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19-12-2012, 06:48 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread. (Wednesday).

Morning all.

Cold and misty here this morning. Dillon managed a lie-in till 6am this morning and just the low huffing/gruffing noise I can live with that till he grows up and slows down (hopefully). He has had a little play we tell him get a toy to stop the hard mouthing when he greets us so today instead of pig or his long kong type toy that has a furry cover on it he took my cushion off the sofa and shook the life out of it.
I have some nice cushions acquired from when I cleaned mums house out. I think it will be a while before they show themselves down here.
He has been outside and is now laying in the hall waiting for breakfast. I hope he slows down today he didn't stop yesterday.

Gorden still not well. His throat he says feels like broken glass today. So I will be out getting strepsils today.
He says he does feel better though and that he is going to the interview.
at least it isn't the winter vomiting bug.

I am going to to ice at least one cake today as we are meeting our friends for a coffee Saturday or I will be if Gorden is still under the weather as they love a home made christmas cake and it is our present to them plus I may try to do some mince pies for them too.

I am listening to the weather news and I think we are all due some rain today or tonight but take care in the South West it sounds like you may need to batten down the hatches again. More heavy rain and flooding and high winds forecast for you.
Take care our friends in the SW.

I hope everyone is well today and all the furry and feathered friends are too.

Have a good day all whatever you are doing.
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19-12-2012, 06:58 AM
Morning Lynn, morning all who follow

[Ahem - I have just the right person to help you ice that cake Lynn but at the moment he is hidden away! ]

I actually managed to get to bed before midnight - just - Pereg got me up some time after 2am but she goes out, does what she needs to do, then comes straight back in so it is usually easy to get back to sleep. Unfortunately for me something/someone disturbed her around 6-ish so she stood at the end of the bed looking towards the window and gave a couple of barks, then flonked down again muttering to herself as if to say how dare they disturb me!

There is a large chunk of pumpkin and over a kilo of courgettes in the refrigerator waiting to be prepped and blanched, so I had better get started.

Have a good "hump" day everyone!
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19-12-2012, 07:05 AM
Good mornng, fellow early bird..

Stormy noisy night but quiet now.

Busy folk out there

Today, as market is Friday, I will be sewing up and sorting knitting done this week, sorting and chcking and packing jams, chutneys etc so that tomorrow I can really rest... Loooong day ahead then...

These cats! I realise that they are acting odd because of collie; they cannot get in or out except through the kitchen as long as it is too cold to leave a wiindow open at night; will have to think about all this but for now this is why they are vanishing to the attic space. Collie sleeps by the cat flap!!!

Girl nagged and nagged at me until I opend the door to there then vanished like a streak of greased lightning

Half the contents of the hot press are now on the floor...

Email from the ink people just saying they have passed the directions on..not worrying this time! Used to freak me out but I am used to it now.

Uh OH; bone war has just broken out to off to remove the said bones...WHY cannot they each just gnaw their own bone and leave the other's alone...

Enjoy the day.. Blessings and peace
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19-12-2012, 07:19 AM
Morning Lynn, grandma, Rosebud and everyone

I had to laugh at Dillon, you need to get him one of those soft frisbees Lynn from P@H cos Zena loves to shake it all about, how she doesn't knock herself out on the furniture I will never know, and I'm sure Dillon would love one of those, but I expect he's already got on on his Christmas list. Glad to hear he's still being so good for you. Hope Gorden gets to the interview tomorrow.

Sounds like you got a reasonable night's sleep there grandma, and I hope you'll be able to sort out the puter today maybe. Hope those new inks arrive today for you Rosebud I hope all your animals will let you get on with what you have to do today without too many interruptions.

I'm off down the beach today, it'll make a nice change, we don't have to walk on the sand, there's a lovely undercliff walk all along the front from St Leonards into Bexhill, quite a distance, but I have all the time in the world and best of all, it's on the flat, yayyyy, I can walk for miles on the flat. Hopefully, Zena can stay offlead for most of it, but of course, there's a busy main road at the start so I'll have to be careful. If it's a good walk with not too many people, I'll be putting the bike rack on the car over the week-end, as it's a proper cycle path in the middle, which will make a pleasant change from all that mud in the woods over the road, I'll save those for another day.

So, so dark this morning, I'm surprised I woke up so early, but at least it's not raining....yet! Stay safe down there in the south west cos you're really in for it again today.

Enjoy the day everyone
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19-12-2012, 07:28 AM

It's raining....hard and thats all I'm going to say

Today I'm going with my Grand-daughter (Kyla's mum) to the dentist. She has to have a tooth out and is so scared. I'm not sure what good I will be to her I'm the same

General tidying otherwise and final getting "stuff" ready!

Have a good day all x
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19-12-2012, 07:42 AM
Good morning all!

Lynn, since you told us a few days ago about Dillon getting you up, Rosie has stayed in bed until 7 am. Would you like to put up another thread about him then she may just stretch it another hour?

That sounds to be my kinda walk, Helena. Since I did me ankle in, it doesn't have full 'bend' in it so hills and steps would be a nightmare for me. Where we are, it's all flat and, like you, I can walk forever these days on the flat. I really do enjoy walking, more so since the 18 months when I couldn't walk because of the ankle - that was a nightmare.

Can't really see what the weather is doing at the moment as it's very dark. Forecast is for cloudy rather than rain though and I'm hoping they are right. Tomorrow's forecast is terrible - heavy rain all day.

Opticians this morning and need to pop into Tesco for some bread and milk. Other than that, just the usual for us.

