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04-11-2010, 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by Trouble View Post
We have the same stupid booking system which is cr@p especially if you need ongoing appointments which are about 4 weeks ahead but I spoke to the receptionist and now when I ring if there's nothing available they give me one of the ones for the next day.
Our receptionists are little hitlars and won't bend and I am not going to stand there telling them my problems in hope they will be more understanding. I will sort myself enough to make that call and pesist until I get through.

Originally Posted by greyhoundk View Post
Yep same at my docs too and they only book appointments two weeks in advance, are you far from the docs you'd be best to go into the surgery and book it face to face either that or i call at 8.30 like you said its constantly engaged but i just keep trying till i get through
You can't go in as you have to phone for the appointments between 8 and 8.30 and thier doors are not open then. I know if I go in later and try and make an appointment and they say no I will just break down and cry and I hate crying in front of people.

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
After reading your update there Bev, I think it's time for a little help, and although you say you won't know what to say when you get in there, believe you me, you'll probably sit there and break down in tears and the doc will know straight away how to help you! I can 100% guarantee that, because if you remember, I put up a thread about poor Dave a short while ago, and he said the very same thing about going to the doc, but then when he got there, he just broke down in tears and let it all spill out (I wish I was a fly on the wall, coz I would love to have known whether I might have been the cause, or at least part of it ) Anyway, after being prescribed these little daily pills, I can honestly say, he's perked right up, over the past 3 months, he's enthusiastic about work again, he's enthusiastic about everything again, and most of all he's what I'd call "normal" again, he laughs, he talks to me and when he gets totally stressed out about something, he just walks away for a minute, or manages to let it go over his head without blowing a gasket. Sadly, the doctor now wants to wean him off them I'm getting a bit worried about that, but hopefully, if he stays in this current frame of mind it will all be ok.

So you see Bev, I'm on the outside looking in, just as I was with Dave, and I'm absolutely positive, that if you made that appointment and went to the docs you will get this much needed help in one form or another. You're not going mad, you've just had too much stress of late, well, for a really long time quite honestly, just like my Dave, and there's only so much a person can take, and you've been quite a star in managing to take the amount that you took over the past few months, and your brain is now overloaded, it can't cope, it's all in a mess, gone into meltdown, you fly off at the slightest of things because your brain just can't take anymore. You definitely need these pills Bev, and it won't be for long, but they really will help to ease all of that pain let alone how you probably can't even think straight at the moment. Worst case scenario would be you end up having a breakdown and we don't want that do we. Nobody on this earth could have handled the stress you've been through, all that organising for Shady, all that worry, all that rushing about, travelling to and fro, it's been an absolute nightmare for you that nobody would wish on anyone, and now it's payback time, your emotions and everything else have got on top of you, you need some c-a-l-m, you need to be able to think rationally, nobody is out to hurt you, not even your family, it really could be the way your brain is looking at it in it's current worn out state.

I'm rambling now, so I'll just reitterate my advice, and only because I've seen how effective that little bit of help from the doctor can be, so please, please, please, get yourself off to see him! ((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))).xxxxxx
Thanks H, I remember you going through that with Dave, he has been so lucky to have you. I wish I had a supportive husband then perhaps I wouldn't be here now. I sat and listed all that has happenned to me through my life and it really is very scary, but i have just pushed through it and tried to forget it.
I think everything is coming back at once now though and biting me hard.

Originally Posted by Dobermann View Post
Oh, I'm so sorry, I don't know you but you must be feeling pretty low about things just now. I have to say I agree with others that I think they need to stand on their own two feet as I think you are being taken for granted and they may not even realise it yet. Sometimes when you are the strong one that 'sorts stuff out' and are there for everyone else, people forget that actually you need help and support too. Don't feel bad for loving your pets either. I think you probably should let them know how you are feeling though as it may be that they are very busy and sometimes, even when people should realise stuff, they don't. If its too hard to say, maybe an email or letter? Even talking things out with someone else may help. I think one of the other posters idea on here is a good one too - if its hard to start talking about this to someone face-to-face, such as a doctor then even printing off what you have written and letting them see that. If the thought of what they may say/think/do is putting you off, don't let it because actually, thats not happened yet, also if the thought of medication puts you off, remember the talking itself can be a major help as well as resouces they can put you on to/let you know about. And don't be embarassed to ask for support from others either. Remember you are a valuable individual and as worth looking after as anyone else. No one thinks your mad.
Thankyou I am trying to gear myself up to get that appointment I am so scared of breaking down in the waiting room though and everyone staring at me. i don't know if i can cope with that.

