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Helena54 is offline  
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19-06-2013, 06:10 AM

Morning - Dogsey Daily Thread - Wednesday

Good morning all Dogsey Peops, and that's not just to all the regulars who call in here religiously, but a good morning to everyone on here, especially all the newbies, this thread is a chance for everyone to get to know each other better, so come on in, the door's always wide open here

Awww gaaawd, can't type, keyboard going reeeeeeally slooooow and I'm a fast typist. What IS the matter with it?? Might need new batteries perhaps?? Frustrating grrrrrr! It won't type all the letters in a word or do a space, taking me aaaages to type this bit even lol!

Hope yr all well and the doglets, thinking of you Sally, gotta go, can't cope with this, will sort it later lol!

Enjoy your day all and hello to anyone new who decides to take the plunge and join in with us today
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19-06-2013, 06:19 AM
Morning Helena its clockwork isn't your keyboard ? So you need to wind it up.

Its been raining here. I was told yesterday by mums friend that it is meant to be in the 70's today. That would be nice.
Mum has been playing on my mind how unhappy she seems and maybe I was a bit harsh and with her yesterday, then I think if she was back in her own home she would as Gill pointed out be moaning about the carers telling us they don't do things like change the sheets etc., you don't understand and of course its all really frustration that she can't do it anymore for herself.
So she is in the best place and there's nothing more any of us can do now except sit and wait for her to be released from her misery.
I am trying to learn a lesson from all this.

Sally if you pop in before leaving thinking of you and the family and safe journey.
Pat I read your post last night about the old woman sounds familiar.
To everyone else have a good day.
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19-06-2013, 06:21 AM
Morning H and all,
Just got drenched on our morning walk. We got 10mins into it and the heavens opened. I hoped it would be quick and tried to plough on but it wasn't so we turned back. Lily was not amused as she didn't have her rain mack on and greyhounds coats are not waterproof so she is soaked to the skin poor girl.

I spoke to the vet on the phone last night as where Lily damaged her dew claw and had to have the rest removed, it is still oozing, so she is leaving some antibiotics out for me to collect today and we will have to hope Lily doesn't react badly to these ones, like she always has to others in the past. She wants to see her again on Saturday. Not even simple things seem to go straightforward with my dogs .

Another very busy day works wise for me.

Hope you get that keyboard fixed H and hope the rest of you are ok.
Enjoy your day all.
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19-06-2013, 06:25 AM
Morning H and all

Didn't get far with my hedge trimming yesterday as I couldn't find my decent secateurs or shears, did manage a bit of sawing though, and managed to crack my head on one of the poles.

I got through a huge pile of ironing in the afternoon, unfortunately someone (Rufus) has taken to chewing my ironing pile, is he trying to tell me something I wonder.

I have to take my cousin back to Aldershot today to pick up his dentures which he managed to break. We are then going back to his bungalow and I am hoping to get on with some wallpapering.

It was Taz's 2nd birthday yesterday and I totally forgot until one of his brothers mum messaged and wished him happy birthday, what a bad mother I am lol.

I hope you have a good day all.
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19-06-2013, 06:28 AM
Morning Lynn, LOL no it's just wirelsss!! I just did a troubleshoot and it told me the usb needed "fixing" so it fixed it and voila, it's gone all nice and free and easy again instead of all stick and gloopy.

I didn't do a catchup on your visit of yesterday Lynn, so apologies, but I don't think she's going to be happy anywhere in her current state, cos like you say, she feels frustrated that everything now has to be done for her, it's all so very sad isn't it, but you've done all you can now, don't beat yourself

Had a bad night with Zena. I don't think the reduction of the metronidazole's is going to work, I think her ibs is returning, so I will speak to my vet today. She's eaten her morning bonio and I gave her a charcoal biccie, so she's ok again this morning. She's doing that rapid breathing at night and yes, it's hot, but this is different and I know it so very well when I see the signs *sighs*

Bdooly keyboard has stopped again, I might throw it out the window and get anuvver one at Currys when I get annuver hoover this morning for the van. I don't think Advent is a very good make whatever it is, I'll get the Logitech or Ms one I think.

Off for walkies now, another busy day at the van sorting it out,popping into that little bedding store up the road first I need a bed topper and some pillow protectors so that I can get the beds made up. I'm doing a bit each day, the tv will be tomorrow and I might enlist the help of my previous tenant go set it up for me cos I'm pants with tv set ups.
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19-06-2013, 06:31 AM
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning H and all,
Just got drenched on our morning walk. We got 10mins into it and the heavens opened. I hoped it would be quick and tried to plough on but it wasn't so we turned back. Lily was not amused as she didn't have her rain mack on and greyhounds coats are not waterproof so she is soaked to the skin poor girl.

