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05-06-2022, 07:42 AM

Sulky Sunday 5th June 2022

Morning all. Yep I am sulking because I have been asked to a garden party and yep the weather is rubbish. Ah well galoshes and umbrellas me thinks. That's if it is held? Hope everyone is feeling ok today. Didn't come on yesterday as didn't have much to say, all the same here. Noting changes. Reading and wandering. Have a good day all.
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Sue L
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05-06-2022, 08:14 AM
Good morning Brenda

Enjoy the street party even though the weather is dull

Hope Dave feels a lot better today Chris and that you too Kazz are better

We have a street party this afternoon and a gazebo has been put up for the bbq area. We have been asked to make a cake to take too.

Hope all are well. Take care.
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05-06-2022, 09:46 AM
Morning all pouring down here there is said to be a thunderstorm today wonder if that was the cause of my headache and tiredness noticing I seem either to have to much time on my hands or am simply getting older and noticing "issues more" LOL
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05-06-2022, 09:48 AM
Have a good day all was going to a party get together at the allotments where I am part of the communal group we started as litter pickers then became gorilla gardener LOL but given our allotment plot is already below water logged level its not happening - ah well
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05-06-2022, 09:49 AM
Gert wants out for a run but I am loath to get soaked twice in one morning but think this may be the better end of this storm so may be off shortly. No idea why dogs can't step into the garden in the rain but show them a lead they are deep sea walkers. LOL
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05-06-2022, 09:50 AM
Right braving the weather back shortly.
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05-06-2022, 10:29 AM
Good morning all.

Dave is no better so a day in today which is just as well as the weather is awful.

Plumber has been and outside tap fitted and working. £70 in total so very reasonable

There was supposed to be a picnic on the park event this afternoon on the village green, but, of course, that's a wash out. Such a shame
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05-06-2022, 02:51 PM
Oh no Chris that's a shame, please pass on my best wishes to him.

That is good service from the plumber as well not a bad price either is it straight through the wall in copper or a flexible thingy? surprising how handy they are.

Yes the parties here are cancelled as well the big one in B'ham city centre and also the local one at Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens.
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05-06-2022, 04:37 PM
Copper pipe, Kazz.

The plumber never overcharges us. We've used him for years.
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05-06-2022, 05:17 PM
Well just caught the end of todays proceedings have been watching on and off so to speak but today thought watch the end. when The Queen came out and I found myself tearing up totally unexpectedly.
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