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mjfromga is offline  
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19-03-2015, 08:44 AM

Night sweats... advice

So, I have a terrible hormonal issue (and terrible issues caused by the terrible hormonal issues). I'm on very strong doses of progesterone to try and level things out. The night sweats are getting a TON worse. At first, it would be my legs, so I'd wear shorts etc. instead of long PJs.

It progressed to all over, so I just ditched any covers, even on cool nights. These things seemed to help at first. Now, it no longer matters and if my insomnia doesn't keep me awake, I wake up absolutely drenched, even if it's cold in here. I'm prone to nightmares, and I don't sweat even half as much with those. It's horrid.

I know it's got to be the hormones, but getting off of them is currently not an option. It's disgusting, and I keep having to wash my sheets like daily. I'm getting annoyed. I see the doc pretty soon, and of course will be mentioning it. I complained of other issues, so these current ones with be switched to the DEPO shot at my next appointment, but still.

Has anybody dealt with these? What else can I do that might help?
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Nippy is offline  
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19-03-2015, 08:52 AM
I'm afraid I never found anything that worked It is advisable to cut out caffeine and nicotine (but I don't think you smoke anyway)
It is truly horrible and I feel for you.
Talk it over with your doc, maybe there is something else now that you can try.
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brenda1 is offline  
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19-03-2015, 09:09 AM
I found folliculinum worked. It is homeopathic but not sure if it will work for you if you are on other meds. Ask your doctor or seek a homeopath.
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mjfromga is offline  
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19-03-2015, 10:09 AM
I have never smoked and I do not drink coffee, tea, or really anything else that contains caffeine. Thanks though Nippy. I haven't found anything that works yet, either. It's driving me nuts. My mother takes Black Cohosh root, but it hasn't helped me.

Brenda, thanks for the information. I see that folliculinum is estrogen based. I have Complex Endometrial Hyperplasia with atypia. Needless to say, additional estrogen must be avoided at all costs, so I cannot play around with anything like that. I will search other options, though. Thanks for the help.
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19-03-2015, 10:24 AM
Myra ... nothing at all to suggest, but just sending you hugs and kisses of support xx gnasher xx
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mjfromga is offline  
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19-03-2015, 10:33 AM
Oh, thank you, Gnasher. Those help in their own way. Always helpful
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19-03-2015, 02:30 PM
I never found anything that worked either, mine was alledgedly the menopause and lack of oestrogen, it wasn't but that's what they treated me for. The nhs have caused me no end of problems as a result but taking progesterone did stop it, well either that or it was a coincidence and it went of it's own accord. Like you I had dysfunctional uterine bleeding, they came up with several diagnosise all wrong, from fibroids to cancer and would never entertain my theory that it was the bloody hrt. I lost half my bodies volume of blood on two seperate occasions, I had two strokes not tia's before they started to pay attention to me. I'm lucky not to be dead because what they were doing was causing my blood to clot and on extensive investigations after the second stroke, it took them a year they discovered I have an auto-immune condition that causes my blood to clot far more easily than your average person. Oh and although that auto-immune disease has probably been there since birth, it's now believed it was triggered by the hrt. Not even an apology.
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19-03-2015, 02:56 PM
Oh, boy. What a horror story. Sorry, Trouble. These hormones suck, after months and months on them, my condition has not improved. It has slowed the DUB down (or like you said, perhaps it slowed itself down), but the hyperplasia is just worsening.

Instead of another awful and near fatal bleed out, I bleed EVERY SINGLE DAY but its slower so I won't die. Extremely hard to live a normal life, and frustrating. My blood count will not rise either, it's been 9-10 for nearly 2 months now (on strong prescription iron), and the hyperplasia is still there. My personal count should be 14-15 (with most women being at least 12), so I still am way weaker than normal, get tired way faster, and don't feel like myself.

I MUST stay on the hormones, though. They adamantly refuse to operate until there is no choice left. Such as when the hyperplasia turns into a carcinoma, or I bleed back down into danger zone again. I've had other complaints, too. The threat of me suing them for unethical business practices is too high for them to just LISTEN to me.

I'm so upset about it. And now this night sweat garbage is getting a TON worse. I'm almost ready to change doctors, but these people are Emory doctors and extremely highly qualified, and any other practice will do the same thing.
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19-03-2015, 03:59 PM
Mjfromga, I feel for you and can emphasise with you. I too get night sweats. They are truly awful and a different kind of sweating you get say on a very hot day. Sometimes it is like a 'cold' sweat if that makes sense. Sometimes it is all down the back of my legs and across my chest and clings to my skin, a bit like a thin coating of slime - urghh! I did go to the doctors but tests for menopause came back negative. Oh the mornings (few and far between) I wake non sweaty are bliss. I do find sometimes it's worse after having a vivid dream??? I rarely drink coffee but do drink tea. Late 2013 I had to have a hysterectomy (fibroid problems) but blood tests since have shown I'm not menopausal. But I do know you can have menopause symptoms for years before going into the actual thing. So in my case it looks like I have to put up with it but it's so awful sometimes.
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lovemybull is offline  
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19-03-2015, 07:07 PM
Wishing you the best darling, I'm sorry. I remember my Mom going through menopause when I was a teen. Of course I didn't understand why her face would flush and she'd be flinging open windows.
Fast forward-it's 2 am and 22 degrees outside. I'm on my side of the bed in bra and panties and not even a sheet. Hubby is on his side with the dogs under any number of blankets and comforters...and guilty as I might feel I've propped the window in back of the bed a few inches too.
I'm not on hormones, just fifty two and it's coming from within...but feel your pain.
PS The dreams are on another level. Fires and explosions, a very vivid one I remember. I was in a room looking out the window and the house next door burst into flames. Of course I woke up soaked, but just a dream.
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