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Sue L
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14-10-2021, 08:51 AM

Daily Chat Thursday 14th October

Good morning everyone

Hope you andDillon had a better night Lynn

Did they pick up the lawn mower or are you still waiting Kelly?

Overcast here today. Teazle walked,veg done and a bit of gardening - cut down a clematis and pruned some rose bushes. The bin is now full and it was only emptied on Monday

Well things are beginning to come together on Ben's house. Work tops being fitted on Monday and hopefully the patio being laid next week. He has ordered his fridge freezer whilst he can get a good discount and that arrives at the beginning of November. I think I am going to have a busy few weeks waiting for deliveries etc.

Hope l are well. Take care
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14-10-2021, 09:51 AM
Morning Sue
Nope...still have the mower, my other one was supposed to be delivered yesterday...never came, says now between 14-16th!!
Got booked in for my covid booster, go next Thursday afternoon, gives me enough time to increase my steroids.
Sue .. you are deffo going to be busy!!! Hope they get dry weather for the patio
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14-10-2021, 10:53 AM
Morning Sue, griff and all to follow.
Clouding over here think we have rain soon.
Decided to take Dillon to the vet to be weighed when I brush him I can feel his shoulder blades ribs which should be covered on a Bernese you should be able to press slightly to feel them and of course his hip bones.
He was last weighed in June at the end and had put a little weight back on he has now lost weight again down to 57 kgs.
2.2kgs lost in 2 months. He is eating well and has quite a lot of treats.
A better night last night till 2.30 about 5 mins restlessness till he decided where to settle then slept outside from 6.30 till his breakfast at 7.30.

Oh dear griff sorry the mower is turning out to be a complete pain in the proverbial.
Busy again Sue and so glad the house is coming along a t a good pac e.
Hoping you are feeling a better today Kazz.

Stay safe everyone.
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14-10-2021, 01:08 PM
Awwww Lynn, do you think it's like how old people go? The appetite stays but they just lose weight?? Very pleased he settled for you last night.
Apparently my mower and two other things are coming....fingers crossed, not quite sure I will be able to lift the mower
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14-10-2021, 03:54 PM
Fingers crossed for the mower and other parcels arrive for you griff.
Don't go lifting it if it's to heavy griff.

Yes the weight loss could be to do with similar to old people, Gorden aso wonders if it's to do with the muscle loss to.
I am wondering if his early stage kidney disease is a contributing factor also, I guess it could be a combination of all 3.
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14-10-2021, 04:58 PM
Bless him Lynn...give him a squish from us
Well, mower is it in and after much swearing about screw holes been in ridiculous places...I built it and my two lawns are cut!! It didn't look like it was going to start so I swore a bit at it....that obviously did the trick as it started!!! It's very light, and also very quick!! The sweat was bucketing out of me and the lawns aren't massive, I resemble a beetroot lol just glad that they look a little tidier
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14-10-2021, 04:59 PM
Hope Kazz is doing o.k
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14-10-2021, 05:12 PM
Goodness griff take it easy now.
Tyre kick or a good swear or both usually helps if only to make us feel better.

Yes hope Kazz is resting that's why she isn't on on today.
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14-10-2021, 07:02 PM
Lol....yes Lynn. The put screw holes behind fitted wheels!! Got it done eventually
Just fitted some of that insulation stuff that goes behind your sat in the living room for a couple of days and I guess it would stay there unless I did it. It was very easy... double sided tape and it only took 3 minutes
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