Originally Posted by majuka View Post
I'm so sorry to hear how you are feeling Bev. I am very saddened and angered at how your sons are treating you, you deserve so much better.

You are so well thought of on Dogsey and have many friends on here. We are all here for
Thankyou for your kind words

Originally Posted by Dobermann View Post
OK, get a pen and paper. Get a cuppa, sit down and write down what you have to do tommorow. NOT what should be done like hoover, dishes etc but what MUST be done, i.e. get up at 7am, get washed, get dressed, let dogs out, 8.30am - go to doctors and book appointment. (just example of what I mean - not always good at describing!) Do it that way, then tommorow, don't think about what should be done, just tick off the list. Deal with it one thing at a time but deal with it. You will feel better even just for taking that step. Don't pressure yourself when you feel like that, just one thing at one time and you will get there.
It all sounds so easy when you put it like that, but I just don't seem to have the get up and go and energy to actually do it when it comes down to it. I will though i'm working on it.

Originally Posted by Lou View Post
I've been where you are now Bev Everything that you've described above.......I kept putting off going to the doctors, even bought myself some Karms.......Now I've been on medication for 2 years or so and I feel better

Write down how you're feeling, what's bothering you and what you'd like to tell the doctor, then book that appointment.

I think counselling would help you, it's somewhere to go, and someone to talk too on a weekly basis..........Please make that call x
Thankyou and I am glad you got the help and are feeling better now. Its just getting that ooomph to actually go and remember to go and do things too. I seem to forget everything within seconds.

Originally Posted by settagirl View Post
Enjoy your day with Lynn today Bev, it will do you the power of good.
Thankyou I will, she will be here soon and I am determined that it will be a happy day too. I can't thank her enough for giving up her time to spend it with me.
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04-11-2010, 05:28 PM
Hi, I hope you are feeling a bit lighter after coming on here and your dog walk. I realise no miracles will have happened but hopefully its helped.

It all sounds so easy when you put it like that, but I just don't seem to have the get up and go and energy to actually do it
Thats the thing, when your feeling as low as you do, its so hard just to concentrate on getting one thing done but thats why I say, take the pressure off and just have one priority that day and one alone. Don't let yourself over-think it, that actually stops you doing it. Just make the doctors that priority. Even ask a friend to call for you to arrange an appointment while you are there if you can. Otherwise, just think as long as you do one thing that day..

good luck with everything and remember things will improve, even if it dosn't feel like it right now, they will
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04-11-2010, 05:48 PM
Hello Bev,

Im new here but read your post with much sadness. I also have Fibromyagia and live alone, having lost my husband at quite a young age, to a heart attack in the middle of the night whilst sleeping next to me.

I have two children that live quite close and had problems with my daughter for many years, but thankfully she has now grown up and realised the world does not "owe" her, but it took a lot of soul searching and heart break on my part to get through this with her.

As for the dreaded Fibro - well what can I say? I am also diabetic and although I know in time this will be (or what is associated with it) my silent killer, I would, if given the choice of a cure between the 2, opt for a cure to Fibro which will not kill me, that just tortures us instead
Sadly the majority of people that have not experienced FM or for that matter ME, CFS will not understand it and how can they, we look perfectly healthy on the outside.
Have you read the story about "too many spoons"? It sums up Fibro very well and I gave it to my new partner to read, it is very clever and puts it into words I could never have written. Can put you a copy if you want?

Take care x
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04-11-2010, 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by Marnie1981 View Post
Hello Bev,

Im new here but read your post with much sadness. I also have Fibromyagia and live alone, having lost my husband at quite a young age, to a heart attack in the middle of the night whilst sleeping next to me.

I have two children that live quite close and had problems with my daughter for many years, but thankfully she has now grown up and realised the world does not "owe" her, but it took a lot of soul searching and heart break on my part to get through this with her.

As for the dreaded Fibro - well what can I say? I am also diabetic and although I know in time this will be (or what is associated with it) my silent killer, I would, if given the choice of a cure between the 2, opt for a cure to Fibro which will not kill me, that just tortures us instead
Sadly the majority of people that have not experienced FM or for that matter ME, CFS will not understand it and how can they, we look perfectly healthy on the outside.
Have you read the story about "too many spoons"? It sums up Fibro very well and I gave it to my new partner to read, it is very clever and puts it into words I could never have written. Can put you a copy if you want?

