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CaroleC is offline  
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20-02-2014, 02:40 AM
I have Lupus (SLE) and have found that the Amitriptylene which was prescribed to help me to get more sleep, also made it hard for me to 'get going' the following morning. When needed, I now take a Valerian 500mg tablet. Whilst it is not a sedative - and therefore no side effects - it does seem to have a relaxing effect which aids sleep.
(As does a couple of G & T's).
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23-02-2014, 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by CaroleC View Post
I have Lupus (SLE) and have found that the Amitriptylene which was prescribed to help me to get more sleep, also made it hard for me to 'get going' the following morning. When needed, I now take a Valerian 500mg tablet. Whilst it is not a sedative - and therefore no side effects - it does seem to have a relaxing effect which aids sleep.
(As does a couple of G & T's).
Valerian gave me a hangover but we are all different,
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23-02-2014, 11:33 AM
Please stop worrying about it.. and please also get a very thorough physical check up to ensure there is nothing physical causing it. Often drs are too ready to call it nerves etc.

I get bad pain at night with raynauds so use a codeine meds which makes me sleepy or a simple antihistamine eg travel sickness.

I invariably wake in the small hours so knit and read until sleepy again and never worry now BUT I have no work to worry about.

Worrying re sleep issues causes sleep issues
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07-03-2014, 09:41 PM
If I wake through the night or early morning, I rarely can get back to sleep - the thinking kicks in and mind goes on over-drive. Sometimes I'll have a glass of whisky though and that does help to allow me a few hours more sleep.
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07-03-2014, 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by robert11 View Post
If I wake through the night or early morning, I rarely can get back to sleep - the thinking kicks in and mind goes on over-drive. Sometimes I'll have a glass of whisky though and that does help to allow me a few hours more sleep.
I will second the glass of whiskey tip - but BEFORE bed.

I've reverted back to my BAD sleep habits this week (lots of stuff going on) decided a long hot soak in bath would do the job last night. Fell asleep in it. Woke up with water cold. Never felt so UNrelaxed in my life lol!

Must try harder!

Apparently QUALITY of sleep is more important. If you are 'sleeping' 9 hrs OR WADDEVER but not breathing correctly or twitching and fidgetting and waking etc. It's no better than a couple of hours good sound sleep.

I've got LOADS going on right now and just like when I am planning a trip or moving house or expecting my family over ... I just KNOW I won't sleep well and if I try to get to bed early I will just end up wide awake at some ungodly hour padding round the apartment, smoking, making coffee, hanging off the verandah looking out to sea.

Might as well hang it out til 3am and get a few hours!
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07-03-2014, 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by lore View Post
So you probably know, I have been complaining of feeling constantly tired and really struggling to wake in the morning just to get to work.

Brian has often complained that during the night I will be jerking in my know, that dream where you are falling off a kerb or something and jerk yourself awake. The only thing is, I'm not waking up but I'm wondering if it's enough to be disturbing my sleep and make me feel really shattered.

I've mentioned it to the doctor but blood tests haven't revealed any other reason as to why I am so tired all the time. The only suggestion when I did tell the doctor about the jerking in my sleep years ago (and I was on two tablets of anti-depressants a day at that point, back to one now) was that it was the anti-depressants. I know I am busy a lot but tbh, half the time I'm coming home, thinking on what I have to do but not doing it till last minute.

So any ideas would be welcomed. I'm thinking about trying nite all or something like that.
The jerks - myoclonic jerks - do not have anything to do with dreams. They just happen. And they can happen - mainly with legs but also sometimes with arms, during the day for no known reason.

It is like when a dog twitches in their sleep and you say "oh, he is dreaming of chasing rabbits."

Myoclonic jerks can be caused by medication, by vitamin or mineral deficiency - and sometimes because they just happen, but they are not actually connected to dreaming.

Taking medication, whether Rx or herbal, will possibly help your sleep but will not stop involuntary myoclonic jerks.

One possible help would be to take a magnesium supplement before you go to bed.
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07-03-2014, 10:33 PM
Lore - you are 'going to bed' and 'sleeping' but not feeling refreshed or awake enough and still tired the next day. Honestly, before 'trying anything' I'd go see the doc if you have a good one. Don't self medicate before at least trying to find out if there is some 'reason' for it.

I've survived happily on up to 6hrs sleep a night since about age 14. That's all I need. And all many other people need too. But when I don't even get the 5 hrs or so hell I feel bad. And that's always when there is 'something else going on'.

Some folk need 8hrs a night. Babies need about 12. And they say as you age you need less.

But it's also connected to how much physical activity and work you do when awake. I never have any trouble sleeping when I've worked so hard and rushed about so much for around 12 hrs of the day.

Bit like eating really - if you take in more calories than you need for what you DO you will get fat. If you take in less you will get thinner.

If you aren't actually doing much physical (or mental) exertion stuff you won't get as tired as someone who is.

I only worry when I know I AM doing a lot of both physical and mentally exerting and exhausting stuff and STILL not being able to get 5hrs uninterrupted sleep - then I know there's a problem.

But I also know that if I am REALLY worried about stuff or feeling depressed I sleep more than ever. It's like it's a case of 'don't want to get up and face the day' or 'don't ever want to get out of bed'?

Apart from a glass of whiskey or brandy in the evening I've never taken any medication to help me sleep.

And am really miffed at the mo because the latest meds I am on for the deep hip pain make me sleepy and I do NOT want to be sleepy during the day!

(But then taking Bella out of the apartment for minimum 3hrs a day while the painters are in is quite physically draining)

Hence fell asleep in my 'nice long hot soak in the bath' last night. Woke at some ungodly hour in a bath of cold water and then couldn't get back to sleep until about the time I usually get up!

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