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01-06-2022, 12:51 AM

Daily thread Wednesday 1st June 2022

Pinch punch first of the month!
Wide awake unable to sleep I am supposed to be awake at 4am to sedate Kota so may as well just stay awake now. Will be glad when this surgery is over and then she's back home hopefully without having wrecked her back!! Praying they get good margins this time same as last time
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01-06-2022, 04:57 AM
Morning Kelly, I am awake to but not as early as you. I was 5 am Going out for lunch today, yep first time in yonks. Hope all goes well for Kota and you. Have a good day everyone. Sun's up which is why I wake up.
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01-06-2022, 05:17 AM
Enjoy lunch Brenda
I didn't go to sleep, gave Kota her sedatives and couldn't get to sleep myself so figured it's pointless trying
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01-06-2022, 09:09 AM
Little pooch is at the vets, they are going to try and find the second lump.... good to do it all in one go.
Going to do her early on so I get her back early too, he wrote care on her paperwork so they know to be super careful with her neck and back
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01-06-2022, 12:29 PM
Got her call before 12could I collect at 12.30 lol. He has removed 2 lumps and he said one looked like a fatty lump but both have gone for histology and they got good margins on both. She kept them all entertained bless her.
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01-06-2022, 12:42 PM
Good afternoon all

So glad you've got that over and done with Kelly. I can never sleep the night before any appointments either for us or Rosie and even before we go on a trip. Very annoying. I hope there will be no ill effects from the op

Enjoy your meal out Brenda.

Drum roll - coat has now been delivered and it fits - yay. Quality not brilliant but it will do in spring and autumn when it rains. Rather than being undersized as the reviews said, it's actually a bit big, but I like 'em that way anyway
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01-06-2022, 03:50 PM
Oh that's great Chris!! And brilliant that it fits
I just think it's a lot of things, dog and other stuff
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Sue L
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01-06-2022, 04:36 PM
Good afternoon

Pleased Kota is back home and her back appears to be ok. Fingers crossed for a good result

Pleased coat fits Chris.

Had the girls this morning as Ben had to go into work to hand everything in as it was his last day. He starts a new job on Monday. Been shopping with them this afternoon as he needs shirts, jumpers, trousers and shoes. No more sitting in shorts, trainers or bare feet

Hope all are well. Take care
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01-06-2022, 05:40 PM
Evening everyone.
Well another busy week not sure this retirement lark is all it's cracked up to be. We seem busier now than when Gorden worked.

Sunday Betsy the Bernese came with her hoomans to see where we lived and make sure we were who we said we were, she will be coming from the 12th August to 28th.
Monday I was sitting Freya who was a very unhappy girl teething again, Gorden went to the funeral of a friend.
Today Freya sitting again but a lot happier today.
Tomorrow off to Cromer till Sunday trying out the new pump up tent.

Next week 3 days with Freya we are all on holiday on the 13th till the 19th so Lauren is doing an extra day next week so she can have a day off when back to catch up with washing.
They are finding it difficult juggling work and Freya and home stuff I do what I can while there.

griff glad the op is done with and fingers crossed the lumps are not concerning.
brenda hope you had a good lunch.
Sue good luck to Ben Monday.
Chris glad the coat fits.

Hope everyone is well.
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01-06-2022, 05:52 PM
Lunch out didn't happen will give a run down later of what happened.
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