Hope you lot have a good 'un
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moetmum is offline  
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19-12-2012, 07:45 AM
Morning Lynn and all

Poor Gordon, I hope he can keep the sore throat at bay, good luck for the interview.

I had to smile at Dillon and the cushions as we have the same problem with ours, we have even had a couple of cushions destuffed.

I am envious H, I think I will have to take my two youngsters down to the beach, I am so fed up with mud and guns, next month it will be avoid the hunt, they don't care where they go and left a good few people up here very angry.

I had the same thing happen yesterday Rosebud with the bones, I am on the phone everyone is peaceful until Taz decides to go and get a bone (there were 10 on a low shelf) and they start bickering over the one bone!

What a character Pereg is, bless her!

It's still dark here but the rain hasn't arrived yet, it looks as if it will be a good few days of it too. I don't think the dogs will willingly go out today!

Have a good day all.
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19-12-2012, 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by Malka View Post
Morning Lynn, morning all who follow

[Ahem - I have just the right person to help you ice that cake Lynn but at the moment he is hidden away! ]

I actually managed to get to bed before midnight - just - Pereg got me up some time after 2am but she goes out, does what she needs to do, then comes straight back in so it is usually easy to get back to sleep. Unfortunately for me something/someone disturbed her around 6-ish so she stood at the end of the bed looking towards the window and gave a couple of barks, then flonked down again muttering to herself as if to say how dare they disturb me!

There is a large chunk of pumpkin and over a kilo of courgettes in the refrigerator waiting to be prepped and blanched, so I had better get started.

Have a good "hump" day everyone!
Morning Malka.
Good girl Pereg I wish Dillon would settle like Pereg he use too but just lately he is getting very pushy. Today he has started again just a few minutes ago in fact.
It is no good hiding these men that could help me. Where are they I need them.
Good luck with all the veg prep. Take care thogh and don't overdo things.

Originally Posted by Rosebud77 View Post
Good mornng, fellow early bird..

Stormy noisy night but quiet now.

Busy folk out there

Today, as market is Friday, I will be sewing up and sorting knitting done this week, sorting and chcking and packing jams, chutneys etc so that tomorrow I can really rest... Loooong day ahead then...

These cats! I realise that they are acting odd because of collie; they cannot get in or out except through the kitchen as long as it is too cold to leave a wiindow open at night; will have to think about all this but for now this is why they are vanishing to the attic space. Collie sleeps by the cat flap!!!

Girl nagged and nagged at me until I opend the door to there then vanished like a streak of greased lightning

Half the contents of the hot press are now on the floor...

Email from the ink people just saying they have passed the directions on..not worrying this time! Used to freak me out but I am used to it now.

Uh OH; bone war has just broken out to off to remove the said bones...WHY cannot they each just gnaw their own bone and leave the other's alone...

Enjoy the day.. Blessings and peace
Morning Rose. Good luck with all the sewing and knitting for the market.
I am glad to hear the storm has passed.
Hopefully the ink will arrive without to much drama and the bone fight is now sorted.
Enjoy your day.

[Q UOTE=Helena54;2639945]Morning Lynn, grandma, Rosebud and everyone

I had to laugh at Dillon, you need to get him one of those soft frisbees Lynn from P@H cos Zena loves to shake it all about, how she doesn't knock herself out on the furniture I will never know, and I'm sure Dillon would love one of those, but I expect he's already got on on his Christmas list. Glad to hear he's still being so good for you. Hope Gorden gets to the interview tomorrow.

Sounds like you got a reasonable night's sleep there grandma, and I hope you'll be able to sort out the puter today maybe. Hope those new inks arrive today for you Rosebud I hope all your animals will let you get on with what you have to do today without too many interruptions.

I'm off down the beach today, it'll make a nice change, we don't have to walk on the sand, there's a lovely undercliff walk all along the front from St Leonards into Bexhill, quite a distance, but I have all the time in the world and best of all, it's on the flat, yayyyy, I can walk for miles on the flat. Hopefully, Zena can stay offlead for most of it, but of course, there's a busy main road at the start so I'll have to be careful. If it's a good walk with not too many people, I'll be putting the bike rack on the car over the week-end, as it's a proper cycle path in the middle, which will make a pleasant change from all that mud in the woods over the road, I'll save those for another day.

So, so dark this morning, I'm surprised I woke up so early, but at least it's not raining....yet! Stay safe down there in the south west cos you're really in for it again today.

Enjoy the day everyone[/QUOTE]

Morning Helena. Sounds like Zena is back to normal today or at least I hope she is.
Those frisbees sound a good idea will keep my eye out for one for the monster.
Enjoy the cycle track at the weekend sounds fun.
Enjoy your day.

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post

It's raining....hard and thats all I'm going to say

Today I'm going with my Grand-daughter (Kyla's mum) to the dentist. She has to have a tooth out and is so scared. I'm not sure what good I will be to her I'm the same

General tidying otherwise and final getting "stuff" ready!

Have a good day all x
Morning Jen.
Take care and hope the forecast is worse than you will get.
I hope it all goes well at the dentist.
Enjoy your day.
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Lucky Star
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19-12-2012, 07:55 AM
Morning everyone

It's going to rain to day I think so I'm going to walk Loki then go into town for some Christmas cards. I think we should make them though - the price of them!

Take care and have a lovely day.
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youngstevie is offline  
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19-12-2012, 08:03 AM
Good Morning One and All xxxxx

At the moment all is calm here but I think we have rain later so the weather forecast says.

Lots to do housework wise then out this afternoon with the gang.......more mud to mop up after that I daresay

Hope you all stay well and have a great day xxxxx
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