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26-02-2017, 09:27 PM

Puppy hates the brush, need advice

I know newfoundlands need alot of grooming in order to keep mats and tangles away. I try GENTLY Brushing My 11 week old newfoundland for a few minutes every night now for the past 3 weeks. It's a fight every time. He tries biting the comb/brush constantly. I try to desensitize him by letting him sniff it. I've even put the brush in his kennel with him over night. I also attempt to distract him with toys or treats. Nothing seems to work.

Is there a trick I'm Missing?
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Chris is offline  
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26-02-2017, 10:28 PM
The tubes of cheese work well as you can release very little of it and the dog will lick at the tube to work for the next bit.

It takes their mind off the brush, distracts them from grabbing the brush and rewards them for not biting at it.

Eventually, the treat drops off and you have a dog that loves grooming.
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Gnasher is offline  
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26-02-2017, 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by Mattsn View Post
I know newfoundlands need alot of grooming in order to keep mats and tangles away. I try GENTLY Brushing My 11 week old newfoundland for a few minutes every night now for the past 3 weeks. It's a fight every time. He tries biting the comb/brush constantly. I try to desensitize him by letting him sniff it. I've even put the brush in his kennel with him over night. I also attempt to distract him with toys or treats. Nothing seems to work.

Is there a trick I'm Missing?
Yup!! He doesn't like being groomed! Cos it hurts! He is probably like my Ben and has hypersensitive skin. However, just like Ben your Newfie needs to be groomed else he gets mats and tangles... so forget all the distraction techniques, and concentrate on the job in hand ... which is to groom him. If possible, do not try to comb out any mats or tangles but cut these off with scissors. Then to prevent new mats and tangles forming, brush him regularly ... don't tolerate any intransigence, if he mouths you or shows any aggression whatsoever, even though you are being very very gentle and avoiding tugging on his tender skin at all costs, then muzzle him. With these heavy coated dogs it is absolutely essential to groom them regularly and we do this with our Ben.

We adopted Ben 6 years ago - he was virtually a wild animal with a coat so matted that it took a whole day for the groomers to work through this and remove what they needed to and groom him. It has taken us 5 years to be able to groom him without a muzzle! But at last we have achieved success - by being kind, gentle but persistent at the same time. Gentleness is the absolute key ... you must make absolutely sure that you never nick him with scissors or tug harshly on a tangle, gently, gently gently all the way, and you will gradually win him round.

Best of luck to you --- you have time and youth on your side!!
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26-02-2017, 11:35 PM
I always started grooming my puppies off the ground, either on a bench or grooming table. I don't allow any silliness, but I do keep the lessons very short to begin with, and always reward for good behaviour, and standing still. As Gnasher says, do not tug at any knots until your puppy will accept a routine grooming. Sometimes you can split the tangles with your fingers, as they lie next to you on the floor, or a sofa, otherwise cut through them with good groomers scissors. Make a point of handling his teeth and feet too, in preparation for future tooth cleaning and nail care.
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27-02-2017, 01:15 AM
I appreciate the replies I'm definitely going to try the tunes of chease as a reward and distraction.

As for knots and tangles, I don't pull on them at all. I'm not concerned with them at this time as I'm only trying to get him used to feeling the brush.

He is not aggressive he just doesn't like it.

Thanks again
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