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bens mum
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26-01-2014, 12:25 PM

Anyone want a kidney infection???

bloody hell ive never known pain like it. had to ring the out of hours doctors yesterday. been given antibiotics and more painkillers. im out of my head at the mo. but not really doing that much for the pain. cant straighten up.walking like quasimodo. managed to have a shower but glad i have a body board to sit on.
been a crap month. m.i.l just out of hosp shes got inoperable cancer. shes been treated badly hasnt even got an oncology nurse for support!! then today had to rush my cat to the emergency vets. hes been hurt badly. so i dont like january at all. been horrible.
anyone want to swap ??
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26-01-2014, 12:27 PM
Just offering sympathy here. Are you sure you don't have a kidney stone? I've had that and yes the pain is excruciating if it starts moving down the urethra.

I hope next month is a better one for you!
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26-01-2014, 12:37 PM
Sorry, really shouldn't have bothered you with my previous post - do hope you are feeling a bit better soon.x
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26-01-2014, 12:54 PM
my oldest daughter used to be tortured with kidney infections when she was younger,had a scan eventually which showed nothing out of the ordinary.Do remember her taking loads of Lemon Barley Water( advised by doc) really did help with the terrible burning sensation,along with lots of water.Feel so bad for you(( hugs))
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26-01-2014, 01:06 PM
HUGS. I had a kidney infection before Christmas, it took 2 courses of antibiotics to clear it. What helped me a lot was drinking cranberry juice, it really made a difference.

I am sending you all Reiki to help.
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26-01-2014, 02:56 PM
Cathy I am sorry to learn you are having such a bad time.
Have you tried a hot water bottle on your back in the area of your kidneys, that can help with the pain.

I hope things improve for you soon
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Lucky Star
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26-01-2014, 02:59 PM
I'm really sorry for you. I hope it clears up quickly.
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bens mum
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26-01-2014, 03:31 PM
the doctor said it could be kidney stones. yesterday the pain was so intense.i was on my knees.(and ive got a high pain threshold.given birth no painkillers before. but that took my breath away. and then it felt as if something gave way then the pain eased off. but later on its started up again. every 2 hours im taking 1 sort of pain meds or another. so as 1 lots easing off the other lot kicks in. im wearing leggings instead of jeans that sore. cold legs.
rang the vets and luckily my kitty hasnt got any fractures but they are worried about his eye which is swelling. so im to ring him at 8pm to see what is happening. they might want to remove his eye. my poor boy. a good friend has just dropped off a crate for him to go in. hes not going anywhere till hes better. so litter tray duties for me.
just want him home.
thanks for your concern all so good of u all
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26-01-2014, 04:22 PM
Sorry you are have a rubbish month.

I cna only send a hug for the kdney pain and maybe suggest cranberry juice as it might help out a bit. But I have never had a kidney infection so don't know for sure. But I am sendign a hug from me and licks from 9, 5 weeek puppies

I would say that my cat lost his eye when he was very old 13-14 years old and got on just fine for a few more years it didn't bother him at all although for the first day when he got home he did turn around in circles alot so he could see everything. but that didn't last very long at all then he was fine. He would have been fine for many more years but old age and other health problem caught up with him so he was PTS. I did alway make sure to put his food bowl down on the side which he had an eye and tried to make sure I approached from the side he could see. But he was fine so don't worry if it coem to it I am sure your cat will be bfine to.


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Azz is offline  
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26-01-2014, 05:57 PM
I think I have one too!

It's been showing I have an infection on some urinanalysis strips I bought a while back - for over a week now. Told the doc he said it sounds like you are drinking too much water

Hope you get better soon.
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