I spoke to the vet on the phone last night as where Lily damaged her dew claw and had to have the rest removed, it is still oozing, so she is leaving some antibiotics out for me to collect today and we will have to hope Lily doesn't react badly to these ones, like she always has to others in the past. She wants to see her again on Saturday. Not even simple things seem to go straightforward with my dogs .

Another very busy day works wise for me.

Hope you get that keyboard fixed H and hope the rest of you are ok.
Enjoy your day all.
Morning Bev, oh blimey, not more problems for dear Lily and those bimmin claws and feet, and I hope some ab's do the job Bev,must be a nightmare (bit like this keyboard lol!)

Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning H and all

Didn't get far with my hedge trimming yesterday as I couldn't find my decent secateurs or shears, did manage a bit of sawing though, and managed to crack my head on one of the poles.

I got through a huge pile of ironing in the afternoon, unfortunately someone (Rufus) has taken to chewing my ironing pile, is he trying to tell me something I wonder.

I have to take my cousin back to Aldershot today to pick up his dentures which he managed to break. We are then going back to his bungalow and I am hoping to get on with some wallpapering.

It was Taz's 2nd birthday yesterday and I totally forgot until one of his brothers mum messaged and wished him happy birthday, what a bad mother I am lol.

I hope you have a good day all.
Morning Gerry, this will be short, keyboard nowdyyying a very slow death here goodluck with cousin and hope the headdoesn't hurt tooooo much.
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19-06-2013, 06:55 AM

Poor Zena, what a shame the reduction doesn't seem to be working.

It's really muggy here already. No idea what I'm doing today. I think Michael is a bit OCD - he has all these little cars and they are all 'parked' on the unit at his eye level and he knows if they get moved and doesn't like it!

Have a good day everyone.
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19-06-2013, 07:02 AM
Good luck with all the work at the van Helena and sorry to hear Zena is a bit under the weather.
Oh no poor Lily and you Bev doesn't it just seem never ending. Gorden and I said we are going to hibernate.
Gerri you did get up that tower then and bumped your head for all your trouble.
Happy belated birthday Taz.
Oh dear Linda at least Michael may well end up very tidy if he has OCD tendencies.
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19-06-2013, 07:12 AM
Good morning everyone,

Helena Sorry you are having a problem with your keyboard. When you are a natural typist it is so annoying when you have to keep stopping to correct because the keys got stuck. Hope you get a bit more of the van sorted.

Lynn Sorry your mum is not very happy at the moment I am sure she will adjust once she gets used to not being able to do things for herself. Have a good day.

Bev Sorry to hear Lily got soaked through to the skin this morning and that her dew claw removal is not healing up properly. I hope the abs work and do not upset her. Fingers crossed.

Moetsmum belated birthday greetings to Taz.

Have a good day everyone, rather muggy here too. Hope it brightens up later. God bless.
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19-06-2013, 07:17 AM
Morning Helena and fellow members,

A very busy morning here organising the decorator and making sure where he is, the dogs can't get at the wet paint., walking the dogs and getting over to get my hair done for 11. I would much rather be here while the decorator is finishing off but I made my hair appointment for today thinking I was playing safe as all the work should have finished last Friday

I'm hoping my hairdresser can make a better job of my hair than last time which was the worse colour and cut I've had with her. You think she is listening and then she does exactly what she wants : ...... and she's never wrong

I'm sorry to hear about Zena and hope your worries are unfounded. Enjoy your walk and I hope you get everything done you've planned. Lynn your Mum is in the best place for her with full time care and you know that she is being fed and has more company than when she was at home. Gill needs time to herself to rest and having your Mum at her beck and call must have been an added stress.
Bev I really hope Lily is OK with the abs but what can you do other than give them to her to fight the infection. L.S. don't make an issue or comment on his 'tidiness' as hopefully he is just a tidy lad ..... a quality I'd love my boys to have had. Moet I remembered by boy's 2nd birthday 2 days later I hope your head is OK this morning and taking your cousin to get his denture goes smoothly.

I logged off early last night to get my ironing done and ended up on the phone chatting to a good friend which was much nicer. However I am sad to find that the ironing fairy didn't visit during the night and the pile is still there

I hope any poorly dogs and people are feeling better today.
See you mid afternoon.
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