Take care x
What a lovely post from a new member

That's not to say to all the "older m embers" your posts aren't lovely, just thought it was important to commend a new member for posting in such a tender and empathetic way.

Bev, please don't be scared of breaking down in the waiting room...I have been there, when I was at my worst my doc used to come out to the car park and shout on me I sat in the car rather than waiting room

But you know though we don't like to think of it Docs have (well some of them anyway) dealt with this type of illness before, and they have put many a person on the path to recovery. My doc used to tell me tears were my minds way of getting rid of all the overload, and I think he was right.

If you had continually hit your leg, or rather if other people had continually hit your leg with a big stick your leg would break, that is all that has happened Bev, your mind has been continually hit, and I am guessing over the years there has been so much more than we know, but that's it all these things you have had to deal with are all blows with that proverbial sledgehammer and finally your mind has broken, but that's ok because although it is broken it can be mended and the join will be a new strong bond and it WILL make you stronger, I promise.

Huge hugs
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04-11-2010, 06:41 PM

I remember clearly trying to drive myself home once. I couldn't..........I had to stop in a car park and gather myself and phone the doctors....I DID cry down the phone line...All I told the receptionist was that it was a mental health issue and I needed an emergency me, I was seen within the hour. In that time I was able to go home, tidy myself up,and get to the doctors.I held it together until I was in my appointment and then crashed.....My doctor let me cry, passed me some tissues and let me say what I needed to say. I was prescribed anti-depressants and was asked to go back in two weeks.Not much was said or done other than that as she knew I needed some time for the medication to work before I was actually able to talk properly....

It is incredibly hard but if you had a broken leg you would see them and they would help. everyone else would also see and help you out.....Mental health issues are hard as it is like screaming on the inside whilst putting on a brave face.....

Benzmum and I have had many conversations when we have needed each other over the last couple of need to find someone who you can jabber at.....and if it is us, then great....

Things will get better, you need some help as Lynne says to heal......we have both travelled this path and know what it is like......(((((HUGS)))))
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04-11-2010, 06:55 PM
I am so sorry to hear of this. Children can be very hurtful when they fail to show the love and care they should. My Mum has been through this with my brother so I know how hurtful it has been to her to cope with his unkindness and seeming indifference.

I can empathise with your fibromyalgia too as I have this and it is very misunderstood as people can't see what pain you are in and how low and depressed it can make you feel.

Sending prayers and thoughts

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04-11-2010, 08:14 PM
Just a thought Bev, as I know how intimidating this new doctor's system can be, i.e. you have to stand there and tell the receptionist your embarrassing reasons WHY you want to see a doctor in front of the whole queue Been there Just pick up the phone and I know it will always be engaged, but keep at it, usually late morning is quite favourable and speak to them over the phone to make that appointment. Alternatively, you can actually ask for a "telephone appointment" with a doctor, they ring you back within an hour (well, they do here at my surgery), and you can have a chat over the phone and take it from there maybe? I'm just offering this advice in case you don't know about some of this, and most of all, I do hope you're feeling a bit more upbeat today after reading all this fantastic help and support on here, we all love ya Bev.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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04-11-2010, 10:31 PM
Sweetie, have you thought about asking for counselling - just someone to unload to and who can offer suggestions and advice on coping strategies for all the issues?
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04-11-2010, 10:50 PM
My screen is suddenly very blurry, I feel so sad that you're in this situation and can only reiterate other people's points that you simply have to put yourself first hun, I almost cried when I read that you walked home from the hospital in your slippers, know you love them but what children allow their parent to do that, I don't drive but if it was my mum I'd be in a taxi quicker than you could blink whatever the cost. My elderly grandfather lived with us for some time before he died and gradually went downhill whilst he was here and though it was awful to watch him become this frail old man rather than the strong man I'd grown up with I wouldn't swap it for anything because when it really counted we were there for him and he knew how much he meant to us. I'm actually crying thinking about it. Remember that you're never really alone and do try to talk to someone about the pain you're feeling, both physical and emotional, I know it's easier said than done but the initial embarresment must be worth it for the long term benefits. Massive hugs. xxx
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04-11-2010, 11:35 PM
Hi bev,
Do your doctors surgery not to emergency appointments? Most do!
If I phone mine and they have no appoingments, I say "I need an emergency appointment"
They do ask questions like why do you need it, just explain you are really struggling with your mental health, or ask for a telephone appointment - the doctor will probably ask yu to come in and make an appointment for you.

You really need to get some help *hugs*
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