better!

Have a good day all and stay safe in these icy conditions.
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16-01-2013, 08:38 AM
Temporarily lost Dogsey on Firefox so am on Chrome - will try to respond later.
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Sal is offline  
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16-01-2013, 08:56 AM
Morning Lynn,Morning all

Hard frost here this morning, and very cold.I had a good night's sleep last night Dropped off on the sofa,woke at 12.30,gave O/H some more painkillers and went to bed and didn't wake till 7 this morning,O/H has been awake most of the night but he didn't wake me
Given him some more painkiller's this morning and they have knocked him out,so when he wakes,he is having a wash and I am going to try to get him in the car and take him up to the local Minor Injuries Unit and see what they say,otherwise it's a 20 mile drive to the major A&E dept.
He's not one that pops pills so he must be in quite alot of pain to ask for painkillers.

Lizzie and Luke are home today so at least they can help me
Nice to hear Gordon got some positive feedback Lynn,

Have a good day all x
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16-01-2013, 09:03 AM
Good morning all.

Well, what a night. Rosie was lethargic yesterday - sleeping most of the day. I put it down to not getting out for a walk, but I was wrong. About 8 pm she started pacing. The pacing and obvious distress got so bad, I rang the emergency vet at 9.30 pm. Gave her half a paracetamol as directed and she finally started to settle at 11.30 pm. This morning she's much better, but still not 100%. It's a wait and see game to see whether she continues to get better or deteriorates as the day goes on If I were guessing, I'd say she's slightly constipated. She's going, but neither the number of times, nor the volume I'd expect. If she were a child, I'd give her milk of magnesia to start the process, but .....

The snow is now layered with a sheet of ice both on the ground and the roads. Everything is white over, but the sun is out so fingers crossed that it might clear at least some of it.

Looks like another hibernation day for us .

Have a good 'un all and stay safe out there
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16-01-2013, 09:12 AM
Good morning Lynn and fellow members,

Lets all hope today is a more positive day for those with worries/problems.

I was woken by Flash this morning wanting to go into the garden as 05.40 Managed to shove on shoes and coat but jeeps it was like walking into a fridge. Flash needed to go to the loo and it appeared normal but ended up as an upset tummy . Rucksack did a completely normal poo grin: . Both seem to be absolutely fine in themselves, full of beans and playing and both drink plenty and are eating. I gave Flash a much smaller portion. I really do think it is to do with the traces of sewage after the floods here. I'm going to walk them later and if either of them have a dodgy tummy I will take them both to the vets this afternoon. I want to get them weighed anyway as although Rucksack
is a good shape now having been too skinny due to his allergies, I think its possible that Flash has lost weight.

I intend to have a quiet day after such an early start!!

Lynn - all the best for Gorden. I'm sure he will find a really suitable job before long, but I know it is disheartening.
Helena - a camper van sounds a great idea, providing he can keep warm.

Just watching all the awful images of the helicopter crash in Vauxhall, London. According to the BBC news there are no casualties reported at present (not sure about the pilot though ).

See you later.
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16-01-2013, 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn and everyone

Sorry to hear about Gorden with that last interview, fancy getting so near yet so far, pipped at the post like that, but sounds like there could well be something on the horizon then if that other job gets readvertised. I will keep everything cross for him, so that your future plans can be fullfilled.

Hope all the babies are much better today, I don't want to hear about any cow pats, finger's crossed they're all having normal poops now for you June. Hope Michael's eye has healed up this morning Linda. Grandma, I hope you're all better today as well.

We're fine here, no snow to speak of but very, very cold of course. I'm wondering if it's fair to take Zena on the beach, but I don't really have any choice with these carpal injuries of hers, I know they're still a bit sore for her, the salt water will do them good, and best of all, there's no mud! I'm going to get a push on type tap connector from B&Q today so that I can rig the hose up to the kitchen tap via the window and give her a warm hosing down cos I did feel sorry for her yesterday blasting her undercarraige with the cold hose to get the sand off She takes it all in her stride though.

