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25-01-2014, 11:33 PM

Why I no longer buy pre-washed salads

For a long time I have been a bit sceptical of pre-washed salads, as often, it just smelt dirty!

And when some of the countries our produce comes from is in the tropics, it's just not worth the risk:
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catrinsparkles is offline  
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26-01-2014, 07:43 AM
Mmmm I'm not sure if it would stop me buying it to be honest. I'm very lax with salad, I very very rarely wash what I've bought. I also don't wash fruit and veg really. I haven't had a stomach bug in.....I can't even remember when, definelty not in the past 6 years. My girls are 3 and 4, and they've only have tummy bugs twice, where as lots of other children seem to get everyone that's going round. I don't know if it is because we have dogs or because I'm not fastidious about hand washing...I don't know.
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26-01-2014, 08:08 AM
I never ever buy pre washed salad.
When I can't grow my own I buy salad stuff and wash it myself
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26-01-2014, 08:29 AM
Even if it says pre-washed maybe wise to wash it. I do sometimes buy them. Hoping to grow our own this year though.
And t think they have banned marmite as they are not sure of the ingredients.
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26-01-2014, 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Even if it says pre-washed maybe wise to wash it. I do sometimes buy them. Hoping to grow our own this year though.
And t think they have banned marmite as they are not sure of the ingredients.
I read that too, the cheek of it! WHAT is wrong with Marmite?? Okay don't all speak at once
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26-01-2014, 09:38 AM
Oh yuck! I eat loads of prepared stuff like spinach, watercress etc.
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26-01-2014, 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
I read that too, the cheek of it! WHAT is wrong with Marmite?? Okay don't all speak at once
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26-01-2014, 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
I never ever buy pre washed salad.
When I can't grow my own I buy salad stuff and wash it myself
Me too Nippy, I have never bought it because it seems expensive and wasteful to me and I don't like my food messed around with by other people. I buy lettuce etc and discard the outer leaves.

I know some suppliers wash salad stuff in a chlorine solution too which isn't very attractive.
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mjfromga is offline  
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26-01-2014, 11:12 AM
I rarely eat salad. I also don't like those prepared salads. I like broccoli florets, celery, onion, sliced carrots.. and other things that are often hard to find in prepared salads. So I just buy what I like and make the salad myself. Saves me the trouble of having to buy tons of extra stuff anyway.

I never wash fruit and I have been known to even pick things up I dropped and blow/wipe/rinse them off and eat them I'm very country and walk outside with no shoes, let dogs lie in the bed, eat fruit right off bushes/trees... and I just don't think that dirt can truly hurt you.

I'm more concerned about the random crap they put in the food... such as meats etc. than some dirt being left on a piece of lettuce. I don't get stomach bugs often either... perhaps once every two years max. Not even that probably.

I was sickly when I was younger, and all those repeated disease have truly strengthened me, I'm rarely sick these days. So I guess I think I'm superwoman or something.

P.S. what is marmite?
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26-01-2014, 11:50 AM
I do wash salad and vegetables but not fruit, I once had a caterpillar in my lettuce so now wash it to make sure. Always washed vegetables. Sometimes I will grow my own, I need to be really fussy about washing that because of the amount of slugs about, YUK, can't bare slugs.

Food, dishes, cutlery and the work surfaces were I am working need to be clean, anything goes after that. Like Catrin my children rarely got tummy bugs unlike the other children in school. I did insist on my sons washing their hands before eating, they were usually covered in mud, not nice to see when you are eating.
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