The woman rang at 9.30 last night about that flat Who rings somebody at 9.30 pm especially a stranger I will ring her back this morning for a chat and if she's just a room with a bathroom, then I shall politely tell her thanks but no thanks. I think what Dave has decided on is a camper van that he can drive into his workshop for overnight, one with a shower etc. and we can always sell it on if and when he's finished with it, so that's Plan A now

Better get my skates on then and get down the beach now that it's getting light, and then I'm off to the supermarket and B&Q, exciting stuff hey Enjoy yours and hope all is well with you and the doglets.
Morning Helena. There are some nice camper vans out there. Just think you could all have a holiday in it too.
Fancy ringing at 9.30 I am usually in bed with the tele on by then.

Stay safe out there.

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Hey look at this I'm on line! Long may it continue and that my problems yesterday were just a blip.
Good that Gorden got feedback, so frustrating when you are just rejected with little or no feedback. Good luck to him in the future

Well I guess few of you will believe me but our temperature this morning is + 5.5! It is Friday the bad weather is due to hit us, we will see.
Housework today
Be back later if the lappy is still behaving
Morning Jenny boasting about the temperature it is very cold here today again. I hope yo don't get all that snow that is forecast for Friday and I hope we don't get it instead.
I hope yesterday was just a blip and you keep your connection now.
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn and all,
We still have a good couple of inches of snow here. On the grass it has frozen making it sharp so the dogs hate walking on it. The paths and roads are compressed snow and ice making them very tricky to walk or drive on.
I have just had a nightmare trying to walk round the block with Lily. I nearly went over a few times, even though I was walking slower than a snail and lily did slip over walking next to me on the lead. She always walks nicely at my pace and her legs just slid in all directions. I am seriously thinking of not walking her anymore till this awful snow goes. When that will be I don't know as it won't melt with tempretures for the forseeable future not getting above freezing and more snow forecast tomorrow night and Friday.

I have to go out in the car this morning too, to help an elderly man in his house. I don't want to let him down and I need to get used to driving on the ice as I have to get Kyiro to the vets tomorrow for a check and bandage change. I also have work this afternoon. I have a terrible fear of driving in these conditions though and crawl along so slow making drivers behind me very impatient.
Still if Charly can get to london to work everyday then I am sure I can get up to 10 miles away.

Sorry Gordon didn't get the job Lynn, I am sure something will turn up soon. Did he ever here back from that place abroad that I can't even pronounce let alone spell, where he went before christmas?

Take care everyone and hopefully I will see you all later.
Morning Bev luckily here the now has gone on the pavements and roads still a little bit of frozen stuff on the verges but walking is fine.
I hope it clears soon for you so you can walk Lily and get to work and drive Kyiro to the vets without any added stress.
Gorden was meant to hear about Kazakhstan on the 20th December no news as of yesterday so he has emailed the guy with a rude email. It would have to be a long stint to make it worth while financially and hassle wise.
Take care out there.
Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning Lynn, H, Bev and all

Feedback sounded positive for Gordon, fingers crossed for the next interview, maybe it will be better for you all round, something has to turn up soon!

H, that sounds like a good idea for Dave, so long as he can stay warm. He can take whatever he likes with him, I love staying in my caravan.

Poor Zena getting hosed down with cold water, she would turn into an ice sculpture today!

Glad your connection is back Jen, your forecast look bad for Friday, not sure what ours will be yet.

Take care Bev, don't worry about the other drivers, drive at what you feel is a safe speed, I do the same BTW.

Well my cousin is supposed to be released from hospital today, I have spoken to the care home manager and she is happy to work on him and improve things, I wonder if his episode on New Years day was to do with his brain, haven't had any news there as yet on their conclusions, we have an appointment for 28th February, I assume if they were concerned he would be seen sooner.

On top of that our immersion heater has given up the ghost, I hate going to work without washing my hair! Things can only get better!

Have a good day all and stay safe in these icy conditions.
Morning Gerri. What a start to your day no hot water or immersion.
I was sorry to read you were having some problems with your cousin. I am pleased to hear things seem to be being sorted.
I hope you have good things happen today to make up for the last few days and this morning.
OTE=Malka;2649933]Temporarily lost Dogsey on Firefox so am on Chrome - will try to respond later.[/QUOTE]

Morning Malka. Good luck with firefox. Hope to see you later.

Has anyone heard from Rose (Rosebud) ?
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